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Titanic: Honor and Glory Demo 401 v1.4 (Day Time)


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Информация о Titanic: Honor and Glory Demo 401 v1.4 (Day Time)

Название :  Titanic: Honor and Glory Demo 401 v1.4 (Day Time)
Продолжительность :   1.02.24
Дата публикации :  
Просмотров :   2 jt

Кадры Titanic: Honor and Glory Demo 401 v1.4 (Day Time)

Описание Titanic: Honor and Glory Demo 401 v1.4 (Day Time)

Коментарии Titanic: Honor and Glory Demo 401 v1.4 (Day Time)

Profirio Jordan
Is it just me or call of duty brought me here ? Lol
Comment from : Profirio Jordan

Ahahaha bro u have shittyass comp like me
Comment from : MRNIKUSHA101

Matty Marinera
Ghost spotted at 51:20 dancing through dining room (top left side of screen) 👀 😯
Comment from : Matty Marinera

I rather watch this than going through oceangate
Comment from : R

Joseph Hernandez
You can't compare a modern day cruise ship to this but my goodness She was soo luxurious for her time!!! They were supposed to make a replica of this ship to set sail and everything but I think it was far too expensive
Comment from : Joseph Hernandez

Toui S
Great 😌👍🐟
Comment from : Toui S

Chuckey 2015
Today the titanic would be a tourist attraction if I didn’t sink People would be paying hundreds of dollars to walk the ship
Comment from : Chuckey 2015

My pc is burning
Comment from : T1m

"Not even God himself could sink this ship"br-- Employee of the White Star Line, at the brlaunch of the Titanic, May 31, 1911
Comment from : newygreek

Huzurlu adam
Müzik cesur yürek ve titaniğin karışımı gibi olmuş bu arada
Comment from : Huzurlu adam

***VIXEN ***
I would’ve love to be able to save the ship steer it clear from any possibility of hitting the iceberg
Comment from : ***VIXEN ***

jose carlos alonso vazquez
Es tan aterrador que todo eso se hundiera en el mar,no me extraña que haya sido historia de los mares,increíble
Comment from : jose carlos alonso vazquez

User Zzz
Die wunderschönen Holzböden
Comment from : User Zzz

Pedro Sobral
Nossa mas esses corredores eram mais largos né?
Comment from : Pedro Sobral

Eevi Alasalmi
It's realistic ship titanic like ship from history
Comment from : Eevi Alasalmi

51:30 SO there´s the door's lintel who saved Rose in the moviebr wwwplanetacuriosocom/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/titanic-curiosidades-768x510jpegbrIsn't it?
Comment from : pescao

Tom Kills
Superb !
Comment from : Tom Kills

now same thing should be done eith the world trend center, the pyramids, etc That's how vr should be advertised Apple if you hear us 🤞
Comment from : holo

Hari Sudharsan
Comment from : Hari Sudharsan

Hari Sudharsan
Comment from : Hari Sudharsan

Todo maravilloso pero debieron aportar información sobre cada lugar del recorrido
Comment from : XsamuraiX

Tiago Jesus
Legal muito bom gostei muito
Comment from : Tiago Jesus

Прекрасное видео и музыка отлично подобранаbrЯ прям чувствую эту атмосферу и это место! Авторам и создателям этого симулятора и видео большой респект! Это волшебноbrВ этом и прелесть современного мира - мы можем побывать и погулять в месте , которое было больше 100 лет назад Это Восхитительно и очень Красиво! Прекрасно! Великолепно! Идеально! Блестяще!
Comment from : Bo1in

Dang!! Was disappointed in the video game speed this tour was given and the fact nothing was labeled or explained like: Deck C or 2nd class cabins etc Oh well
Comment from : Sugar

Просто шедевр! Я бы с удовольствием поиграл в эту игру Всегда было интересно посмотреть интерьер Титаника Качество графики просто отличное 👍🏻brХочу пожелать успехов создателям в развитии этой игры
Comment from : Егор

Никита Михайлов
I have got dream but Titanic was giant airship and flight about 10000 meters above level ocean
Comment from : Никита Михайлов

Priscy Torres
Fascinante animación!!
Comment from : Priscy Torres

Royal Punjab
Great work ❤
Comment from : Royal Punjab

Flávio Hipólito
Uau incrível 😮
Comment from : Flávio Hipólito

Venus Violet
Peoples graveyard
Comment from : Venus Violet

Chavo Del Ocho
Next: Hindenburg
Comment from : Chavo Del Ocho

Precision Rigging
Yea 5 days service life out of this world
Comment from : Precision Rigging

The Guy In The Car
It pains me so much to know that the time and labor to prepare her for her maiden voyage was wasted 😔💔
Comment from : The Guy In The Car

ayşe s
türk hamamı bile varmış vay bee
Comment from : ayşe s

Yohana Bastidas
It's amazing and beautiful ❤😮
Comment from : Yohana Bastidas

Queen of Marine ⚓️
There's so Mach of the titanic wreckage that hasn't been explored because we can't get to it; multiple decks that are unaccessible that likely still hold invaluable artifacts and peices of individual histories from the people who perished brI hope I am alive to see the technology that lets us discover what's buried beneath all those layers of rotting ship at the bottom of the ocean
Comment from : Queen of Marine ⚓️

Kobo si buron
Comment from : Kobo si buron

I could see how so many people died on the ship It’s so easy to get lost That’s what I heard was responsible for so many people dying, they just simply got lost and couldn’t find a way up
Comment from : Spartanshaq777

49:37 jack waiting roesand they kissing there 🥲❤❤😢
Comment from : MRKhai1M

The Iva Problem
This video is facinating, absolutely amazing, she really was truly magnificent, such a sad tragedy for so many RIP lost souls at sea
Comment from : The Iva Problem

Куда бежать то ?😮
Comment from : Максим

Comment from : chamaeleonidae

That irish touch given to Titanic i just love
Comment from : BlackPower

Outsider Songs
Its still heartbreaking and so futile, what happened to the Titanic It never even completed its first crossing You can only conclude that the ship was not competent Royal Mail Ships were designed to plough through ice fields at top speed and weave around icebergs efficiently Their hulls wouldn't rip open passing bodies of ice The crew were experienced and trained for royal mail ships That was their specialised skill and they sailed it like a royal mail shipbrbrThe final stages of its construction were rushed to get it ready for its first passage 2nd class passengers found workmen's sandwiches left behind in their cabins In places, carpets were laid improperly There was a rush job and some passengers were alarmed and made complaints This might be why there were last minute cancellations Something did not feel right to those people, like those who cancelled their Titan tripbrbrIts still not fully understood why the Titanic sank, on a structural and engineering level but I suspect this rush job at the end, pairing luxury with a Royal Mail Ship in a way that compromised function and a weak hull were the causebrbrThe tickets for the highest tier of cabins cost £100,000 in today's money Rich men paid that to drown Even the cheapest third class tickets were expensive - around £800 in today's money Imagine that for a family with children People had put everything they had, sold everything, uprooted, to invest in a fresh start in America and Atlantic crossings had reached a point where they were pretty safebrbrIt breaks my heart The White Star Line put profit before safety and betrayed every single soul on board that ship, except Ismay, who had tricked himself He really believed in the Titanic, passionately sobrbrI worry about the super liners now being built, which are absolutely enormous compared to Titanic Even with the best safety, the open sea is powerful and dangerous and there will always be ships sinking The more people there are on a ship (9000 passengers on super liners), the greater the potential tragedy In wild seas, one issue in past wrecks is lifeboats being destroyed the moment they touch the waterbrbrMaritime safety is not something that belongs in the past It is a current and ongoing issue For as long as there are oceans and ships, ships WILL sinkbrbrAnyway, rant over Those giant liners are a disaster waiting to happen just for being ships with thousands of people on board We must face the open sea with humility and great care
Comment from : Outsider Songs

TW Entertainment
I'm just seeing this video man wat a beautiful ship it was
Comment from : TW Entertainment

Séb Bou
Need an update with the sinking moment, would be delightful to play
Comment from : Séb Bou

Francesca Dellacasa
Comment from : Francesca Dellacasa

Создатели этой великолепной виртуальной реальности уже вписали свои имена золотыми буквами в историю, наравне с Кэмероном Труд не менее титанический, чем съёмки Титаника
Comment from : Андрей

Wow This is better than getting on a sub and risking your life
Comment from : wizK420

This is Amazing
Comment from : sydmmr1985

Luxo r arogancia apdrecendo no fundo do mar Nao seria um alerta O povo demora aprender Humildade simplicidade nao faz mau a ninguém
Comment from : Gilbertocastellani

sol cutta
Bet it was great exploringregardless of the frame drops 😂😉 Bet it was like that feelingno one has seen this in 70 odd years
Comment from : sol cutta

sol cutta
Amazing job they did on this
Comment from : sol cutta

Elys D
You made all the wood around the staircase like a light pine color I have been in many, many Victorian homes and owned them - with original trim and colors- and they liked rich, dark woods or dark tints to the stains on lighter wood Mahogany, Cherry, Rosewood, were commonbrbrPine and light colored wood was used in back (staff/maid) rooms or utility closets, if it were used at all They definitely would not make the main staircase look like modern light pine- bare of deeper antiquing Even oaks (used for sturdiness or where water would contact) were stained a deeper color They commonly used a 'brush on wipe off' method with deeper stain colors to leave darker color in recesses for a more dramatic look to scrollwork, etc Reddish or burgundy color tints to stains were common
Comment from : Elys D

Rana sh
تكرب وتخنك اصلا يمه مرعبه
Comment from : Rana sh

Viviani Victoria Souza flementini
Luxuoso mas claustrofóbico
Comment from : Viviani Victoria Souza flementini

Antivegan  propaganda
No one kitchen?????
Comment from : Antivegan propaganda

Ravi Chandan
Akhand Bhaarat ❤ at 10:03 Amazing detailing Love from India
Comment from : Ravi Chandan

Людмила Олейник
Мощь и красота Титаника потрясает ,когда его строили все были уверены , что корабль будет служить долго,но увыВсе это великолепие и мощь рухнула в один момент его непотопляемости
Comment from : Людмила Олейник

Nath Notez
Good map for a first person shooter , looks great would love this on my vr to just have a look around
Comment from : Nath Notez

Jake Cavendish
I met a woman who had been on the Titanic She said the majority of the journey was pleasant but people always dwell on the negatives
Comment from : Jake Cavendish

x y
me looking for the lavatory
Comment from : x y

Tomáš Šukaš Párek
Olympic looked the same and they scrapped it
Comment from : Tomáš Šukaš Párek

Great scoot!! 😳
Comment from : しゅん

Adeny S
Esse não é o verdadeiro Titanic, pois na época não tinha como filmar assim
Comment from : Adeny S

Teddy Stauffer
Comment from : Teddy Stauffer

Егор Ларионов
Comment from : Егор Ларионов

So hard to believe 💔
Comment from : Mech-Verse

Philip Langberg
my brain can not comprehend how this was even made Simply amazing
Comment from : Philip Langberg

Clorinda Tine
It’s a maze brI’d be lost in there brAlso they made the ship so huge with so much detail, only for it last on water for four days How long did it take them to put all that furniture in there
Comment from : Clorinda Tine

So is this something where you can navigate yourself through this?
Comment from : MontcomHorror

Arup Sanyal
Amazing architectural details it’s not easy to research this ship interior great work … Really appreciate the time and effort been put into making this …
Comment from : Arup Sanyal

Kelly Stacy
Bravo, magnificient
Comment from : Kelly Stacy

V Gaming
This feels like a Cyan game without the puzzles
Comment from : V Gaming

There craftsmanship in every inch
Comment from : Spright91

Ge Su
Говорят на нём затонул даже Леонардо Ди Каприо
Comment from : Ge Su

I wonder how the Titanic passengers that got off at the stop in France felt after everything that happened
Comment from : 태선우TaeSunWoo

Nils Holgersson
The ship was a Wonder !
Comment from : Nils Holgersson

Audrey Shanks
There's something about antique designs that I'm drawn to: pehaps the colour and pattern? brbrAs a pianist, it saddens me that five pianos, along with the ship and its inner beauty, and most importantly, the lives of over 2000 people perished brbrRest in peace to all those who lost their lives on the Titanic; they won't be forgottenbrbrHowever, I am, like many others, extremely grateful for the technology that allows us to "view" the Titanic from our screens Thank you for making this - it must have taken a lot of effort! It feels like I'm on a "tour" on the boat before impending doom, unknownly of what's about to happen 💔
Comment from : Audrey Shanks

Pedro Cunha
Comment from : Pedro Cunha

dylan scronce
Guys The Britannic was pretty much identical
Comment from : dylan scronce

Storytime Fun!
Wow, you feel your on board the ship Sending 💖💝💗To ALL the beautiful perished souls of The Titanic and the Titan And to my father who died at sea 💓Farewell You are remembered May there be safety protections followed as technology & advancements for mankind are made or discovered
Comment from : Storytime Fun!

I don't know if I agree with it morally, but it is only a matter of time before we go beyond this and actually simulate, with great accuracy, the sinking
Comment from : Username

Monique Hermans
What A Beautifull design! Timeless ❤
Comment from : Monique Hermans

Comment from : CARLOS SON

Iggywiggywoo 3000
Is that the real Titanic?
Comment from : Iggywiggywoo 3000

If they built this ship today, if I got into it, I would watch it again with admiration
Comment from : Muchkin

People's who's here because of the submarine ???
Comment from : MHG W

Abraham Guzmán Buraye
Más que hermoso 😢
Comment from : Abraham Guzmán Buraye

Hom Tardy
Can anyone tell me what the music is called? It's so relaxing
Comment from : Hom Tardy

80 80
I hope in a couple of years the model will be filled with women in the cabins, and badguys to shoot in the boiler room
Comment from : 80 80

Michele Bedard
“My computer started crying” 😂
Comment from : Michele Bedard

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