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Samantha Nutt on the Problems of Volunteer Tourism | NowThis


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Название :  Samantha Nutt on the Problems of Volunteer Tourism | NowThis
Продолжительность :   3.46
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Просмотров :   63 rb

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Коментарии Samantha Nutt on the Problems of Volunteer Tourism | NowThis

Wow- one size fits all! All voluntourism is bad? Like anything, it’s what you make of it Our voluntourism excursion last year to Kenya included a visit to a local primary school We were excited since my wife is a teacher After visiting the school and meeting the incredible staff and teachers we forged a bond with the school Recently visited the school several times and sat down with the principle and also the founder of the school and let them develop both a short and a long term plan for the school with minimal input from us In the fifteen months since our visit, we have raised money to enroll 15 Maasai children in Primary school Each of the children is sponsored throughout their primary school years We have also secured funding for the construction of a fifth grade classroom that is being built right now with expectations to build a sixth grade classroom for the following year I can see where you’re coming from in many instances but there are no absolutes and please realize that voluntourism can lead to good outcomes for local communities
Comment from : gbauer10

Why the annoying music? Makes it so much harder to listen to what you're saying when some unnecessary droning just keeps going on and on in the background
Comment from : FreedomJunkie

Donald Mersel
❤Samantha Nutt deserves the Nobel peace prize ❤
Comment from : Donald Mersel

rad rat
thank you! omg the fact that people can’t see how fishy this is is crazy!
Comment from : rad rat

Thanks! I was about to take an excursion from a resort in The DR to do something like that, but we had to get Covid-tested before coming back to the US There were “orphanages” (some are dropped off after a divorced parent weds another, I was later told) in S Korea for expats to do stuff with the kids Maybe it was unconsciously self-serving since we weren’t doing anything really constructive, like teaching school subjects It sounded good to do, though, like we could be travelling the country, but Maybe it’s a hybrid if intentions Your heart bleeds for people seeming needy, but it is not going to be dangerous, like saving Africans from Boko Haram or working amongst lepers, but kind of fun (without which, many of us might not sign up)
Comment from : fool1shmortal

Paul Allens card
yeah but you can't put "donated to charity" on your college application can you? people who do voluntourism are so self serving
Comment from : Paul Allens card

You can also volunteer at your local community center
Comment from : mito

Mike F
No background checks required? Why??????
Comment from : Mike F

oya Ami
why are you showing pictures of children without the consent of their parents
Comment from : oya Ami

Bike Scouts
Volunteerism is a multi-billion dollar industry, but so is humanitarian work These are two parts of the same problem, people who want to have an experience and people who believe they are the only way people can be helped If we take the multi-billion dollars invested in both of these things and just invest them in genuinely local initiatives where solutions are needed none of the countries that need help will have to deal with high-paying voluntourists and highly-paid and budgeted hero organizations that jet all over the world setting the rules on who can participate in doing good
Comment from : Bike Scouts

Denis D P
Start by not invading foreign countries😬
Comment from : Denis D P

steve anonby
I've been in third world countries in areas where there's never been "volunteer tourism", and I can tell you first hand that It IS INDEED normal for kids to "cling" to you when they're shown love, acceptance and concern I'm quite certain that the impact on the community did WAAAY more good than harm While it's always good to have people criticize the mainstream ways to help make it better, I would suggest that people involved with these imperfect charitable ventures are better than the people doing nothing but hurling rocks and insults from the sidelines while doing nothing constructive themselves
Comment from : steve anonby

Kjv Mattew 6:1-4 Take heed that ye not do your alms (BEFORE MEN), to be (SEEN) by them: otherwise, ye have no reward of your Father which is in heaven 2 Therefore when thou doest thine alms do not ( SOUND A TRUMPET) before thee, as the (HYPOCRITES) do in the synagogues (any place of worship) and in the streets that they may have (GLORY OF MEN) Verily I say unto you, (THEY HAVE THEIR REWARD) 3 But when thou doest alms let not thou left hand know what thou right hand doeth: 4 That thine alms may be in (SECRET): and thy Father which (SEETH IN SECRET HIMSELF AND MAY REWARD THE OPENLY) I will let the HOLY WORD speak for ITSELFbrbrIn all actuality when the West (HELPS) Africa, South America, and Asia the West is actually giving backbrThe (Ancestors) of those African countries being helped, built the western countries with their infinite (BLOOD, SWEAT, BROKEN BACKS AND THE MIGHTY OCEANS OF TEARS) Last but not least and not only brThe South American countries saved Europe from starvation, research this history starting with the potato
Comment from : AFRO TEXAS

Portrait Art Academy
I think the length of the stay makes a big difference I've seen people come and go at a fast pace in those organizations, always feeling so food about themselves but barely doing anything I've volunteered in 2 different places, but in both, I learned the language, and spent a total of 8 months there I think that's more valuable than a quick visit
Comment from : Portrait Art Academy

Hannah Kosoff
Yesss!!! This is sooo trueee!!!
Comment from : Hannah Kosoff

I have no reason to believe what is said in the video , beacause there is no source
Comment from : Coall

nurfadilah hashim
This is one of the Voluntourism issues that we might didn't realize Even the Voluntourism program have the 'give and take' benefits, but we should understand the community feelings when they see a bunch of stranger are doing volunteering for them Sometimes, it's disturbing or might harm the physiological and they only want the financial support from us That is why it's very essential to purchase the local products in order to help them improve the economy and fulfill whatever they deserve
Comment from : nurfadilah hashim

at my school in year 9 we go on a trip to help another nation but we don't do anything that affects people we all do things that help animals or the environment so I did things with turtles
Comment from : M B

Al As 57
Such a weird Western problem
Comment from : Al As 57

juanga pingarrón
But you get the best selfies for your tinder
Comment from : juanga pingarrón

Gonzalo Marmol
So if we haven't money and we haven't a carrer we can't do nothing to help? I amn't agree with that
Comment from : Gonzalo Marmol

Martin Carstensen
Big surprise?! This has been covered in multiple scientific articles for over 10 years now!
Comment from : Martin Carstensen

Arch _
Go to these countries, just don't sign up with these "charities" you can find a family to live with,no NGO required
Comment from : Arch _

Right on!
Comment from : J J

Sarah Jessica Farter
Samantha Nutt has spent 20 years annoying poor people in poor countries
Comment from : Sarah Jessica Farter

Marie Ens
I could not agree more!! This is excellent!!
Comment from : Marie Ens

Michael Guadalupe
The last solution of just being a tourist is probably the best The money is spent locally and local businesses will benefit When you give money to a charity that is bringing in outside resources, the resources actually devalue local goods This essentially is hurting the people you intend to help in the first place
Comment from : Michael Guadalupe

Links for legit places to donate would be nice
Comment from : JawofaJackass

I believe this There is some serious evil out there Even still we can't just stop helping people because it "might" be a scam There has got to be a middle area
Comment from : NakiaNiteShade

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