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Full tour inside the Great Pyramid of Giza | Pyramid of Cheops aka Khufu | Trip to Kairo, Egypt 2021


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Название :  Full tour inside the Great Pyramid of Giza | Pyramid of Cheops aka Khufu | Trip to Kairo, Egypt 2021
Продолжительность :   11.07
Дата публикации :  
Просмотров :   2,3 jt

Кадры Full tour inside the Great Pyramid of Giza | Pyramid of Cheops aka Khufu | Trip to Kairo, Egypt 2021

Описание Full tour inside the Great Pyramid of Giza | Pyramid of Cheops aka Khufu | Trip to Kairo, Egypt 2021

Коментарии Full tour inside the Great Pyramid of Giza | Pyramid of Cheops aka Khufu | Trip to Kairo, Egypt 2021

Exploring the inside of the Cheops Pyramid has been a fascinating adventure for me Which ancient building has impressed you the most so far? Let me know below in the comments!
Comment from : KaimarkLifestyle

ben docs X
beaucoup trop touristique, horrible à visiter
Comment from : ben docs X

Chn Rik
Better do something to protect these ancient treasures from tourists😢
Comment from : Chn Rik

Northern Rider
Scammer alert The area is getting worse lately Nobody cant be trusted even the Police or Security Dont trust with the fake ID hanging around their neck They’re not govt staff Just a bunch of wannabe Just fyi, there is NO goverment PRICE as claimed by them Make sure your mind is clear while visiting this area or your entire vacation is ruined by these freaking touts
Comment from : Northern Rider

Those ceiling slabs are spanning huge lengths Its amazing to see how perfectly aligned everything is Lost for words
Comment from : 4k3el

That box at 9:00 is probably where the ark of the covenant was kept!
Comment from : MAGA

There are stairs ?
Comment from : Max2coolMayur

0:43 childhood obesity…
Comment from : MadArcherMoto

I wouldn’t be going in there
Comment from : sreyno01

martak tarung
I heard time getting slow inside pyramid
Comment from : martak tarung

Eliezer Escalona
1:53 Cute Girl
Comment from : Eliezer Escalona

John Nicholas
Looks like somebody's home video and is not worth the timebrand disapointment of watchingbrIt Just internet clutter
Comment from : John Nicholas

helping hands ratas
Thanks dear shearing this palace
Comment from : helping hands ratas

Soo Hyun Kim
Omg it's the kid from the opening of Despicable Me at 00:43
Comment from : Soo Hyun Kim

Rajesh Baviskar
Thanks,very nice
Comment from : Rajesh Baviskar

Ercan Guzelbakan
Muhteşem bir eser ama neden eski insanlar boyle bir seye zaman harcamıs o koridorlar ne için ,ilginç
Comment from : Ercan Guzelbakan

Justin Troyna
This is a sacred place and it’s not only being desecrated, but completely misunderstood and taken advantage of Little retardant kids crying and puking and begging for food Brain dead teenagers taking videos and photos for their social media profiles Old people farting and sweating, desperately confused Why did we come here they say? Where is Jesus? No time at all to stop and look where you are 🤬brbrTo the person that filmed this brWhoever you are…brI appreciate you sharing this so that the world can see how sad and desperate the Egyptian government is behaving I doubt there’s a single person slithering through that place that has even a vague understanding of its importance brbrShame shamebrOn the Egyptian government and citizens for letting this happen
Comment from : Justin Troyna

Keep Rising
I got motion sickness from watching this video 🤢🤢
Comment from : Keep Rising

The Detector
Video wasn’t allowed
Comment from : The Detector

Yes pyramids over Egypt look exciting to see the seven wonders of the Ancient world
Comment from : princess

DumpMuch • 27 years ago • edited
Is this in Egypt?
Comment from : DumpMuch • 27 years ago • edited

Chris Ken
Why is there no escalator inside (like in the shopping malls) ???
Comment from : Chris Ken

Mathias N
Imagine all the stuff that’s not allowed for the public not even in pictures or videos… I bet it will blow everyone’s mind
Comment from : Mathias N

What fascinates me the most is how air gets into these spaces without windows It's really mind blowing
Comment from : Emmy

Muhammad Afzal
Comment from : Muhammad Afzal

Brilliant that thanks!
Comment from : Natashahoneypot

I dont think the cameraman ever got out of there alive given how he was puffing & panting
Comment from : E N

are those steps original or were they added for tourism?
Comment from : E N

Janika Mako
Thank you 🎉
Comment from : Janika Mako

If you watch this you will cursed 😂
Comment from : DARKツWARRIOR

Pool Guy
Such an incredible sight, I couldn't help to feel slightly disoriented watching the travel up the narrowest casing, along with how high the echo resonance was when the toddler yelled in the tomb This is definitely on my bucket list
Comment from : Pool Guy

Dara Quinn
450,000 years old Built long, long before the Egyptians arrived
Comment from : Dara Quinn

Jeremy Houchens
There’s a lot more trails and rooms than what the video showed
Comment from : Jeremy Houchens

built by diddykins
I remember you used to be able to lay down inside the crypt
Comment from : built by diddykins

Travel With Talash
I can’t go inside because of these long hole ,seeing your video I feel suffocating 😢😢😢😢
Comment from : Travel With Talash

alkis agathokleous
Perhaps the only video in youtube about pyramids that they dont talk about aliens Thank you
Comment from : alkis agathokleous

Great City Attractions
Just amazingly fascinating
Comment from : Great City Attractions

Saber Slinger
What if the pyramid is actually the prison one or all of the fallen were imprisoned in on earth It does state they are imprisoned in the “desert”
Comment from : Saber Slinger

valter fasani
Quanti visitatori avevano coscienza del luogo che stavano visitando? Quanta tristezza!!!
Comment from : valter fasani

Axl Mercury
3:09 she is hot
Comment from : Axl Mercury

I lived in egypt for around 4 years back in 2006 and visited the pyramids often, it saddens me to see people climbing and using them as a playground for entertainment Tbh they need to be protected more from the public
Comment from : Waviibabii

Tracy Poole
How in the world did they transport those massive stone slabs in the Great Hall?!?!? We can't do that today!
Comment from : Tracy Poole

Laszlo Szujo
there is no way this was built by humans
Comment from : Laszlo Szujo

Sharoon Daniel 888
Great Job
Comment from : Sharoon Daniel 888

Sharoon Daniel 888
Very Informative
Comment from : Sharoon Daniel 888

Everything you see has been tampered All evidence of any Ancient tools, books, bibles, and secrets have been collected by power higher up services and societies and some evidence also destroyed
Comment from : GuitarPikinfool

Austin Mulka
"No recording inside the pyramid"
Comment from : Austin Mulka

Many thanks for this!
Comment from : Seansaighdeoir

M AndM
It has to be built on or from bedrock With stone added too itbrbrEdit: as soon as you enter the pyramid that is very likely the bedrock I mention They chiseled out a cave like system And added stone on the outside and built up on the bedrockbrbrWhich would have given it a suitable and strong enough foundation Loose ish stone to build a foubdation most likely wouldn't work with that weight Hence why it's likely built on a massive rocky outcrop
Comment from : M AndM

John Cane
Isn't it strange that all we can do is walk around the pyramids and walk inside them and wonder about them and even if they had a crane to lift the stones still how could they have cut out the stones I don't think that anybody could have cut out the stones and still I don't know
Comment from : John Cane

Thanks for video!
Comment from : astralll391

Tonka P
Theres never been or never will be a king of Egypt or anywhere thatd build something so amazing and not smother his name ALL over it 😮😮😮
Comment from : Tonka P

Dananjaya Perera
Super Camera Angles
Comment from : Dananjaya Perera

This must be over a hundred years work, estimated 60 million tons of stone, some from 500 miles away
Comment from : Chester

No way humans built that
Comment from : urmaker

The tourism makes my head explode
Comment from : EX0t1C

Richy Alexander
What if there is a power outage when you're deep inside the pyramide?
Comment from : Richy Alexander

Escapades Of The Leigh Walker
Hardly worth the climb 😂
Comment from : Escapades Of The Leigh Walker

Game Dev Cade
Imagine its just you and ur girl in there and one of yall toots really loudly
Comment from : Game Dev Cade

Mountainous Port
All those stone just for a single tomb at the end Wow
Comment from : Mountainous Port

Mountainous Port
Oh wow thanks for video of this I have long been curious whats inside
Comment from : Mountainous Port

Chef Paul
Close call at 0:41 You were almost crushed
Comment from : Chef Paul

Joseph Baron
What a shame that there are so many people making so much noise throughout the experience It totally kills the atmosphere Perhaps exploring that fascinating monument by oneself in years gone by would have been enchanting Now, it just seems overexploited I'm quite glad I watched this I feel like I have saved myself the disappointment of going there in person
Comment from : Joseph Baron

Oh! how did they loaded big stone at the cloisters way to the KING room? incredible, it's so beautiful, set stones to right brhuman beings are the load of all creation, it is no wonder that we Egyptian are so far cry from the animals (soon be 91yrsJapanese)
Comment from : 萩原耕介

Shaun Corless
Be lot better when it's finished
Comment from : Shaun Corless

John Smith
WOW that was fascinating!!!! br3:02 That entrance (closed) leads to the Subterranean Chamberbr5:00 That entrance (closed) leads to the Queen's Chamber (that chamber's southern shaft was explored with the Gantenbrink robot)br9:04 That's the northern shaft of the King's Chamber
Comment from : John Smith

John Smith
Anyone know why there are metal brackets sticking out from the walls of the grand gallery? 6:35 Where they added in the early 1900s for scaffolding, or repairs? Or were they really added at construction time? (the air shaft had metallic handles afterall so they might be native perhaps?
Comment from : John Smith

How on earth did they build these structures Each limestone pice had to weigh over 500 pounds

Jason Kirby   Son of God
Wow this is amazing thanks for taking me here ❤
Comment from : Jason Kirby Son of God

Emil Karlsson
Wow, looks very steep and narrow, wonder why they made airshafts when there is no clear reason why somone breathing would enter, there does not even seem to be remnants of stairs right?
Comment from : Emil Karlsson

Jesus Lopez
I am stunned every time I even see the outside let alone the inside… there is absolutely no explanation to how that was built
Comment from : Jesus Lopez

Crushing Carbon
I suspend belief in what they are I just have a hard time believing a society of people would willingly all build something for 23 years just to dump a dead body in Like thats some mass hysterical devotion Like, reeeaally? What points to it being a tomb?
Comment from : Crushing Carbon

kalesh puthur
How get oxygen miracle
Comment from : kalesh puthur

Dirk Hoekstra
Not for old unfit people!
Comment from : Dirk Hoekstra

Megated Assaultituary
Why is there so many people crammed insidethis ain't tourism this is dumb shit
Comment from : Megated Assaultituary

Last king
I would take this over a submarine visit
Comment from : Last king

This box is crashedand anithing was insidevery very importand thing to understand this Buildingbut anyone hide the truth from Humanity
Comment from : LiiMR

Ahmmad K
I wonder what the untouched bottom looks like Apparently the pyramid is more like an obelisk which the pyrimd being the tip The bottom has been covered by Sand after thousands of years
Comment from : Ahmmad K

Darth vader
That looked like a construction site full of kids! Who they let in there to ruin that place they fuked it up!
Comment from : Darth vader

Who’s here bcuz of Travis Scott?
Comment from : Akshat

Mohammad Amin Merikhi
Thank you so much for share this video
Comment from : Mohammad Amin Merikhi

anyway where is the grave?
Comment from : Syarandika

At 9:24 you can see what they claim is Alpha Omega on the left lip
Comment from : M R

Afrcn Amrcn
bWere any of a "black" persuasion?/bbr youtube/Itzj3R37jRk
Comment from : Afrcn Amrcn

It saddens me to see this venerable space violated by tourism,
Comment from : John

Vince Cox
First let me answer your first question, all atoms have a negative and a positive aspect!, When you inject (vibrate at the correct frequency) the centerfield of a magnet into same it causes the molecules to brake up That's just one of the many things the center field can do WE COULD EASILY CONSTRUCT A AUTO CARBERATOR THAT RUN's DIRECTLY from water,,,, FACT using the "B" field technology!!! I love what you said I have been in the technological world for more than 60 years, I got my first HAM Radio license back in 1958, I have teaching credential and much more Let me tell you a few facts!!! #1 the most powerful part of a magnet is the center (B) field, we live in a 100 magnetic universe, The great pyramids were teleportation devices as well as inter planetary communications Again you must understand the power of the center field it's what you and I are made of and the pyramids were directly involved with the "B" field of earth, Thats what the "ANKH" was all about The pyramids typically show this exact thing , you will see a shaft with what looks like four tires on a shaft and typically a lady at the bottom clapping on one of the lower rings providing a vibration to same These were magnetic fields all the magnets were in the repel mode to maximize the "B" field energy , when they vibrated the bottom magnet it would resonate with all above and maximize the "B" field output of the shaft!! ONE critical item you must stay away, from any Iron metal There is so much to tell you about the "B" field from anti gravity to making granite rock soft like butter Think about it just for a second, Most of us live in the earths "B" field So much more OMG I CAN PROVE ALL THE ABOVE Take a look at coral castle Florida on YOUTUBE, br br br brReply
Comment from : Vince Cox

A seda tatu do bem brown também está boa , fininha pra fazer hash é sensacional
Comment from : João

Eu sou da época que dono de bar mudava até o guardanapo , porque era o único que tinha , aquele guardanapo de sanduíche de esquina , fino , a seda , você vazia aquele cone , ele abria na piteira porque não tinha cola , mano sensacional que época boa Mas a seda de hoje em dia é o futuro , oque vocês acham ? Eu fumo muito na papelito brown com piteira , bem bolado brown , OCB Brown, eu não gosto de seda branca Só fumo na brown
Comment from : João

Eu sou da época que dono de bar mudava até o guardanapo , porque era o único que tinha , aquele guardanapo de sanduíche de esquina , fino , a seda , você vazia aquele cone , ele abria na piteira porque não tinha cola , mano sensacional que época boa Mas a seda de hoje em dia é o futuro , oque vocês acham ? Eu fumo muito na papelito brown com piteira , bem bolado brown , OCB Brown, eu não gosto de seda branca Só fumo na brown
Comment from : João

Eu sou da época que dono de bar mudava até o guardanapo , porque era o único que tinha , aquele guardanapo de sanduíche de esquina , fino , a seda , você vazia aquele cone , ele abria na piteira porque não tinha cola , mano sensacional que época boa Mas a seda de hoje em dia é o futuro , oque vocês acham ? Eu fumo muito na papelito brown com piteira , bem bolado brown , OCB Brown, eu não gosto de seda branca Só fumo na brown
Comment from : João

The amount of work that went into this is astounding!
Comment from : Mycosyco1

Full Disadulation
Great recording, the closest I’ll most likely ever get to visiting brThe most recent theory I’ve heard is that it was used to store an enormous amount of grain Maybe not the only purpose but one of them
Comment from : Full Disadulation

steve stewart
Why does the grand gallery need such high walls if they were building up around the kings chambers The only explanation wud be that they were actively building above the gallery while the kings chambers were being built or There is another purpose for the grand gallery
Comment from : steve stewart

Love how it said no cameras on the sign
Comment from : Wander

ur a creep
Comment from : Cha

zodio Channel
The great India architecture bhagavati Geeta Dwaraka temple
Comment from : zodio Channel

Bunson Honeydew
Indiana Jones makes it look less crowded
Comment from : Bunson Honeydew

James Dell
Looks like concrete blocks
Comment from : James Dell

sankar Subba
People says this rock are carried but what about a hills cutted and added on same place Just a thought, anything can be possible right, if not kindly prove that from where they got all this rock
Comment from : sankar Subba

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