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Joe Rogan Just Announced The TERRIFYING Truth About Antarctica


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Название :  Joe Rogan Just Announced The TERRIFYING Truth About Antarctica
Продолжительность :   22.40
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Просмотров :   5 jt

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Коментарии Joe Rogan Just Announced The TERRIFYING Truth About Antarctica

Austin Nohrer
Or did they discover Antarctica through the ancient maps and acted like they discovered it 🤯🤯🎤
Comment from : Austin Nohrer

Rene Roberson
I used to move alot of dope there too
Comment from : Rene Roberson

Representing for Sam Tripoli gets You the 👍 alone brbrSalute Brotha 🫡
Comment from : ThA MAN C MAcK

AllanBTW AKA Allan
It's not a continent, it's an ice circle, there are many other sivilizations after it who control us
Comment from : AllanBTW AKA Allan

Norwegian Blue
Pyramids in antartica? jupp the same story with the face on mars, people see what they want to see, nothing to gain from this vid other than a constant chuckle about the naivety of some people
Comment from : Norwegian Blue

Alasdair Diamandis
Please, I’m begging you Joe, please go back to commenting on fights Leave the real world topics to us
Comment from : Alasdair Diamandis

Shawtyypiimp Playamakaveli
“Hey Dr Dre give me a Cauulll” 😂
Comment from : Shawtyypiimp Playamakaveli

😂😂😂😂 This guy mentioned Dr Dre 🫵🏽😂😂😂
Comment from : HASHBAR

Who is Jim Rogan???
Comment from : DannyLynch123

Ryi Wallace
The bio diversity is being affected by what’s happening outside of The Antarctica It’s starting to melt‼️🤷🏽
Comment from : Ryi Wallace

If govt makes excuses in missing people, it's not the Aliens but illegal experiments on humans If you see the past modern medicine used involvement of living individuals with illegal experiments to learn, skin ripped to know the degree of pain, burn patients etc That's how we advanced in medicine
Comment from : B

I sweat too easy I can't go
Comment from : spafro101

The Kathakar
I tgink the treaty was orchestrated by oil companies to keep the supply of crude a scarcity
Comment from : The Kathakar

4 Horses
Comment from : 4 Horses

4 Horses
Comment from : 4 Horses

Pepinillo Rick
Where the fck is joe?
Comment from : Pepinillo Rick

snehangshu das
Hello from india Antarctica was also mentioned in ramayan old earth
Comment from : snehangshu das

I have a friend, that's a janitor out there And he said that he cleans bathrooms and said same shit different toilet😂😂😂
Comment from : BACK YARD BOOGIE

glenn Esposito
Boats have been around since man first seen water Face it, we floated all over the world time and time again…so stupid to think it was impossible
Comment from : glenn Esposito

Awake Now
oh they used it the aftermath is just disguised transparently
Comment from : Awake Now

John Osborn
Lame with lame crumbs and lame sprinkles, drizzled in lame sauce
Comment from : John Osborn

Dirty Bandit
They were hunting Hilter
Comment from : Dirty Bandit

Bea Torres
There's no end past Antarctica that's why they don't allow anyone but Scientists to visit & explore 4:49 There's gold & aliens & no end our Earth is flat
Comment from : Bea Torres

Austin Gamble
i have a brother who speaks Antarctican, it doesn’t help him get girls but he still practices every day 🥲
Comment from : Austin Gamble

The best way to gain control of the most intelligent powerful species on the planet would be to completely divide them from the love Within themselves As soon as they are old enough to begin creating an understanding of who they are, force them into a system that teaches them that it is wrong to be yourself if yourself is different from what is accepted as normal Confuse them about their own biological makeup so that they think that permanently altering their body is the answer to happiness Regain their daily attendance at an institution that makes them Focus only on the information that is provided Make them attend the institution from age five until an adult and repeatedly test them on the information so that it becomes their truth Give them an explanation to everything so that they never have a chance to make their own assumptions of the world Scold them and humiliate them if they suggest an opinion that opposes that of their authoritives Keep reminding them of how cruel their ancestors were to each other in the past and broadcast how cruel they are to each other in the present Only show them tragedies on the news so they live in fear and think the worst of one another Convince them that their species used to be that of a incontinent Wild animal Make them think they're very existence is so incredibly random, that they lack purpose and struggle to make sense of a creator Tell them they're kind is as smart as they've ever been so that they don't question the integrity of the system that they're in Provide them with idols with artificial Beauty and use them as an example of what it is to look perfect so that they're never content with their own appearance and can't help but to compare themselves amongst each other Create addictive digital platforms that rank them by numbers, so that they base their self-worth off of the amount of followers that they have and are never satisfied Isolate them into a society around them in which who have money benefit and those who don't, fail Make money the main focus but make it so difficult to accumulate, that they remain in a place of constant struggle, forced to dedicate the majority of their time to the system that made it this way Tax them every way possible but tell them that it's for their own benefit so that they don't think twice about paying it Take so much of their time and energy throughout the week but give them two days to themselves so they feel a sense of award and don't fight back Promote the consumption of poison in every social setting so that even on those two days, they remain disconnected from themselves and each other Pump their food with access sugars and addictive chemicals but make it cheap and advertised and easily accessible so that they never stop consuming When their food makes them ill, prescribe them with meds that only mask the symptoms so they become dependent on it every day Charge them so much money for healthcare so that they stay in a consistent Loop of consuming, medicating and working Cause chaos amongst them and blame it on a group of Their Own so they form judgmental stereotypes Turn them against each other in so many ways so that even if they were to connect on one, they would still be divided on another The mind of a narcissistic psychopath💯👌
Comment from : ACJ0000

I have seen enough evidence what I know now that the Earth is flat and they lied to us
Comment from : ACJ0000

Marcus Pass
What about North Pole mtzion "black rock?"
Comment from : Marcus Pass

Flyboi3000x2 TV
Tgey gine shut hin Down soon fuck school an college listen to podcasts 🎉🎉🎉🎉 2024
Comment from : Flyboi3000x2 TV

m TK
Loss society, or a society that doesn’t want to be found
Comment from : m TK

Jesse James
Actually IMAGINE thinking all these countries, different from one another they all are, seem to agree on one thing - we need to leave Antarctica alone because “muh environmental protection” Yeah like the governments and corporations of the world really give a shit about some ice, polar bears, penguins, and sea lions
Comment from : Jesse James

kobe Ben
Antarctica is the end of the earth flat earth believers are right
Comment from : kobe Ben

there is no meteorites because there is no space
Comment from : Ted

A TimmyTechnicolorFilm
Antarctic Treaty sound suspect
Comment from : A TimmyTechnicolorFilm

David Fierros
antartica is the beasts , look at it now 1240 days left
Comment from : David Fierros

Philip Zeigler
Half the people I hear talk about Antarctica say it’s uninhabitable But the other half says it’s warming up to the point it’s melting away, increasing sea levels So how’s it so cold we can’t go there but warm enough for it to melt? 🤔
Comment from : Philip Zeigler

downtown mafia
i believe theres a civilization over there more advanced and more thick skins compared to humans but they are also humans just a human fit for ice
Comment from : downtown mafia

Rodrick Flournoy
It’s crazy how the idea of space travel crowded the brain, space travel is impossible, only time gone expose it to those who heavily believe in this idea
Comment from : Rodrick Flournoy

Timothy Caples
Listen Antarctic is melting soon and even though people are still trying to explore and uncover secrets there are still animals we have to worry about and on top of that the only thing or things we’ve discovered in Antarctica are a disease that dated back thousands of years and frozen particles in the deepest layers of ice that could potentially prove that extraterrestrial life did once visit earth or at least have a link to it
Comment from : Timothy Caples

xander promeo
John Carpenter is currently in production to film The Thing pt 2 brbrWeird and pissed 😊
Comment from : xander promeo

Adam Silva
You’re telling me we all came together and decided to share a new piece of land?
Comment from : Adam Silva

Joe Rogan he reminds me of those gullible hippies back in the 60s/70s I was there, and had to sit through plenty of stoned-chat waiting for the spliff to come my way but that was 50 years ago
Comment from : R Y

I would be a fool to think theres not something weird going on in Antartica
Comment from : KernalOfficial

The Daniel
The Earth is Flat Antarctica is th circumference around the flat plain
Comment from : The Daniel

Chris clark
Missing 411 is going on like forever and is not a New phenomena There is even a finnish old myth that explains exactly this kind of disapearence
Comment from : Chris clark

Comment from : NB

Scott Walker
Hahaha! 😂 Great stuff! I edit sci fi for a big publisher this is a winner
Comment from : Scott Walker

Brandon Dunagan
Or maybe a desert But o think that God kicked out Adam an eve an that now days humans could possibly be living there with out knowing No ! Garden of Eden has to be somewhere where no civilization can thrive or maybe fell off onto the ocean But no human lives where the garden used to be It’s impossible😮
Comment from : Brandon Dunagan

Brandon Dunagan
I bet Antarctica is where the garden of Eden truly was When God kicked adam and eve out he kicked us all out😮
Comment from : Brandon Dunagan

It amazes me that Joe still refuses to have Dave paulides on his show Wtf
Comment from : jodysin7

sam tripolo lmao
Comment from : EmGeeDee

Paul Hines
The earth is flat sheeple
Comment from : Paul Hines

John 3:3
Antarctica the edge of the Earth containing the ocean waters 360°
Comment from : John 3:3

Flips Chicago
It's a ice wall around the Earth
Comment from : Flips Chicago

What happens to a person if they sweat in extremely cold conditions?
Comment from : Mark_Jacobs69

Caroline S
Antarctica is basically an ice ring around the earth, as explained by Admiral Byrd and other early explorers of the region Eric Dubay also has some excellent videos on this particular topic for (open-minded) consideration
Comment from : Caroline S

zaks S4
The aliens chose Antarctica for many reasonsbr1 Rarely visited by humans (or lacked efficient technology to/ or too expensive for humans to)br2 The cold kept the bodies fresh longerbr3 The toughest specimens were found here (Aliens had to face the toughest first, the hardest to kill)brbrbrbrbrbrbrYeah made all that sh*t up (no sh*t)
Comment from : zaks S4

They told us what was there in the first transformers
Comment from : Mr SS

Warren george anthony Chen
Chop off them head and stitch them on to some dog and hog
Comment from : Warren george anthony Chen

Sam tripoli as a scientist is crazy lmao
Comment from : Sebas

Kristin Parish
Those microorganisms are fallen angels ready to be released
Comment from : Kristin Parish

Kristin Parish
The scariest part is what will happen after the treaty is up
Comment from : Kristin Parish

Mittzy 83
There not asteroid creators their openings from the waters below from when the earth was flooded by God
Comment from : Mittzy 83

Before the flood the entire earth had a tropical climate, it did not rain but a mist came up to water the earth That means Antarctica was a tropical land, noah and his son's would of known this
Comment from : Zanie

Kennedy J
we all need to start the great pirate era and find the one piece
Comment from : Kennedy J

Mr Smith
Rothschild island should be opened to tge general public to see what those Bolsheviks are hiding
Comment from : Mr Smith

Don Smith
Antarctica is the earth’s boundary
Comment from : Don Smith

Rob OBrien
I wish America would just go away
Comment from : Rob OBrien

Vince Paul
protect antarctica's environment but fuck the rainforest and any other parts of the earth? makes total sense, so what are the scumbags hiding there?
Comment from : Vince Paul

Actual Island Names In Antarctica: Rothschild, Coronation, Delta, Omicron And Deception – EU Central Bank President And WEF’s Head Klaus Schwab Met There In December ‘This Will Change Everything Everything’brOn July 13, did European Central Bank President Christine Legarde tweet: “Important meeting in Antarctica in December”brNumerous globalists, including ‘Great Reset‘ proponent Klaus Schwab, allegedly recently hinted of a very important meeting going on in the Antarctic of which one attendee tweeted: “Antarctica? This will change everything Everything”
Comment from : TheZapan99

Hotpocket Moutaindew
Its because Joe is the thing
Comment from : Hotpocket Moutaindew

Thiele Renaud-Krutulis
Mountains of Madness anyone?
Comment from : Thiele Renaud-Krutulis

Angela Martinez
Thank you 🙏
Comment from : Angela Martinez

Admiral Byrd said he saw lakes and wooly mammoths
Comment from : gokaren

Conditionally Unconditional
Easiest way to these restricted locations are under ground
Comment from : Conditionally Unconditional

Evocati Augusti (PLVS VLTRA)
The Templars and the Vikings knew about it
Comment from : Evocati Augusti (PLVS VLTRA)

Anonymous8317 8317
The fact that 12 countries all agree to share…
Comment from : Anonymous8317 8317

I never want to go there Growing up in northern indiana 🙅🏾‍♂️ i hate the cold
Comment from : Tylerr

beneath the blood falls there is a secret facility that produces the fresh andrenochrome for the elites! thats the only plausible explanation for the red color since they somehow have to get rid of all that baby blood
Comment from : Benedikt

Says in the Bible we are in a dome and that it's there walt disney friend dies with it on his tomb or Walt Disney look up the verseits the only thing on his tomb plus the Disney logo is earth in a dome just look at it
Comment from : E=mc²

Earth is flat
Comment from : s

Faf Dus
We are currently in a 3000 year rike of the aryan indo European sea people The sons of Hercules that goes back to 10k years ago and gods/aliens
Comment from : Faf Dus

T Chaffan
Simpler explanation : astral travel
Comment from : T Chaffan

Daniel Sheehan
Thnak you for loving me, it's a good choice
Comment from : Daniel Sheehan

We can't go to Antarctica because the world had signed a treaty so the people can't find the hole in the dome where u can go out to other lands & another hole to inner earth
Comment from : CRAY-Z

Violet (Kitty Chick)
Now some of those 3-Billion year old out of place artefacts are starting to make some more sense!!
Comment from : Violet (Kitty Chick)

Jewls Orr
I don't think Aliens came here I think this is there planet They have always been here They created us and we multipled fast 👽
Comment from : Jewls Orr

Normmal Guy
Seems like a good place to wait out the apocalypse
Comment from : Normmal Guy

The Shoun Files
They told the Nazis they could not use the UFOs for violence That was the deal
Comment from : The Shoun Files

There are definitely experiments, the neutrino sensors are located there and it's as pure of a test as can be without human interference other than drilling the holes for the sensorsbrbrI'm sure there is other training or something going on we don't know about, too I don't really think that looked like a pyramid though And the saucer? It looked like a shadow to me but who knows Antarctica is one of my favorite places to look into and think about, I wish I could go!brbrI've spent hours on Google earth looking at it
Comment from : itsausername

Michael Truong
I think we as a human race keep getting hit by an asteroid ☄️ every 12-25,000 years sort of restarting everything The piri reis (sp) map shows Antarctica having animals on it
Comment from : Michael Truong

Robert Wade
Comment from : Robert Wade

victor montanez
There are parts in the whole world that haven't been explored
Comment from : victor montanez

«The only thing I know, is that I don’t know anything” Socrates 🙏
Comment from : Robert

I have a co-worker who spends time in Antarctica as part of a medical contract The only strange thing that happens according to him is that people begin having linked dreams He explained how team members were present in each others dreams, and were able to recount the same exact details of the dream
Comment from : P R

Emerald-Eyez 7 Zemi
The Third Man Factor is Jesus walking with you 🙏
Comment from : Emerald-Eyez 7 Zemi

Ivan Caravantes
Leave it to humans to go mess this place up and throw trash on it to the point that microplastics ruin it
Comment from : Ivan Caravantes

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