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Game of Thrones Filming Locations | How Northern Ireland became Westeros | GoT Season 8


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Название :  Game of Thrones Filming Locations | How Northern Ireland became Westeros | GoT Season 8
Продолжительность :   6.37
Дата публикации :  
Просмотров :   62 rb

Кадры Game of Thrones Filming Locations | How Northern Ireland became Westeros | GoT Season 8

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Коментарии Game of Thrones Filming Locations | How Northern Ireland became Westeros | GoT Season 8

Paul S
i am from Northern Ireland and i live 20 mins from the dark hedges which is slowly being destroyed by mass tourism
Comment from : Paul S

Hilla Paz Field
Could you help me get in touch with Richard Hodgins? I hope that's how you spell his last name! i would love to tour with him in Northern Ireland!
Comment from : Hilla Paz Field

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