
Motivation theories related to travel

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Ladda Lachee
Maslow’s Hierarchy of need is a motivational theory in psychology comprising a five-tier model of human needs, often depicted as hierarchical levels within a pyramid I think it can grouping again in to three big sections for understand easily as Basic needs, Psychological needs and Self-fulfillment needsbr This video makes me understand more in what I have done when I had a trip like when I wanted to go somewhere, I would plan and tough several before went to the trip Like asking myself that where I wanna go? How can I go there? What is the famous foods, famous places in there? How much money that I can spend? Doing insurance before trip to make sure that I will be safebr I think most people do like this because it’s a basic thing that have to do And Maslow’s make us can see the overall image to understand easier by created The Maslow’s Theory (7001505)
Comment from : Ladda Lachee

this is an interesting lecture for students who specialized the Tourism Management actually I learned that all theories in Marketing Subject but I didn't make a match with tourism I got to know how to use these laws in tourism specifically in the tourism field brbr** And one question I would like to ask is that is it possible that push and pull factors come out together at the same time as a tourist? br (5497910 Aye Myat)
Comment from : M Y A T

By learning Maslow's desires and push factor full factors, I learned why I went and decided to travel I think I'm going to think about why this trip is necessary and helpful for me and go on a trip in the futurebr(5395835 chang hoon Shin)
Comment from : 창티비

Maslow classified human needs into five categories It was amazing that a high level of desire is created only when a low level of desire is satisfiedbrI also found that the motivation of tourism varies with the steps of self-actualization, Esteem, Love/Belonging, Safety, PhysiologicalbrAnd through 'The Push and Full Factors,' I found that motivation for tourism can be divided into personal variables and psychological motivations and motivations for destinations such as attraction of tourist attractions (5277640, JayoungYun)
Comment from : 윤자영

j min
The hierarchy of Maslow's desires was taught separately in a class called Organizational Action last semester As far as I know, physiological and safety needs are included in low-dimensional desires, and self-realizing desires are included in high-level desires br brAnd in Maslow's hierarchy of desires, it was easy to understand because each gave an examplebrbr5380586 kim min jae
Comment from : j min

이번생은 놀러왔다
Through Maslow's Desire Step 5, we can fully explain the motivations for tourism Human beings generate desires in sequence of physiological, safety, love/belonging, esteem, and self-actualization Among them, I found that my motivation for tourism was usually the last self-actualization (5434228, Kevin)
Comment from : 이번생은 놀러왔다

Phonthita Waiyasong
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is the one theory of motivation; like when you want to travel/tours/visit/go to somewhere, it also depends on the needs of you, why do you needs or want to do something For the examples, you want to go somewhere maybe foreign country or another place like I want to came to Korea, and why I want to came to Korea because k-pop, Korean food, etc about Korean things and for study too; it's a physiological And it should be dependent on safety and belonging or love too; like when you want to go to foreign country, you must be many information in this coronavirus situation; and booking flight tickets in the flight that the best for you, also for your timings and for your set too, because in normally people always want to sit at the safety set and want to sit with someone that you know (friends, family, etc) And for the both highest on the pyramid are the higher needs of people, it depends on you that your want or not; examples esteem or self respect, like you always go or use service at some airline and that airline have a service for membership like keep miles away for get discounts or something like that is depends on you that you want to get a membership or not And self-actualization is the needs that too much story to do thatbrPush factors are the factors that make you happy by feeling independent on place brPull factors are the factors that you can't get that from another place brMotivations of Travel like the topic planning of trips And every trips have a Motivation too (7001523)
Comment from : Phonthita Waiyasong

I didn't know what Maslow's desire meant, but I got to know it well through this lecture Maslow's needs consist of five stages: belonging, affection, self-interest, and self-realization I thought it was a must-have need for tourism and other places (5433648 Miheejung)
Comment from : Foreverwony

Using Maslow’s hierarchical structure, we got a deeper and more detailed look at the stage purpose of the tourbrAnd we used the terms push factor and full factor to learn more about the purpose of the trip to motivate it Traveling is also important, but I learned that I had to travel while thinking about why I needed this trip (5497100, HYUN JU IM)
Comment from : 임현주

Maslow's needs seem to be needed not only in tourism but also in various fields Also I learned about push and pull theory Travel behavior was influenced by both push factors and pull factors Pushed is making travel decisions by internal, but pulled is by the external forces It was my first time to know that there was such a differencebr( Kim sehyeon 5515110)
Comment from : 세찌

I was surprised that we can classify travel motivation specifically through various Theory I think that Maslow's theory is quite useful to any subjects and i could understand different type of motivation by utilizing this theory as well What i really like is that I could classify my travels with these theory and i've noticed that people are motivated by various push and pull factors [Jaeyun Jung 5655905]
Comment from : 가빈제이

Hoonie Kim
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and how that theory applied to tourism activity Maslow’s hierarchy includes self-actualization, esteem, love, safety and physiological we also learned that Hudman's motivation of travel and push and pull theory Push is something that motivational factor comes from internal which is myself and pull is that motivational factor comes from external such as image of destination, quality of services and quality of facilities By learning this chapter, I can have a chance to study tourist consumer behavior more specifically [Ji Hun Kim_5370178]
Comment from : Hoonie Kim

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