Название | : | Thailand HOSPITAL VISIT (Including Cost) - Chiang Mai Healthcare and Medical Tourism 2023 |
Продолжительность | : | 13.49 |
Дата публикации | : | |
Просмотров | : | 44 rb |
How did it go with your colonoscopy, Brian? Hope everything went well Comment from : Arend Louw |
Nice touch for the medical center to offer you a snack box and coffee after you finish with your fasting required blood work I wish we have at least coffee and cookies at the waiting room in the US like they have while waiting for your car oil change 😂 at the dealership Comment from : OPCal |
so can your travel insurance cover your medical wants and needs Comment from : Qualitybacon |
So helpful! Thankyou for your fantastic videos, really informative but entertaining also Comment from : Dani M |
Put that dam beer down great couple NOTHING is more important than HEATLH,,, stay healthy and take care Comment from : Kevin Strong |
This was excellent Thank you so much for sharing this experience This is something I'm very interested in and you guys answered a lot of my questions Comment from : Denise Stewart |
Thank You Comment from : Ebonie Riley |
Did you pay in cash or with a credit card? Did you need insurance or paid out of pocket? Comment from : Nitra |
My experience in Thai hospitals were superiorbrI miss those standard's Much better than in CanadabrI was even in a rural town in southern Thailand and was treated with the utmost dignity and superior customer servicebrTechnology and standards at par, and even slightly better than what I have available here Comment from : A Petrang |
It really goes to show how much of a third-world country the US really is Comment from : Neil Thomas |
Thanks for the information Comment from : fishonaquabid |
Great info guys… Comment from : Jack Blair |
You guys are the best I'm David from Tacoma Wa And my wife and I are so fascinated with your lifestyle choice we are now thinking about retirement early and traveling the world We are both 51 and ready for a change of pace Our pensions won't kick in until 62 along with our social security But with the budget you have shown us I feel we could live quite comfortably off our home sale and 401ks It's just getting the courage to make the plunge But with every video of yours, we become a little more knowledgeable, and the idea seems a little less scary Thank you both for your contribution to living your best life Comment from : David Van Pevenage |
Greetings from Ont Canada, this is a private hospital? Comment from : tina halim |
Are those prices after any insurance coverage? Comment from : islandsnow |
Video interessante, grazie Comment from : danilomarzo57 |
Can't wait to show this video to my wife, she will want to move there tomrrow 🙂 Comment from : WORLD+ |
From the past, I used to like Chiang MaiNow it's unlikely PM 25 dust is much higher than Bangkok and is ranked number one in the world as well This problem is difficult to solve because the city is growing more and more people come to stay, more cars, more factories Even if no one burns the forest, PM 25 is the most important from car smoke City population will die in installments Investors will aim to build real estate in the seaside town more cities in the south because the air is easily circulated Comment from : 杨家基 |
In 2015 I had a comprehensive physical exam done at Bangkok General Hospital costing $59245 where I was diagnosed with pneumonia A few months later after filing a claim, my Blue Cross affiliated plan reimbursed me $52092 My final cost was $7153brbrIn 2019 a dental crown would cost me $1200 in the state where I live With my dental insurance, I would pay $857 there I had my crown done at Bangkok's Thantakit Dental Clinic With their 10 cash discount I paid $56893 My dental insurance reimbursed me $33216 for this 'out of network' service for the crown My final cost was $23677 Comment from : Ron Paik |
Appreciate the insights! Comment from : Cosmic Adventurer |
I just went to the vet today because my dog had a cold/congested and it cost me over $100 for the exam and meds and that was a cheap visit Crazy how expensive things are in the US! Comment from : Quang B |
I just spent 5 days in BIMC Bali hospital (great hospital - really nice for a hospital) with gastroenteritis, the bill came to $5,500 Australian dollars & that is what travel insurance is for Hoping my next adventure doesn’t include any hospital visits, but great video I’m binging on your trips at the moment 😂 Comment from : Mialouiise Travels |
I am from New York but living in Saigon for the last 30 years I went for a comprehensive medical exam last year including blood and urine analyses, EKG, chest scan, ultra sound, endoscopy and colonoscopy The grand total came to about the equivalent of 500USD at one of the better city owned hospitals There are more upscale options at private facilities however I do not think that the results would have been any different My wife is a dual citizen of the US and Vietnam which allows her to be covered under Vietnam's state system which costs about 35 dollars per year and which pays 80 of the cost at the government owned facilities such as where I had my examination and so she would have paid about 100 dollars for the same I remain "self insured" but always have the option to go to America and get treatment under medicare as I am over 65 For now I will keep taking care of my usual needs here in Vietnam even though I have to pay some cost The problem with the US these days is that you never really know what things will cost The last time I was in the US back in 2019 I fractured my ankle and was fitted with a boot being my first experience with medicare Nobody told me that the boot costs about 200 dollars more than what medicare provides and so I had to pay the difference plus co-pays Comment from : loveaodai100 |
I had pancreatitis in Chiang Mai in 2015 Spent 5 days in the hospital there with private room, meds and doctor for under $1,500 Amazing nurses and care Comment from : Starr Smith |
You were late because of a woman, no shock there🤣 They do it on purpose you know🤣 Comment from : Billy Akin |
In the US 15K+ Comment from : The Kitty News |
Sh quietdon't share the secret of medical expense in Thailand online there will be an influx Americans coming to Thailand to get medical services Comment from : Aikynbreusov |
You lost 6 pounds because of the healthy Thai foodvery fresh and not processed food like what we have here in the USA Comment from : Aikynbreusov |
I'm Canadian I got a colonoscopy done in Toronto, Canada recently as part of my annual medical checkup I paid nothing for the service because it was covered by Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) I'm proud to be a Canadian Comment from : Shinsetsu Takahashi |
Great video, thanks Comment from : subaru4me |
£600 for 2 week holiday or is this for month or year thanks Comment from : Jose Allan |
Another interesting video, medical care overseas is always something that I want to be able to use/do in the future, but does intimidate me a bit (but I guess so does care in the US for another reason you can probably guess haha) Great to hear you had a good experience Comment from : Bold Flavor Vegan |
On behalf of Chiangmai Ram Hoapital, We would like to thank you for making VDO for reviews using the hospital services and, we wish both of you good health and happiness in life Comment from : Chiangmai Ram Hospital |
As always, great video Very smart to have all your medical done in Thailand Great medical care and very affordable prices As for me, I now live in Queretaro Mexico and the medical care is second to none Doctors here also make house calls and will bring in a technician for any test that need to be done This will cost about $7500 USD with no health insurance Comment from : Anita Mendez |
I'm glad that you will recommend your friends to be treated at Thailand hospitals🏥 Comment from : @TEC2555 |
Hey guys Just discovered your channel thanks to your Portugal videos We recently left Chiang Mai after a few months of being there Hope you are enjoying it as much as we did This is a great informative video We had similar health screenings and a colonoscopy done in Penang, Malaysia The experience was very similar to yours Very efficient and affordable Our costs were a bit less, especially for the colonoscopy Regardless, the prices are amazingly affordable compared to the US and the experience was very pleasant I also had my shoulder looked at by an Ortho and had an MRI performed That only cost $260 total Amazing! We are considering going back to Malaysia for our next health screening this summer Maybe Kuala Lumpur this time Thanks for sharing your experience ☺️ Comment from : travel refocused |
I had chest pains, walked to the nearby private hospital, and twenty minutes later I was being wheeled into the cathether lab where I got two new stents and they re-enlarged three older stents Before I left the lab, they showed me the live video of my heart beating and pointed out what they had done I spent two days in critical care and three days observation which required someone to stay with me Total cost was $6,05000 I paid with my Bangkok Bank debit card When I visit my cardiologist, it is always under $30 including blood work Same with my Opthalmologist Prices are much cheaper at public hospitals but this private hospital is nearby Prescription drugs are competitively priced and all doctors and pharmacist are proficient in English Comment from : Raymonds Thai Massage Lanna Style |
Looks like fun Comment from : Geo All |
Hi interesting video, my friend went to a Public hospital to get diagnosed with Dementia 4 1/2 hrs two doctors CT Scan results paperwork done confirming Dementia on the same day, total cost 4,500 Baht Very good service polite doctors & nurses Thailand public health treatment is good Comment from : Retired and Living the dream |
You will be surprised about cancer treatment with Thai herbs by modern medicine❤❤❤in Thailand🎉🎉🎉 Comment from : Hanajung Channel |
Wishing both of you, having a good health and prosperity Be safebrThank you for choosing Thailand as your destination Enjoy Comment from : siam edition |
I have nerve damage in my back and last time i was in Bangkok i made an appointment to see a neurosurgeon at the Bangkok hospital It was amazing i was seen on the very day i made the appointment and offered a MRI the same afternoon the health care is fantastic I live in the uk and the NHS national health service is not fit for purpose Its virtually impossible to get a doctors appointment and if you do its a 3 to 4 week waiting time, I've been waiting 12 months to get to see my dentist also Nurses and ambulance staff are constantly on strike at the moment If you get cancer in the uk at the moment it could well be a death sentence, they really don't care I'm 53 and i would move to Thailand just for the health care Comment from : hello hello |
You should probably tell people that Ram is a private hospital and one of the most expensive ones in CM besides Bangkok Hospital Comment from : Game Tree |
I’m Thai living in Bangkok , I think there are not many packages in this hospital compared to most private hospitals in Bangkok as they have around 5-6 different packages for men brbrFor ex, standard package plus ABI ( Ankle Brachial Index ) brbrAfter that , plus either EST ( Excercise stress test ) or Echocardiogram …brbrbrThe whole processes cost around Baht 17,000 for men at most private hospitals in Bangkok but take longer timesbrbrAnyway , u can get the result within 4-5 Hours on same day Comment from : Spek |
That's cheap when compared to have all these done in the States!!!! You probably got better treatments from the staffs too! Comment from : Snoop Dog |
Dental clinic 's also very good service & cheap too Comment from : Paranee Ratnadhara |
love Thailand Comment from : ViZ |
I have a curious question, did you try using an HSA (Health Savings Account) to pay for the visit? Supposedly it's something we can do, with possible fees from our individual providers Comment from : Greg B |
Yes, if you have money, the services will be topnotchSame as all the countries in the world, I guess Comment from : Anthony Sripakdee |
Appreciate this informative video, take care from Texas and God bless! Comment from : Ai Chanthala Douang Chay Nang La |
Thank you for this video It was very helpful Do they sell health insurance in Thailand to foreigners Many countries I have visited do Thank you for being so informative Comment from : G |
Rajavej Hospital in CM has a similar program called once a year checkup for people over 50, price was similar very thorough with all the procedures and a good thing to doreceived a booklet and a consultationcompared very well with US and, in fact, found some things missed in US 🙏🏻🇹🇭 Comment from : Norris Bethke |
Excellent video Thanks for this You went to one of the higher cost hospitals here and got care for about half in the US I have a Thai wife so we go to the government hospital here in Bangkok which is also the top medical school in Thailand The doctors speak English though few nurses do which why it helps to speak Thai My comparable check is about $60 also in excellent facilities Comment from : R Florey |
Thank you for the awesome information Is it possible to get the hospital name or the link? Comment from : Vegas2012 |
i had my colonoscopy at a hospital in bangkok and they always require 3 days preparation on my part or 2 days if you really have to i guess that one day choice was too short Comment from : cxxx |
Whu didn't you have medical insurance from that country Would it have been less expensive I heard that a good medical plan in Thailand would cost about $60 usd a month Comment from : John Lombardi |
My recent road accident cost me over 100,000 baht at Chiang Mai Ram Hospital In the UK there would have been no charge (I did have insurance - AIG - but they refused to pay after a while) In CM, Ram and Bangkok are the best hospitals, but the costs for the former have rocketed exponentially in the last few years Comment from : Sophie Whiting |
In florida my colonoscopy is 850$$$ Comment from : KT |
Brian , I will go to Thailand next week for 23days and I have some questions brHow much will costs a simple surgery There? I have a portuguese insurance with limit 25000€ Will be enough? And should I have to Comment from : Fernando Correia |
I go to the Dentist there, last time I had work done for $420aud in Australia they wanted $3500 for the same work Comment from : Steve??? |
Many countries in SEA promote medical tourism besides regular tourism Facilities and services are state of the art and the medical practioners including specialists are well qualified many of whom from Western instituitions Prices charged, though higher for tourists (foreighners), are a fraction of what you would pay back home Welcome to SEA the value for money destination Comment from : Gus Teh |
boutique medicine for the well lol Comment from : Walkertongdee |
I am a American expat living in Thailand for ten years I have SLE Lupus with Catastrophic Antiphospholipid Syndrome which is a life threatening condition The past 9 years I have lived in Taphan Hin, Phichit which only has a Thai government hospital Seeing the doctor, test, and 25 prescriptions cost me $45 a month there I usually visit every two weeks to once a month depending on my current condition The key is going there early right before they open for business signing up A few years back I was admitted for 21 days for having multiple pulmonary embolisms (Blood clots in the lungs) The total bill for everything was a little over $600 dollars I can say a government hospital provides good quality care over all Private hospitals will cost more but are still far cheaper than back home I spent 3 days in a private hospital for the same condition costing 140,000 baht in Phitsanulok I mention this as another alternative for people with ongoing health problems like myself Even though private hospitals are less expensive than back home it can add up if visiting on a regular basis or when hospitalized If I live in a bigger city I may choose a different option depending on the circumstances involved I also should mention I have Thai medical/life insurance which will cover 100 of my inpatient medal care You don't have to take my word as truth but do you your own research finding to best option yourself 🙂 Comment from : Adam Kidd |
Just watched this video a couple of hours ago Glad you scheduled (and had) the scope done Am a Thai nurse in the US, and had my 3rd one a couple of months ago (Hoping to retire there in a few years) Am thankful it was normal This is not something anyone should skip Enjoy your videos They are respectful, honest and pleasant to watch Comment from : Pooky |
My wife got colonoscopy screening couple months ago The insurance still wants us to pay the doctor over $4000 saying that the doctor is "out of network" even though we got the doctor name from their website and the doctor office also confirm it But something fishy is going on here because the doctor office sent in the claim under different service provider You guys got an excellent deals We could have gone for vacation and did all that with all they want us to pay Comment from : warn ginbuffet |
I have lived in Chiang Mai for 45 years, as an Expat I regularly use Chiang Mai Ram hospital, it's not like any hospital or clinic in the States Waiting times for doctors with appointments is no more than 15 minutes This hospital has all the facilities needed except for Kidney dialysis, which is handled at the Government Hospital, Suan Dork The only specialty Thailand doesn't have is Podiatrist Cases that require Podiatrist care are sometimes handled by Orthopedist, but they don't have the rigorous 8 year training needed to operate on ankles and feet Comment from : Michael J Carney Jr |
Thanks for sharing medical cost and adventure in Thailand It is very useful information Hoping you a fast recovery Comment from : Timothy Nguyen |
Thanks for this information of the medical visit 👍 Comment from : Audry Angus |
Medical in Thailand are one of the best in the word peoples from middle east always came here to checked up their health once a year some hospital they have personals who can speak Arab too Comment from : Burger R |
Wow! Super cheap vs here! James's last roto rootn costs about $650 and that was WITH our good insurance! Comment from : jiggyjean |
Very helpful! Comment from : Jim Pearsall |
As travel seems to be opening back up, cross fingers, another medical bargain is updating your vaccinations if going off the beaten track a bit Thailand is a great for updating vaccinations at 1/5th the cost of US prices Cocktail DPT (or Tdap), typhoid hepatitis, meningitis, pre rabies, etc Note they do not have the latest shingles vaccine in Thailand Comment from : Don Cheechako |
Great informative video especially being on the Topic of health care that is very dear to Americans I wish we could have the same kind of menu style prices with costs so you know the final bill Unfortunately American healthcare is so expensive and going out of control Comment from : cook master |
I love how the nurses in Thai hospitals still wear the traditional nurse uniforms Yes… once a doctor sees you, a blood test, chest X-rays, & other tests go quickly You’ll be told you’re over weight since they ( or the computer) is use to Asian size bodies Comment from : William Hartz |
Get Sick of medical system in western world Waiting time is too long, not easy & smooth Comment from : letsgowithme |
Is Chiang Mai a place you would consider for staying long term? Comment from : Joe Shmooo |
Great info > no need even for translator services > is it fair to assume being the nurses are fluent in English, the Drs for the most part are as well there? Comment from : Rob Rubin |
Great overview of your experience! So inconceivable why the USA doesn’t have a similar system of providing comprehensive wellness checks at a reasonable fee Question regarding your Colonoscopy I was surprised you were able to schedule a colonoscopy so quickly Normally, you have to undergone a week long “cleanse” to empty your bowel s of all matter in order to get a “clear” picture to see any growths/polyps Did your colonoscopy involve a cleanse, anesthesia , etc? Comment from : astrokid |
Thank you for your appreciation of our country's healing system Overall, almost every hospital system will be good, not long to wait if we have health insurance It is more convenient than labor insurance I hope you're lucky, it's nothing much The disease in your intestines disappears quickly Comment from : Leedong |
That was a great video and something I am sure many people will find helpful I hope the colonoscopy went well and look forward to next week's video Comment from : Mark Finlay |
Brian, I had a endoscopy and colonoscopy at the Ram hospital a couple of years ago It was my first time having the procedures and I was a bit nervous The doctor was excellent and the procedure went very smoothly They even called me a couple of days later to see if I had any discomfort having said that, the stuff you have to take to clear you out is horrid Comment from : Leigh Rogers |
Thailand is the medical hub of this regionWe provide the best services, high technology to you in reasonable price Comment from : NinaViva |
Thanks- very helpful Additionally do you have any insurance? Seems like the costs are extremely low cost I just had a colonoscopy recently and the total costs at a surgery center (out patient) were about USD 8,000_ but with my insurance Copay I only was billed USD245 Comment from : bryan cole |
To elect to go to a hospital, without being injured or ill Sounds horrendous! Glad you found it was useful for you both Comment from : tinglestingles |
I've not seen any of the boughten insurance cover preventive care outside of the usa and they also are different in that they don't cover preexisting, you can get the insurance to cover a colonascopy if you happen to see a little blood in your stool and go to the doctor and they'll prescribe further testing but ya no preventive unfortunately, also all these higher end hospitals in every major town are all first class and very inhouse with all departments and extremely quick in comparison to the states where your booked out months to just get a checkup and it takes forever for the most basic procedures and the cost here is pennies on the dollar compared to the states as you showed brbrYou guys going to any beach town next in thailand or ? Comment from : rick p |
Hope you two are okay Knowing that these costs, while certainly reasonable, will be a big "miscellaneous expense" on your monthly budget, I can't help but worry there might have been a more serious reason for the check-ups I really hope I'm wrong! Be safe you guys, and thanks for sharing your adventures 🩹 Comment from : OC Domer |
Unrelated but you mentioned kayaking in a video If you are still in Chiang Mai go to Chiang Mai Kayaking Center at Fah Ham temple's pier (Google description) where the Fah Ham temple has kayaks for rent or small donation They only ask for 50 baht per person and doesn’t appear to be a time limit Encourage you to donate more if you can Temple is located on Ping river down the road from the popular Riverside and other restaurants Hope you can check them out Comment from : Luyen Phan |
Wow…mind blowing! You get the results back in hours, not days…amazing Comment from : Yulias Life Adventures |
Nice videowatching from east java 🇭🇰 Comment from : blue buli |
Super helpful!! Comment from : Erik Blair |
Just showing us how much we are being ripped off😢 Comment from : Kev B |
Hi Brian and Carrie, I love this video as most YouTubers don’t really address this subject Thanks for sharing the cost so your viewers know what to expect in the event they need these tests in a foreign country Many commented here asking whether the travel insurance would cover these expenses I personally don’t believe they do since these tests are not as a result of a medical emergency, I could be wrong here Anyhow, keep up the great work and stay safe Comment from : Northern Squirrel |
Great breakdown Disappointed we didn't get to see all the colonoscopy details! Just kidding Comment from : Erick Arnell |
Welcome to Thailand❤👍👍🙏🇹🇭 Comment from : สัตว์โลกล้วนเป็นไปตามกรรม💀 |
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