Название | : | А я иду, шагаю по Москве: Храм Знамения в Дубровицах |
Продолжительность | : | 3.34 |
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Просмотров | : | 1,2 rb |
Великолепно!👍👍👍👍👍❤️🤝 Comment from : Надежда Андрюшина |
Да ощущение, что находишь со в замке или дворце Comment from : Зина Хаимова |
настоящий дворец Comment from : DarkSud2017 DarkSud2017 |
Храм редкой красотыСпасибо Comment from : Ольга Маркова |
Владимир, здравствуйте ! Я у Вас спрашивала про Испанию, вроде бы мне понравился городок Рода ди Бара, а потом пересмотрела Ваши все путешествия по ИталииИ теперь хочу только туда Но не могу выьрать, помогите, мы с мужем тоже путешествуем, но до вас с Аллой нам далеко Посоветуйте в Италии маленький городок с пешеходными улочками и хотелось бы на море, планируем поехать в сентябре Мы постарше вас и перемещаться трудно, хотелось бы в одном или двух местах провести 2 недели в красоте Мы очень любим Котор, это наш идеал, были там 4 раза, последний раз целую неделю бродили по ешо узким улочкам Если хотите посмотреть, у меня есть видео, я тоже блогерУ нас долго не было визы Шенген, поэтому мы 4 года подряд ездили в ЧерногориюОдин раз даже за 2 недели пожили в разных городках Боко-Которского залива А теперь есть виза и зочется ее использовать, вот в январе были неделю в Бергамо после Вашего видео Сейчас выбираю между Белладжио и каким то городочком в Тоскане Вы все изьездили, подскажите, какой из них самый милый колоритный и уютный? я заметила что у нас с вами вкусы совпадют Спасибо !!! Comment from : Арина Шаркова |
The Church of the Sign of the Most Holy Theotokos in Dubrovitsy is an Orthodox church in honor of the icon of the Mother of God “The Sign”
brLocated in the village of Dubrovitsy urban district Podolsk, Moscow region, about 36 km from the center of Moscow (16 km from Moscow), in the vicinity of Podolsk The central part of the architectural ensemble of the estate Dubrovitsy, once belonged to representatives of the noble families of the Morozov, Golitsyn and Dmitriev-Mamonov
brThe parish of the temple belongs to the Moscow Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church, is a part of the Podolsky deanery
brThe church was built of white stone on the high bank of the cape formed by the confluence of the Desna and Pakhra rivers It is famous for its unique architecture, unusual for Russian architecture, as well as for its mysterious history The stone temple was founded on July 22, 1690 Construction time - from 1690 to 1703 Presumably, foreign (possibly Italian) craftsmen, commissioned by Prince Golitsyn specifically for this purpose, participated in the construction
brThe base of the temple is an equilibrium cross with rounded ends, divided into three faces The edges of these faces are decorated with columns with Corinthian capitals - not the classical form, but freely stylized The high foundation is encircled by an open porch, richly decorated carvings, and an ornament along the parapet The church has four stairs leading to the doors in the central faces of the projections The framing of the doors is made of coarsely rusticated stone, the portals are flanked by Corinthian columns supporting the ornamental frieze The first floor is encircled with a sculpted frieze with an Ionic belt and a cornice with brackets The windows are decorated with columns twined with vines, volutes and shells All this decoration is completed with images of angels Above the central part of the temple there is an octagon with arched windows at its base
brThe temple is decorated with sculpture At the main entrance, on the sides of the western staircase rise two white-stone statues On the left side, St Gregory the Theologian with a book and raised hand, and on the right side, John Chrysostom with a book and a miter at his feet Directly above the entrance, on the roof of the western vestibule, is the statue of Basil the Great The twelve figures of the apostles divide the faces of the octagon: eight sculptures at its corners and four — in front of the windows
brCrowned temple dome with lyukarnami in the form of chetyrekhlistnikov and carved gilded crown The building combines upward aspiration and a series of accenting horizontal lines
brAt the opening and consecration of the church, which took place 315 years ago - on February 11 (February 22), 1704 - the exarch, Metropolitan of Ryazan and Murom Stephen (Yavorsky), was made by Peter I
brThe temple is richly decorated with high relief compositions, carved baroque iconostasis and choirs A distinctive feature of the decoration of the temple were inscriptions in Latin in cartouches: four and three steps, including the stanzas of the hymn “Patris sapientia, veritas Divina” by the disciple of Thomas Aquinas - Egido da Columns
brBy the middle of the 18th century, a three-tiered bell tower was built south-west of the temple It was also made in the Baroque style, but the nature of its architecture was calmer and more traditional The bell tower had nine bells, the largest of which weighed 2 tons In the 1780s, under the belfry, a warm church was consecrated in the name of the martyrs Adrian and Natalia
brAt the end of the 1840s, under the leadership of Fyodor Richter, the temple was restored, after which on August 27, 1850 it was re-consecrated by the metropolitan of Moscow Filaret
brAt the beginning of the 20th century, a three-year parochial school operated at the church, as well as a poorhouse for nine poor people
brIn 1917, the estate of Dubrovitsy was turned into a historical-everyday museum, originally existed at the expense of the office of the princes Golitsyn and administered by the People's Commissariat of Education of the RSFSR, and since 1925 - under the jurisdiction of the Moscow department of national education; In February 1927, the Moscow Council decided to close the museum, which was executed in August 1927, all the exhibits were taken to the museums of the former Donskoy Monastery and Tsaritsyno In 1929, the temple was closed for worship; in September 1931, the bell tower and the church of Hadrian and Natalia located in it were blown up
brIn October 1989, a local religious community was formed, which began to seek the return of the church's church On February 1, 1990, the Podolsk district executive committee decided to register the community and transfer the church to the community; however, formal obstacles to the opening of the temple remained The first service was held on July 22, 1990 outside the walls of the temple, on the street The first liturgy in the church was performed by the Vicar of the Moscow Diocese by the Bishop of Mozhaisk Gregory (Chirkov) on October 14, 1990 In 2000, the parish returned to the church the preserved icons of the iconostasis, which were located at the All-Russian Institute of Livestock
brIn 2004, to the 300th anniversary of the consecration of the temple, the first stage of its restoration was completed In particular, the interior was restored, verses in Latin were returned Comment from : Владимир Кот - путешествия | Vladimir Cat travel |
Спасибо Владимир очень приятно было увидеть эту церковь я была там 10 лет назад внешний фасад был на реставрацииЕсли правильно помню в усадьбе Галициных сейчас находится ЗАГС Comment from : Анна Гринина |
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