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Why 95% of Australia is Empty


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Название :  Why 95% of Australia is Empty
Продолжительность :   30.47
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Просмотров :   11 jt

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Коментарии Why 95% of Australia is Empty

William Palacio
Comment from : William Palacio

Jaap van der Velde
As a Dutch person (living in Australia though), I greatly prefer a translated name ('Gilt Dragon') over a completely butchered attempt at pronunciation of the Dutch It's grating to listen to if you know the language, and doesn't teach anyone anything about the language if they don't already Of course, if you make the effort and get it right, or almost right, that's nice Great video otherwise, you have my like - just wanted to provide this specific feedback
Comment from : Jaap van der Velde

What if we bomb the mountains??
Comment from : RAFFIC

A Sullivan
Interesting and informative Excellent photography/map descriptions enabling viewers to better understand what the orator is describing
Comment from : A Sullivan

Kay martin
I live in a smaller town on the exterior of australia, and im not even joking when I say winter is -1C whereas summer is 51C The change is insanity Australia is suffering BADLY from climate change
Comment from : Kay martin

Xuân Sơn Nguyễn
That is the smoothest transition to ad I’ve ever seen
Comment from : Xuân Sơn Nguyễn

just another Day
As they say on rick and morty you son of a bitch im in
Comment from : just another Day

As an Australian I can tell you your immigration data is wrong,brhundreds of thousands of white Europeans from mainland Europe settled in Australia during the 1800's mainly from German and dutch people,brSouth Australia was settled vast numbers of germans,Dutch and Scottish people with south Australia having its own dialect of German called aust duetch,brHalf of Victoria's population is of German origin brbrDuring the 1800's gold rush Australia had massive white immigration from texas,Canada,Russia,Germany,poland,brFrance and even eastern Europe brbrCentral Queensland had massive white immigration from Scotland,Scandinavia and Ireland brbrThere are over 8 an a half million white Australians of Irish and German descent brAnd over 16 to 18 million people out of Australia's 25 to 26million people are white brbrAnd Scottish Gaelic was spoken on the NSW table lands up to ww2 before the government banned its use,and the barossa valley in Victoria mainly spoke German instead of English brbrTrue facts ha ha
Comment from : keza

Polly Kendal Bryant
nah, the most off putting thing i have ever heard as an aussie is hearing someone pronounce Lake Eyre and 'Lake eerie' and not 'Lake air'
Comment from : Polly Kendal Bryant

Ben Q Baragiola
American opossum sneaks into Australia at 18:00
Comment from : Ben Q Baragiola

Really, 95 of Canada is empty of people too! Who cares Oh we know why People need resources to survive, therefore most live close to water sources Didn't bother wasting any time for this comment And didn't watch this stupid video!
Comment from : delzinga06

Felicity Bywater
There is no "Shire of East Pill-bara" in Australia It's pronounced Pill-bruhbrbrAnd don't get me started on "Mell-born" and "Briss-bain"
Comment from : Felicity Bywater

Hanna View
Comment from : Hanna View

Radio burge
i live in darwin and i say that it has quite the craziest rain storms, if ya want to know how bad it can get, search cyclone Tracy and see the damage it did, the wind was strong enough to bend solid metal power lines that are very thick and designed to resist storms but clearly not strong enough for cyclone tracy
Comment from : Radio burge

ahmed al wawi
Their is no state of Israel !!
Comment from : ahmed al wawi

nsereko raymond
Very informative show Thanks
Comment from : nsereko raymond

So this video started well, but later it's just padding (eg the discussion of Dutch voyages and English settlement), to keep people watching and have more ads Also, I resent the implication that Australia should have more people, just because it could What about all the other implications, including environmental degradation, loss of species, and the sovereign rights of those already living in Australia, to determine population growth and regional development? So, overall, it's a "NO" from me
Comment from : graeme011

Major Cities: Melbourne, Sydney, Central Coast, Wollongong, Cairns, Gold Coast, Brisbane, Darwin, Alice Springs, Broome, Perth, Adelaide 😊😊😊😊😊 Don’t roast Aussies that graduated in geography 😊😊😊😊😊 😮😮😮😮😮😅😅😅😅😅😅
Comment from : TwinPlayzGG

Mary Valentine
7:05 Pray tell, what in the geographical heck are br“mow-nens”?? The “T“ in mountains is NOT silent
Comment from : Mary Valentine

The Potato Portal
18:01 Isn't that an opossum Those guys aren't from Australia We have possums here, but not opossums
Comment from : The Potato Portal

bro its hot here cold is 8 does not get much colder here in brizzy
Comment from : Makohunter

Adam White
Lake Eyre is not pronounced "eerie" (although it is a pretty eerie place) but it is pronounced like "air" I live in South Australia so I should know
Comment from : Adam White

Greg Francis
No shat
Comment from : Greg Francis

Jahsaan Majingilane
The earth hasnt been here for a fucking billion or a million years Wake up people
Comment from : Jahsaan Majingilane

A Pyrocynical Body Pillow
Ive no idea why channels this big cant spend the extra few minutes to either put on the screen or say their units in inches, feet, etc Im not dumb i know most of the world doesnt use it but im sure plenty of viewers are from the US and I cannot be amazed or even hardly interested if I dont understand your measurements Its so frustrating
Comment from : A Pyrocynical Body Pillow

Geordan Nicholson
Hey don't bully us, we don't get much water ☹️
Comment from : Geordan Nicholson

lord confused
as an aussie I respect this video however it isn't that bad here I live in sa (south australia) and the weather is cold or beyond hot in the middle and top end (the top half of australia) its more animals considering crocodiles if your near the water and a sydney funnel web spider going into your couch (a sydney funnel web is one of the most venomus spider in the world) and if you go for a walk you could encounter a eastern typan (thats the most venomus snake in the world)
Comment from : lord confused

Heretic Tom
Everyone should start sending prisoners to Australia is what I heard
Comment from : Heretic Tom

NW DAO Stories
Australia is fake
Comment from : NW DAO Stories

Shah Zeb
An absolutely brilliant full of knowledge video Many thanks
Comment from : Shah Zeb

Mike Tanner
so austrailia was afraid of chinese invadion so wanted to increase its popualtuon now with chinese imigrants? what is this logic? Why are people still ryibn to convince others that multicultralism is good?
Comment from : Mike Tanner

gordon peden
265 Million as of Aug 2023 It's getting crowded The Mrs and I spent most of July touring along the NSW Victorian border specifically along the Murray river which was running very high it rained a bit last year and the water is still running through the system Everything is green and lushat the moment Great video BTW
Comment from : gordon peden

Hakan Ertam
Great video thank you 🙏
Comment from : Hakan Ertam

DogMan studios
Australia isn't continent!brits part of Oceania
Comment from : DogMan studios

I didn’t realize it was 30 minutes, I just wanted a quick video for a quick meal but I grew bored after 3 minutes I wanna know the answer, not that Java has 150 millions people, what’s the answerrrrrr
Comment from : Mey

Empty? I guess we just erases or "white washed" all the nomadic aboriginals that live the land? What about Uluru?
Comment from : kiutpi

You do know that the there are loads of mining towns in central Australia, which means loads of people live in these mining towns 😳 brAs an Australian who’s partner works in these mining towns, you need a few extra red dots on the western part of Australia Which if you cut Australia in half vertically the left side is Western Australia There’s 27 million people in Western Australia, 93 thousand live in the western outback ( were there’s no dots ) with $156 thousand people flying in to the outback for work Just saying 💁🏼‍♀️
Comment from : fiona8773

NBM gaming
4:18 free Palestine
Comment from : NBM gaming

Some of this is not true because I live Victoria in Australia and there is lots of water to drink
Comment from : Trainfan4014

Great video
Comment from : JonW

Los Canaleros del 956
My dad use to say, “not everyday it’s Christmas”
Comment from : Los Canaleros del 956

Kinda like nw canada, well canada in general
Comment from : mommastery

Ulfat Hussain
Nice information about australia
Comment from : Ulfat Hussain

As an Aussie, this video is very insightful and taught me a lot about my own country and history Ps Australia is still an extremely racist country sadly but slowly changing
Comment from : ShinK0

Matthew Plays Games
CUZ OF KANGAROOS🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅🦅🦅
Comment from : Matthew Plays Games

Ruben Capobianco
u have some cool hypothesizes but you need to widen your vocabulary, its enthhhiirelly the word entirely, makes it really hard to listen to you
Comment from : Ruben Capobianco

Steve Dig
A very good video that explains the climatic, historical and geologic reasons for our sparse population - I still learnt a few things from the video You do very through research As Australians, and mainly clustered around the coast, we forget how different we are to other continents Living in Perth, the most isolated big city of Australia, I like having fewer people around compared to the more densely populated east coast I think Australians can be proud of the way, since 1945, we have integrated people from around the world, with relatively few of the racial tensions of other places Our past treatment of the aboriginal population leaves a lot to be desired though I chuckled a bit around 18:00, when the video showed some of Australia's unique animals A Tasmanian Devil (which only lives in Tasmania, not mainland Australia), kangaroos and a white furry animal, which made me look twice I think it was an opossum, a native of north and central America, not Australia It actually looked like a Virginia Opossum, which is found in the east coast of North America
Comment from : Steve Dig

Sai brother
You missed the kangaroo war
Comment from : Sai brother

Mr Evski
I may be an Aussie, yet I respect how you have explained it, plus Australia has many native animals including kangaroos, wombats and more
Comment from : Mr Evski

Stewart Hughes
australia is amazing,, if i was rich i would visit
Comment from : Stewart Hughes

The state of Victoria is larger than UK and people live inland there Queensland the UK can fit 100 times and people live inland there too Not everyone lives on the coast
Comment from : Nathan007

Slinger Joe
You didn't mention Australia's huge mining industry Second biggest in the world behind China
Comment from : Slinger Joe

Ellis R Kinnear
It's not empty, it's just where the giant spiders live
Comment from : Ellis R Kinnear

Naufal Rifki
Another major point you missed in explaining why most part of Australia is empty is that the people of Australia have to live upside down, which is very challenging thus not all people can do that
Comment from : Naufal Rifki

Rantasa Orabanget
An Indonesian channel called Mr Freastea copying your content, translated word by word
Comment from : Rantasa Orabanget

Adela Hogarth
You say we're 'uniquely cursed'brbrUs Aussies say that the rest of you are little bitches merely playing on easy mode
Comment from : Adela Hogarth

Brian Kane
Daft question 🙄 Is a male one a Pasupial?😁To pacify the gender idiots?
Comment from : Brian Kane

Brian Kane
WEHAT happened to the "T" in "Mounnain"?brHUH? Any pre-mounid buildings since pre-Cambrian? I doubt I'll need English subtitles🙄
Comment from : Brian Kane

Brian Kane
WHY F F S 60Xsmaller? Does he REALLY mean 1/60 the size?
Comment from : Brian Kane

Saikat Halder
not surprised to know that aussie government only allowed white people till 1970s white people are racist to the core
Comment from : Saikat Halder

Peter D
Yet land prices here are ridiculously high (here being Australia) I can buy an akiya house and land in japan for 1 of the cost
Comment from : Peter D

Austin Harmon
Sounds like we just have a over population problem
Comment from : Austin Harmon

Im Australian and its a very small world here, everyones related lmao
Comment from : Meaghan

Malaysian Perspective
Outback in Australia is like going to Mars Quite empty You drive hundreds of kilometers without seeing a town But those ozzies are amazing people, thank you for your kindness people down under
Comment from : Malaysian Perspective

Dan Fisher
Why does this guy sound exactly like Norm from Tokyo Lens
Comment from : Dan Fisher

lol you used footage of the very different American possum
Comment from : Breakbearrr

Steven Richards
Keep your dirty hands off Australia
Comment from : Steven Richards

Marc Thunderbolt
3:46 35k people???? My school have 8000 students studying in it and i live in a small town that have no mncs or big it company my town was literally a village and was formed 20 years ago as a district💀
Comment from : Marc Thunderbolt

Whomping Walrus
Funny how countries with relatively decent wealth & quality of life can never afford to breed their own populations upward, and instead are flooded by hordes from the third-world who come to take advantage of the place's prosperity because they'll accept terrible conditions & wages It's a blatantly anti-worker short-term destructive rationale But yeah, sure, we're proud immigrant countries! We bneed/b them to keep wages and worker demands down Surely this is for equality? By making all of us as destitute as possible except the ultra-wealthy who are taking advantage of the entire systembrbrWe're about to find out why the third-world was so poorly built to begin with We give tens, hundreds of billions in foreign aid each year to try to help these people We don't also need to flood our own society with them, destroying the entire systembrbr(It's not about race)
Comment from : Whomping Walrus

Lily Sinclair
It’s not a continent…… they are apart of Oceania
Comment from : Lily Sinclair

William Arthur Fenton
Just looking at the map tells you everthing It's completely inhospitable in the main of the interior
Comment from : William Arthur Fenton

Ahsanur R
Australia is literally a British stolen land
Comment from : Ahsanur R

"Australia driest country" brbrMe in Darwin at 40C° humid air and a cyclone xD brbrokaybrbrEdit: oh^^
Comment from : IchLiebeDich

NorCali Railroading
I kinda hope it stays that way, some place where animals can get away from humans without bieng bothered 🙂
Comment from : NorCali Railroading

so exactly what they were afraid of in ww2 has happened how is that good?
Comment from : toolbag1477

Comment from : Leland

I stay in Indianapolis, indiana in America Im about 27 hr from Chicago, Cincinnati, and Louisville We all have relative big metropolitan areas The smallest 15 to the largest at 95 million
Comment from : Escapetrix

Keenan Taylor
I know it’s no black people that live down there and they probably like it like that
Comment from : Keenan Taylor

Gonçalo Rodrigues
Oh no you lost me at min 2010… the Portuguese were the first Europeans to arrive there It was going well (seemed so) but now cannot take any of the info in as this one is completely wrong, meaning I cannot be sure if any is correct
Comment from : Gonçalo Rodrigues

great video, but annoying voice
Comment from : A R

Mr Ash
"an Enthhire Chhontinent"
Comment from : Mr Ash

2:16 did u forget darwin or is it not a major city?
Comment from : Mario_playz1

Julie Bee
Canada is the second biggest country in the world And we populate only 20 of it With 38 million ppl Australia has 3ppl per km² as Canada has 4
Comment from : Julie Bee

Joaquim Azevedo
What if all kangaroos got together and invaded Venezuela?
Comment from : Joaquim Azevedo

Anouar Ouattou
I don’t know what it is but something in the way he talks provoked me
Comment from : Anouar Ouattou

Spudders Spud
Misleading video in comparing the white Australia policy with the USUS also had a white only immigration policy (praised by H1tler in Mein Kampf) which only changed with the 1965 Immigration Act (prior to that 90 of the US population was white, most of the remaining 10 non whites were descendants of sl@ves)
Comment from : Spudders Spud

Jack T
900 dollaridoos!!😂
Comment from : Jack T

as an Aussie and car geekI would like to point out that we had a thriving car industry at one point (RIP Holden) and also the fact that Australia has a lot of native herbs and spices
Comment from : aperson

+++ TIME HAS RUN OUT !! John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life Don't ignore this message REPENT NOW !! TRUST that God raised Him from the dead !! By FAITH accept JESUS's blood alone as payment for your sins unto Salvation, to escape what's about to happen !!
Comment from : Camelot

Eduardo Uribe
Is New Zealand part Australia?? Why don’t y’all just name it Oceania ?
Comment from : Eduardo Uribe

Comment from : Wobalisk

The Silver Knight
Nice video
Comment from : The Silver Knight

I honestly wonder if they should blow up their mountain range so more rain would be able to come
Comment from : agr0nianTV

Why does it rain so much in Melbourne 😢
Comment from : ManLikeWORRA

x dreamscape o
Simple answer: spiders
Comment from : x dreamscape o

its not a continent tho
Comment from : DrizzleGT

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