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Interview Question: “What Are Your Weaknesses?” And You Say, “...”


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My biggest weakness is not having the confidence to admit my biggest weakness
Comment from : MonkeyJourney

Sweett Sweett
thank you
Comment from : Sweett Sweett

Wish me luck 🍀starting out again for job searches I will definitely consider this information
Comment from : Kiwii

Michelle C
DAMNNNNNN you read books?! brHahahahah
Comment from : Michelle C

Toya Foster
Comment from : Toya Foster

Mr Calm
Hi Sir ,I need advice on marketing can u comment
Comment from : Mr Calm

muki nam
Hey, thank you for this insight I have had this weakness of not knowing what exactly to say when I am asked this question hahaha you have actually taught me exactly how to go about answering this one for my next soon to come big interview A big thank you
Comment from : muki nam

nischitha ap
My weakness is overthinking, dwelling on past, can't say NO
Comment from : nischitha ap

Haro Skai
I can get a bit distracted and sometimes switch between tasks before I finish one I actively try to work on that by sticking to it until I finish the task, but sometimes I get called somewhere and forget about a task
Comment from : Haro Skai

M Yousuf
My weakness is that I think too much about any idea or decision But recently I am reading a book for solution of it I have much improved myself
Comment from : M Yousuf

MC Christine
I'm too good too be honest🙆😌🥺sesadnya
Comment from : MC Christine

Francis Lalata
My weaknesses are too shy to share
Comment from : Francis Lalata

"I'm way too honest"brbr"I don't think that's a weakness"brbr"I don't give a fuck what you think"
Comment from : Mbrace

Phoenix Xiong
This is the most pressure question to me saying about my weakness & strengthbrI want to say I am a slow worker than other cause I check cautiously But when I say they only saw I am a slow worker But I don't know how to say thing right And my strength, I really don't knowbrAnd the other question is why should they have to assign me? Give them a reason why?brThis question killing me
Comment from : Phoenix Xiong

Every employers gonna find a lot of employees who shy and introvert now
Comment from : Alvin

Say you dislike office gossip It’s unprofessional, it wastes time, & we’re here to work
Comment from : hast0408

Clement Dang
Oh yeah
Comment from : Clement Dang

Raymond Shanks
I found your advice extremely helpful I have an interview for a VP of Safety tomorrow My biggest interview to date I took some of your advice and will be using it during the interview brThank you!!!
Comment from : Raymond Shanks

My weakness is honesty
Comment from : yuna

Ameen Ahmed Pv
Woow it is an awesome ideabrThank you sir
Comment from : Ameen Ahmed Pv

labros labrou
just say that quarantine was hard for you, because you wanted to go out with your friends and see your relatives
Comment from : labros labrou

Joy PF
I can to learn about interview behavior and to practice my English listen at the same time 🙏🏾
Comment from : Joy PF

Ernest Suarez
“I’m reading books” C’mon NOBODY is reading a How To book
Comment from : Ernest Suarez

Palaweña Wanderer
Comment from : Palaweña Wanderer

I will tell, I can't share my ideas with everyone
Comment from : KAJAL SINGH

Too bad my interviewer read 80/20 principle by Richard koch n asked me few questions bout the book lol I guess am done lying
Comment from : Fun

Salvador Torres
My weakness is that I'm so passionate about my work; that I like to take up multiple projects at the same time Trying to invest 100 percent of myself in each of them I need to learn how to organize and prioritize my energy and efforts so that I can become truly lethal and efficient
Comment from : Salvador Torres

Cuc Nguyen Thi
My weakness was that I want things to be completed fast and sometimes I do it myself instead of delegating it to my staff And this makes me busy on works that my staff can do I realized the issue, so I attended a course called “effective manager” from Novaliches Where it tells me about time management and work delegation and I now make it my skill that I always spend 30 seconds to decide if the work I should do or delegate it to my staff and the result is that I can spend time for setting goals and planning to do it
Comment from : Cuc Nguyen Thi

Shaziya Samreen
Thanks a lot that's all I can say
Comment from : Shaziya Samreen

kabache ouiza
Comment from : kabache ouiza

Ray Ye
Interv is a personality not bad nor good, depending
Comment from : Ray Ye

Narjess Narjess
Very helpful videobrThank's for sharingbrActually i answer this question by saying " Well my weakness is time management I want everything to be done at the same time and that's a bit difficult but through the time and with more practice and work i 've learned how to get things done on time and how meet deadlinesbrWhat do you think about this answer??!
Comment from : Narjess Narjess

Hey DAN!! eres mi mentor aunque aún no lo sepas, financieramente y educacional para aprender otro idioma, tengo fe y convicción en que podré mirarte a los ojos y estrechar tu mano, no para agradecerte sino para preguntarte qué día nos veremos para afinar detalles para el proyecto en el que incursionaremos
Comment from : JATDAM

Christiaan Vrey
I will watch youtube for every question or problem I am presented
Comment from : Christiaan Vrey

Veronique Ma At
what about examples for a teacher's interview?
Comment from : Veronique Ma At

Kuch Batein Kuch Kitabein کچھ باتیں کچھ کتابیں
I can't share my thoughts some people , due to their negative vibes
Comment from : Kuch Batein Kuch Kitabein کچھ باتیں کچھ کتابیں

My weakness is that I have no weaknesses , either hire me or don’t
Comment from : Kulkid

introvert IS about their personality dude 'shy" would have been a better example
Comment from : B T

Albert Sebastian
30 best
Comment from : Albert Sebastian

Star Gazer
My weakness is that I tend to take the first job that is offered instead of being discerningso if you say yes, I'll take it
Comment from : Star Gazer

Tering Rivas
Thankyou for this smart knowledge that can share for us
Comment from : Tering Rivas

Rimantas Danilevicius
How to find out weaknesses?
Comment from : Rimantas Danilevicius

Claire Marie
Indeed, this is one of the most common questions during an interview Thank you for sharing these tips
Comment from : Claire Marie

Comment from : 위기의주부

I have never had a job review tell me I have weaknesses They have told me they want more of x, y, or z, but of course that is what anyone wants and is to be expected
Comment from : RobertMOdell

anisa hussein
I have no weakness at all, that's what i said in my last interview 😂
Comment from : anisa hussein

Yash Murarka
Dan lok is best 👍😊
Comment from : Yash Murarka

zizi zizi
Thank you Don for your precious advice, i love it!
Comment from : zizi zizi

Dont Watch Me
My weaknesses is I am a kind of people who have many questions for myself The why question always pops up in my brain at a variety of different times Such as when I was studying, walking, eating and even showering Sometimes, I also cannot understand myself because those questions are really hard to have an appropriate answer For me, Its like a decade to get a great answer, It took so long when I have decided the last result On one hand, It is a good answer and makes me very satisfied with my decision On the other hand is an opposite side, I must decided only because I had no choice and I feel It really can be a disadvantage option But, There is one thing which brought me happiness after all of those decisions is I always try to figure it out by myself I researched at a dozen of source like reading books or searching information on google I never stop until I found the result Lastly, I definitely wanna say that life experience is what I need to improve day by day and It is one of the extreme hard questions which I still cannot have the answer
Comment from : Dont Watch Me

Ben T
My weakness is that I don't multi-task as well as some people For instance I can't carry an uninterrupted convo while driving because I have to stop talking to concentrate on a lane change or turn at an intersection And while on one hand it is a weakness it is also a strength that I pay close attention to detail Also, if I am engaged in a convo with someone I want to give them my undivided attention as well as the task at hand to avoid making mistakes
Comment from : Ben T

Uhsen Li
My weakness is I have ADHD through out high school career I have had a hard time concentrating I actually saught help from a psychiatrist The psychiatrist not only prescribed addarell to me, however taught me that one good thing about ADHD people they can actually think outside the box a lot further than normal people I slowly understood what he meant and help me with troubleshooting and diagnosing in IT field on how to tackle a problem
Comment from : Uhsen Li

Edward Ongeso
Best answer I have heard so far on how to answer this question
Comment from : Edward Ongeso

Kenny JI
Dan Lok is a good man
Comment from : Kenny JI

I Ask Albert
My weakness is having too much caffine
Comment from : I Ask Albert

Nafiul Adnan
Thanks a lot man!!
Comment from : Nafiul Adnan

quy chau
Let be focus on matter,
Comment from : quy chau

What to talk about: A skill set that can be fixed, followed by sharing improvement plans
Comment from : T S

Bits and pieces
As a fresh graduate out of the university i had some many ideas in my mind to improve the production process But as I worked for a year in a company, i realized, change can't happen all of a sudden It is a process which take time, effort and commitment So, I am now going along with things but also tweaking them a little everyday, like in my last job, I introduced new sops, which reduced ambiguity and brought certainty and confidence in people
Comment from : Bits and pieces

Man on Dare
My weakness is that i'm very lazy and tend to be very chilling
Comment from : Man on Dare

What are my weaknesses? Oh I don't know, I sing in the shower, sometimes I volunteer too much, occasionally I'll hit someone with my car
Comment from : W@tch

Jay Prakash
Request you to addon few more points on this topic
Comment from : Jay Prakash

Bryce Leung
this guy is lowkey savage Like the kind of boss you slightly fear, but also the one that would help you grow the most
Comment from : Bryce Leung

Humble is me
What about, My biggest weakness is, "I'm consistently, inconsistent" ???brI said that to my trainer n he was like oh, okay lol 🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️
Comment from : Humble is me

Jason Drakes
What I've notice about me to be my weakness is that when I'm among more skilled or experienced persons I hesitate to shear my ideasbrBecause to  my knowledge of solving a problem might be technical an yet correct, the experience or skilled team mate might have a simple and easier way to solve the problem due to their experience
Comment from : Jason Drakes

My weakness is knowing people by names when we meet for the first time
Comment from : PATRICK AMADU KAI

Siva Prasad
My greatest weakness is I concentrate on one thing at a timeYou see that how simple was that
Comment from : Siva Prasad

Sergey Rs
One interviewer asked me: can you enumerate 3 (!) your main weaknesses? A am afraid that in the next time somebody asked me to enumerate 5 or 10 Be ready and prepare the full list of weaknesses
Comment from : Sergey Rs

Tendo Ryan
Thanks Mr Dan Lok, what about when asked, what are your (our) strengths, like how precise and smart should we be having been asked that particular question?
Comment from : Tendo Ryan

Reolebogile Lenkie
I am a creative thinker and I think fast and I like sharing my ideas and I sometimes my ideas may be wrong or right,but I have this tendency of being the last person to share my ideas because I get scared and I am working on that
Comment from : Reolebogile Lenkie

What is your weakness is in the operation of a particular piece of software like in my case it’s excel Anything that reeks of mathematics in any form causes me to freak out and get nervous How do I explain that to a potential employer? It’s not a personality flaw it can be fixed but it is a legitimate weakness on my part

Abdul Khalid
My greatest weekness is trust as i grew up in a very poor family so from my early age i used to do each and evey thing on myselfSo when i reached the professional era i also not trust others work and i tried to do myself
Comment from : Abdul Khalid

Well, over the span of my career, I've had moments when I had to take care of several tasks at once It became a bit difficult for me to manage all of them properly and prioritize the tasks in a meaningful way I thought of myself to be an organized person, but this multitasking environment put me on a real test and I struggled at times To overcome this, I tried several methods such as using memos, planners or schedulers that are out in the market such as the Franklin planner, and attended many workshops and seminars that dealt with this matter Now I've settled with one tool that I found best fit for me And I've been using this tool for almost 5 years now It has helped me improve on my weakness in many ways, but I feel there's still room for improvement, and if this job requires multitasking ability, I'm more than willing to devote my time and energy to learn and develop any skills or methods that will help me get the job done
Comment from : TaeKim79

Iara Martinez
I love your videos, i have my first english intervew on sunday I am from Argentina and i don't know how to say "trabajo en negro" y "trabajo en blanco" I would love to know how to say it If you could help me i would be super grateful
Comment from : Iara Martinez

Finn Cullen
"What are your weaknesses?"br"I'm very direct"br"I don't really think that's a weakness"br"I don't give a fuck what you think"
Comment from : Finn Cullen

sirshak ratheesh
i want to say that my weakness is i am short tempered so sometimes when my technical team is not getting the work done, i gets angry and shout at them but i am getting over it by meditating and practice stoitism
Comment from : sirshak ratheesh

siti nordin
My great weaknesses are being so much empathy when people asking for help Until my manager came to me, Sitiyou should learned how to to say no when anybody came over you and asking for help Not saying you are not willing to helping people butyou need to learn how to prioritize your to do list And you will work smarter than u can imagine!
Comment from : siti nordin

Introversion is a personality type Not so?
Comment from : Markks100

No_Hope End
Sir Dan by doing this videos with your teachings you have opened my mind to new hope and possibilities And when I achieve success I hope I get the chance to meet you
Comment from : No_Hope End

Chris Rupa
I Have been searching for long time to find out the best answer ✌️✌️✌️& ended up with this beautiful narrative brain storming 🙆🙆🙆😎😎😎 answer 😉😉😉Thq for saving me dan lok🤗 before telling the stupid answer like I'm perfectionist 😯😯😯😯in an interview 💤
Comment from : Chris Rupa

Idriss Chaouch
The first example will eliminate you directly since companies are looking for excellent verbal skills
Comment from : Idriss Chaouch

Mario Roque III
Awesome Sir Dan thanks for sharing this ideas Love it!
Comment from : Mario Roque III

hartono hadipurmono
Old post but stiil sharp until today The way you deliver your tips is so natural and very-very applicable thanks Dan, looking forward your another great tip wish you all the best
Comment from : hartono hadipurmono

Adrian Benhard
I: What are your strength?brM : NothingbrI : And how bout your weaknesses?brM : I have no strengthbrI : you fired!brM : Butbut how?
Comment from : Adrian Benhard

Debika Chatterjee
Hi Mr Lok! can you suggest how to prepare myself for the job interview after taking a sabbatical of 7 years? Though I am having 12+ years of experience and even after trying hard, I am unable to crack any interview due to the gap in my career can you please also suggest any professional course which can enhance my skill and ability to market myself to the employers? will look forward your reply
Comment from : Debika Chatterjee

Ahmed Azhari
If the employer asked me what are my weaknessess? i would reply my weaknessess are eating too much,not socialising with people and exposing peoples privacy however i am working on these weaknesses because the more i socialise with people the more i realize the importance of the advice they give me for example my friends tell me to download books
Comment from : Ahmed Azhari

What are you're strength's:brI'm kinda strongbrWhat are you're weaknesses:brI'm kinda weak
Comment from : orcel3000

bejja mohamed
it s ok if say ; I'm a naive person because I trust people too much
Comment from : bejja mohamed

Thor Ya
I'm lazy so I drink coffee try to find the easiest solution or make it easier for long uncomfortable issues
Comment from : Thor Ya

Internal injection truly here under God Louy$lugz
Be patient its heavy I think to know strong dont show your weakness where you can be robbed and know pride that wont
Comment from : Internal injection truly here under God Louy$lugz

I suffer from a bit of a lack of motivation paired with shyness and ADHD They way I learn best is with detailed instructions My fear is that because of that I may not be able to interpret what the company may want or need with few details
Comment from : Nightsky071

Mason Selly
Wow so good brbrI learn from this
Comment from : Mason Selly

Under pressure to reach the deadline of a projecti overcome that the way I motivated my self everyday task given to me is under pressure and doing in safe manner
Comment from : sschanel

the girl in ( 0:20 ) is my weakness 😂😂
Comment from : Obaid

Noor Taher
Thanks for sharing that, I learned what is the purpose of this question and will prepare on ways to answer
Comment from : Noor Taher

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