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Hotel room tax increase affects Hawaii residents, says tourism officials


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Название :  Hotel room tax increase affects Hawaii residents, says tourism officials
Продолжительность :   2.17
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Просмотров :   16 rb

Кадры Hotel room tax increase affects Hawaii residents, says tourism officials

Описание Hotel room tax increase affects Hawaii residents, says tourism officials

Коментарии Hotel room tax increase affects Hawaii residents, says tourism officials

Blue Stormcloud
Instead of raising the tax 3, just raise it 01 a day for a month! That way the increase will only be a few bucks a day, nobody will notice, and the overall increase will be more than the original plan of 3! Nobody will cancel their vacation for a tiny 01 tax increase
Comment from : Blue Stormcloud

Brian Menjen
Come on law makers! Figure out a way to exempt locals from the tax!
Comment from : Brian Menjen

FormEEh Ohyeah
Aaaah, this sucks But no matter how I or we complain, them people still gonna raise ‘em They greedy and it’s killing us
Comment from : FormEEh Ohyeah

NoParticipationRibbons Ever
So you raise the prices of hotels via a tax which will make lower income families' Hawaii dream unaffordable Seems like catering to the rich Here I thought Hawaii was a progressive Leftist state How about only taxing the foreigners who visit, from China, Japan, etc
Comment from : NoParticipationRibbons Ever

Thanh T
State should increase any tax from tourists But not to Hawaii residents 🙏
Comment from : Thanh T

William Lowe
More money for politicians?
Comment from : William Lowe

Johnny Cruise
INFLATION sucksAir BNB wins again
Comment from : Johnny Cruise

J McGovern
Don’t charge HI residents hotel room tax
Comment from : J McGovern

Kawehi Onalani
For all the taxes I’ve paid over the years, I have not received the equal amount of service from Ige and Co Isn’t the Government supposed to SERVE THE PEOPLE? Instead, it’s The People SERVING the Government brbrWhen Trump was in office, the MSM cried how our economy is going down, how terrible it is, etc but in reality our economy had the biggest growth spurt prior to Obama Gas prices was good, unemployment was down, GDP was UP And now when Biden is in office, the MSM spins the narrative to make it appear how great everything is: economy, low taxes, employment But in reality, it’s pure utter chaos brbrThis is exactly what THEY wanted
Comment from : Kawehi Onalani

Sandy M
It's easy enough for the hotels to NOT charge locals the tax, but it's more money for them 3 is nothing They should raise it to 5 or even 10 They should also make sure the B&B's pay the tax I'm sure a majority, of the legal one's, don't pay any tax at all tourist are only here to spend money, why not take them for all the have
Comment from : Sandy M

The Goose That lays the golden egg!
Comment from : carl

Well,many many years ago when sorta attending the U of Hmostly attending the beachTaking Econ courses from Chicago School Of Econ teachers( conservative guys) !They went overThe killing the dose that lays the golden eggroutine the hotels presented to get tax breaks and exemptions from the state!1970’s!And even went down and read it all into the states books for future reference!They brought up an interesting dodgewhere the hotelsevery 5 years or so would be bought out by a dummy corporationthat would still run the hotel and pay the profits to the original ownersbecausememory is rustythe tax deductions for depreciation would start over again for the new buyersthemselves ,thru their proxy buyer!Still exist?
Comment from : carl

More money for them to mismanage
Comment from : Hazhoni

Ho tell par tee
Comment from : Whiteboytripping

Calvin Nishimura
Cut Government, that’ll save us Locals some money, lawmakers should take a cut in pay…
Comment from : Calvin Nishimura

Scott Reynolds
These idiots will just waste the money on "consulting firms" or some other BS
Comment from : Scott Reynolds

John Sotelo
Taxes only going get higher, island people going struggle even more Rail waist of money All politicians in Hawaii getting a big paycheck Greedy, corruption top to the bottom Nothing changes for the good
Comment from : John Sotelo

Ron C
Why don't locals get a Kama'aina pass on the tax?
Comment from : Ron C

David Crosson
I'm born and raised here but when I retired I live in Thailand They do the same thing out there and the tourist keep on coming! The question is where does the extra money from the tax really go! They say it's for this but! Does the people really know where it's going!
Comment from : David Crosson

Kevin Huddleston
So the solution is spend more and collect moresmhwhat do the hotels themselves pay in taxes? I am not surecalling in the journaliststy for the info
Comment from : Kevin Huddleston

Scott Reynolds
Greed, man this states getting out of hand Well, we're already out of hand but it's continuing to get worse The local government just WASTES it all
Comment from : Scott Reynolds

Jarome VanWells
Vote and vote and vote for Democrats They always, always raise taxes We the people get poorer and poorer and poorer
Comment from : Jarome VanWells

Jessica Zane
All you wannabe natives are to blame for this and now you will all suffer because of your pathetic nativism
Comment from : Jessica Zane

Faafiti S
Ugly wearing ugly by ugly Making hawaii ugly 😃🤙🏽
Comment from : Faafiti S

Tobias Birmingham
Yep - everyone wants to tax the tourist- but what they don’t realize is we all suffer! brStop complaining - tourist make up our economy - now that people have rocked the boat - we all gotta pay
Comment from : Tobias Birmingham

Hans Blix
Hawaii sucks
Comment from : Hans Blix

That’s true You ever got your hotel bill lately? Locals do get charged for that tax too Hawaii is getting to be a place for the rich
Comment from : scully392z

SkrAm-_- Op
Comment from : SkrAm-_- Op

Unkel Faka
Inflation, more tax, higher food costs, for the government and not for the people Watch, they will give themselves raises soon
Comment from : Unkel Faka

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