
See what three degrees of global warming looks like

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Название :  See what three degrees of global warming looks like
Продолжительность :   16.24
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Просмотров :   3,4 jt

Кадры See what three degrees of global warming looks like

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Коментарии See what three degrees of global warming looks like

Paul Malone
Make it 100degreesbrPlease
Comment from : Paul Malone

Paul Malone
Make it biig😂
Comment from : Paul Malone

7:10 I also want to help human race because I know how much academia including Top journals and professors in main stream (making a call all day long and exclusive group between friends Because they are incapable they cant work alone like Tesla and Einstein Genius never relies on group which only made nuclear weapon) meteo agency are incompetent but they don't accept Their logic is like " I can't trust your invention because I (who is much superior to you) couldn't do thatbut you made it I don't accept I would rather prefer to trust NASA and MIT although nothing works"brbrHowever this is human history All the authorities and goverments always decline reject and crusified all the rescue since Jesust Christ What human can understand is only obediance to silly man
Comment from : 나비

entertainment youtube
DON'T have kids!!
Comment from : entertainment youtube

Much too late to turn this around even if the political will to do so exists (which it doesn't)
Comment from : hcheetah100

No Heatwaves will not be the only consequence for Europe This will be the least severe result and much more devastating will be extreme (flash) floods interchanged with catastrophic droughts and very unusual temperature/weather anomalies caused by disrupted jet streams Also the rough weather will cause farmers to quit their jobs and the food prices will skyrocket This in return will trigger multiple military conflicts throughout the world and mass migration (way before actual people displacement caused by climate change itself) Also many countries rely on nuclear power plants located on the seacoast or near other bodies of water on which they rely Both the sea and sweetwater will become a danger to the facilities But imo the worst consequence could be a civil war(s) caused by the crisis in Europe and other countries
Comment from : sloth

Silver Fox
The opening picture looks like the current China
Comment from : Silver Fox

Samir Patel
Solution :- less population negligible meat eaters and less consumption
Comment from : Samir Patel

Linda Mannix
Thank you Sir !
Comment from : Linda Mannix

cj Johns
More heat? Longer summers? More crop time? More food? Oo the humanity!!!!!
Comment from : cj Johns

the earth is dying let's tax the people so much they cant go anywhere or do anything Climate is now a cult, wake up people
Comment from : Daspags

nothing better to watch than human suffering hahahah humans are discusting Hope humans will die off by the billions MOTHER EARTH HATES HUMANS and me to I hate all humans

its' not if, it's when! Prevention too latemitigation well, as we are witnessing, global governments ineptstill tied to what has caused this; GREED!
Comment from : Dona101

Paula Wright
This is a scam There's no climate change
Comment from : Paula Wright

Kenneth Richardson
It will be 3C around 2070, close to 5C around 2100 - new data has come out showing warming has accelerated
Comment from : Kenneth Richardson

Daryl Redfield
WHy is this not banned for false information??? Sheeples
Comment from : Daryl Redfield

Stavros Hadjiyiannis
"Global warming" -> The faux religion of oil-poor states
Comment from : Stavros Hadjiyiannis

Glen DeKoker
We had that during the Roman times they grew grapes in England? Also the 1930's was record hot people did fine So I question the fear you push? C02 has been recorded 300 higher and the Temps where normal? You people are evil you want the money in peoples pocket
Comment from : Glen DeKoker

Just Me
So who predicated this count down? So far they’ve been 100 wrong on all their prediction
Comment from : Just Me

Rianne van Rossum
Nature looks stunning alarmists!!many hotter times and colder times than now
Comment from : Rianne van Rossum

This has all been debunked
Comment from : mcsteel77

Dan Story
Over the last 650 million years, Earth's average temperature rests at 23°C,(7 degrees higher than now) for 80 of the time In the era of complex life, we evolved and exist in a climatic anomaly brbrThis being said, no matter what happens with humans and their attempts at civilization, there WILL be a two-mile thick sheet of ice covering most of the civilized world in 20,000 years There's nothing anyone can do about that The continuation of the glacial cycle is so far beyond anything humans are capable of, we might as well not even be here
Comment from : Dan Story

Brent Westbrook
I gave up after 9 minutes as this is based on IPCC BS which has been heavily modified and obscured
Comment from : Brent Westbrook

Brent Westbrook
OK, at 8:47, sea level rise Why do Obama and Gates, plus many others own beach front properties worth millions? Why are mortgages and property insurance available on beach front properties still available? Tell me where sea level rises that cannot be managed are? I'm sure that predicted sea level rise of 4 inches by the end of the century cannot be managed
Comment from : Brent Westbrook

James Mark-Woody-Woodward II
Arrongant Fear Monger! Ice cores show we are currently in a mini ice age the Milankovic cycle says we are going into a bigger one Stop the fear and do something productive to prepare Humans WILL NOT STOP Mother Nature
Comment from : James Mark-Woody-Woodward II

Dessertification is a lie The earth is far greener now that it was in the year 2000 The Sahara dessert has become smaller All because there is more C02 allowing plants to grow larger
Comment from : NoodlePlexium

Stephane Jourdren
You are optimist😢 i think we do not know what really will happenit can go out control before
Comment from : Stephane Jourdren

That was million years 600,000,000 years
Comment from : magicsinglez

The earth has been getting steadily and significantly colder for 600,000 years No small stretch of time That long ago there were no animals or plants on land All life was confined to the oceans
Comment from : magicsinglez

I want to believe you guys but all I see changing is people, like you, pushing the green agenda are getting rich and more rich and more rich that's all I see that's changing
Comment from : RustinPeace

Dermot Odwyer
The earth is warming from the core and nothing about that
Comment from : Dermot Odwyer

Dermot Odwyer
And don't forget planes in the sky and nuclear bomb testing in desert is contributing to most of it
Comment from : Dermot Odwyer

German Tribe / Deutscher Stamm
Thereal and only climate-change is happening in the humans heads, by not further believing in the Pharisee´s lies
Comment from : German Tribe / Deutscher Stamm

Randy Thomas
It's a scam dont fall for it
Comment from : Randy Thomas

David Clough
And since medeval times the world has cooled by 4 degrees Funny that they don't mention that
Comment from : David Clough

Chris Hill-Collins
Noone wants to add in solar forcing and our weakening magnetic field More uv rays, more heat, therefore nothing humanly we can do! Cities raise and fall over time One of these reasons is weather
Comment from : Chris Hill-Collins

Sausage N Bellenz
This is mumbo jumbo
Comment from : Sausage N Bellenz

Earths temperature has risen and dropped for hundreds of thousands and millions of years before humans Earths temperature is below avg for the last 250 million years
Comment from : Ivie

Giraffa Camelopardalis
GReat! I always wanted to be a character in a Hollywood blockbuster!
Comment from : Giraffa Camelopardalis

I hate this!
Comment from : Kruger

Mr C Sutton
We've only got five years until the doomsday date is kicked forward AgainbrbrThe only people claiming there's a "climate crisis" are gullible lefties (and notice it's ALWAYS lefties), those so-called "scientists" relying on the scam to keep their funding coming in and those who are actually becoming very rich from itbrbrMeanwhile, out here in reality, natural climate change is happening, just as it has done for the last few billion years and as it will continue to do, regardless of human activitybrbrThere is no climate crisis Stop worrying and enjoy your life
Comment from : Mr C Sutton

Vanessa Pfutzenreiter Andrade
It's happening Worst case scenario is happening
Comment from : Vanessa Pfutzenreiter Andrade

j en
at 61, i am lucky i won't be here when it all falls apart
Comment from : j en

Abraham Fehr
I see how this is coming up but simple logic makes debunks it If the temps have gone up 13 already, that is a year ago from when I post this comment, I don't see so many of the effects
Comment from : Abraham Fehr

15C rise in 120 years Not much and the medieval warm period was warmer CO2 has nothing to do with it Graphics on a screen is not science, you people need to get educated on basic science
Comment from : JoelDS

Theeraphat Sunthornwit
You ever see hawaii? It is something like that😂
Comment from : Theeraphat Sunthornwit

ulysses k
well its 80000 metric tonns per second sediments thoug gibraltat the wader gets flatter and hotter
Comment from : ulysses k

We were told maximum0002 by 2100
Comment from : Amor

Douglas Engle
Cute 11°C to 13°C of global warming! Global warming was reported at 11°C and again at 11°C in 2022 and has never gone higher! So you get partial credit Now here's the thing, you got nothing out of high school science Your writers should repeat high school It impossible for noncondensing greenhouse gases to change earth's greenhouse effect that adds 10°F (555°C) to earth's average temperature taking place within 20 meters of the earth's surface because earth's greenhouse effect is always in saturation from the strong greenhouse gas water vapor After 20 meters from the surface all the radiant greenhouse energy has been absorbed by greenhouse gases It's further heat transfer is by convection ie gas molecules bumping into each other In general global warming can be stated to have been stalled at 1°C for thirty years prior to the present 2023brbrThe United Nation's IPCC science report makes it clear it is not discussing active greenhouse gas behavior or earth's greenhouse effect when in the back of a 200 page report it declares it took its greenhouse gas samples at 20 THOUSAND meters altitude and only at that one altitude! This is a legal back stop to protect the instigators from prosecution of criminal fraud It can be argued a reasonably high school educated person would know better than to accept the report as being relevant to global warming caused by greenhouse gases because by only sampling greenhouse gases at 20,000 meters altitude the report has made it transparent it is not discussing active greenhouse gas behavior or earth's greenhouse effectbrbrSuch legal back stops are common when misrepresenting products through vague wordings Such items as a beverage labeled "All Natural Fruit Drink Flavor" might be discovered when reading the ingredients to have a statement "contains no actual fruit juice"   Other IPCC wordings on global warming are non scientific and can be argued are simply the opinion of people misreading its own reports brbrThe IPCC science report never makes the flat out claim noncondensing greenhouse gases are causing global warming A key vagueness in the IPCC science report is it includes many CO2e's for greenhouse gas except the only one that maters for earth's greenhouse effect water vapor with an CO2e of 18 Far too much life effort has been utterly waisted on such an obvious scam as carbon dioxide is causing global warming that the United Nation's IPCC has been instrumental in promotingbrbrNoncondensing greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide can have a share in the greenhouse effect, but they can not change the overall greenhouse effect because it is always in saturation due to the strong greenhouse gas water vapor At 1 average tropospheric water vapor 99-1/2 of earth's greenhouse effect is due to the strong greenhouse gas water vapor
Comment from : Douglas Engle

In the start of the video you mentioned: "The baby that your see will face three degree" or something similar, In fact it's nearly every generation that live currently on earth that include every people that is 50 years old or less
Comment from : Le_Futuriste

stephen gorham
It's bad and not going to get better but these transients keep making children one after another That diminishes a certain amount of sympathetic concern
Comment from : stephen gorham

Terence Iutzi
Wow almost as hot as the Medevil warm period!
Comment from : Terence Iutzi

If we still dont react it still getting worse
Comment from : MATA TV

Shenanigans Andy
Bring it on, aint no hot air ever killed me, i got air conditioning you losers! Hahahahahahaha, suckers
Comment from : Shenanigans Andy

Nick the bubble
Looks like bs to me
Comment from : Nick the bubble

Peter Thompson
50 million years ago the average global temperature was 10 degrees Celsius HIGHER than today Antarctica was a tropical paradise True sea levels were 60 meters higher than present so a lot lless land But this catastrophisation brIs counter productive
Comment from : Peter Thompson

Economist used to be a fact-based organization, but now is just another tool in the Climate Alarmism religion
Comment from : earlysda

This video is one year old and let me tell you…it’s hot af
Comment from : MashPlays

Frank Pocius
The prediction of global disaster should be increased from every 10 years or so to every 20 years because people are now living longer, and as a result, they quickly realize after a few 10 year deadlines until doom , that the threat of a looming disaster has always been a hoax I have lived through 7 global disasters that have never happened …… or is it that I am now too old to remember that each time the government did save us! What will be next ? … An asteroid impact ? … Yellowstone Caldera eruption ? … A polar vortex ice age ? … Flooding from melting polar ice ? … The Great Tribulation ? …… A Nuclear WAR (Almost there !)? … Covid23 ? … What did I miss ? … Betelgeuse Supernova ? … Alien invasion ? … (CO2) Carbon footprint ? … Nitrogen pollution by farmers? … Depletion of the Ozone layer ? … Heat dome and the boiling of the oceans ? … Global Extinction Event ?… Methane pollution from the emissions by people, cows, and termites overpopulating the planet ? … Another iteration of the 22 year sun activity cycle (which has occurred for billions of years) ? … Collapse of civilization after 5G Internet connection loss ?
Comment from : Frank Pocius

Stanislav Savic
Stop laying !!!
Comment from : Stanislav Savic

Joost vW
Comment from : Joost vW

Eric Johannson
Reading some of the literature out there, the consensus appears to be that limiting global warming to three degrees has come and gone and that the expected change will be worse
Comment from : Eric Johannson

Will-Fully Blind or Will-fully Stupid
Climate change and temperature are just so much noise and those making the noise left their brains at a sit in somewherebrDuring the "ICE AGE" it was obviously cold How long ago was that? During that period and the next 700,000 years br(without a single car on the road, no oil being drilled for and no industrial emissions ooops it warmed up anywaybrNow thats climate change Alway was, always will beget a life
Comment from : Will-Fully Blind or Will-fully Stupid

Deborah Jeffress
Why is it that governments, businesses, large groups of people don’t believe that climate change is real? It baffles me It’s not just stupidity, though that may play a grand part Just looking at the graphs of ice ages, one can easily see that we are coming out of an Ice age and we can see that the earth heats up very quickly after ice ages We are compounding the warming with our burning of fossil fuels So I guess there’s your answer! Big Business, Big Money, they lose money if they stop burning their oil and coal They focus on earning as much money as they can squeeze out of today, and they own the media outlets that tell us what’s going on and how to believe This is the scariest thing We are doomed
Comment from : Deborah Jeffress

people won’t listen until it’s killing them, just let people die at this point we deserve it
Comment from : skeemo

Heinz Schumacher
15 Degree is much to cold for Humans-
Comment from : Heinz Schumacher

Justin McCracken
8 Billion People on this Small Water world planet is more of a threat than fossil fuels That number will continuously grow brbrSo… Would the World elites and Govts agree to some sort of plan to reduce that number… That’s the evil question
Comment from : Justin McCracken

Buwahahahaha!! What a load of BS! Global average temperature has been 19F higher and 8F lower Life went on just fine Global CO2 has been 1000x higher Life went on just fine What a bunch of morons believing the climate change nonsense!!!
Comment from : duxdawg

noel rossbridge
Why pre-industrial? Take a look at pre-industrial and you'll find it's been way warmer than 3 degrees brThese people are full'a'shit, nothing they've ever predicted has come to be None of it is real
Comment from : noel rossbridge

Comment from : sayitlikeitis

Well, are you willing to turn off every thing that consumes electricity ? your cell phone? your lap top? No! So face it world!
Comment from : Najafi

Jezza One
Dont assume migration will continue to increase eventually nations will just start using lethal force on the migrants
Comment from : Jezza One

Ethan Beaver
The Earth will be fine getting warmer It has before and will again
Comment from : Ethan Beaver

Public Public
Meanwhile the middle class is administering our entire species into the ecological abyssbrThe middle class has proven itself worse than useless brDo we actually need a middle class?
Comment from : Public Public

Dee Tucker
Cement and concrete all around the world retaining all the heat, paint it all white so it reflects the sun and won't retain the heat, I don't understand why we're not already doing it and nobody is talking about it or the fact that 80 of the rainforests have been cut down which are the planets natural way to cool itself, again, nobody is talking about it, why not??
Comment from : Dee Tucker

Absolutely abhorrent comment section Denying climate change because they are not affected yet Mocking impoverished people for their bad luck and looks (they are literally trying to survive) I have no faith in humanity now I thought as a child that everything's taken care of That, someone's in charge making sure everything is all right But no People control this world and the average Joe is not that bright
Comment from : Beowulf

putang ina ang init biglang bagyo
Comment from : Beowulf

Aaron Campos
It might be ireversible at this point, we're too dependent on fossil fuels to just stop and i think we're pass the point of getting rid of fossil fuel gradually, plus it doesnt help that alot of people in the world think its a hoax! Lo
Comment from : Aaron Campos

Trollimus Prime
We're going to hit 5 degrees before the global economy collapses and our emmitions are reduced as a result
Comment from : Trollimus Prime

How do we know what the temperature was 1000 years ago? How do we know how much carbon was in the atmosphere 1000 years ago?
Comment from : Washpenrebel

Stephen Hobbs
Nice globalist propaganda you have there
Comment from : Stephen Hobbs

It’s ok folks nothing to worry about Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson said so Trans and black people now You can worry about that
Comment from : DMD

Brian Ferris
Technically we are in an Ice Age which is when ice is on the polar caps Lots of earth's history was not an Ice Age
Comment from : Brian Ferris

Dave Allanbonner
The dumb Economist!!! One that either is either dumb enough to swallow the load of lies or one that intentionally pushes the propaganda/narrative!!! brbrI've listened to the REAL scientists and they all say there is no "climate emergency", that our climate has been changing since we had an atmosphere, CO2 is literally plant food and is why our planet is greener than in recent history, we have seen higher CO2 levels in the Cretaceous period and the fear mongering authoritarian puppet scientists won't tell you the Great Barrington Reef off Australia's coast has been regrowing over a decade now and is set to break records on its size On a personal level I know it's a lie is because never have I used my AC as few times in the summer as I have this year, by half, while propaganda mainstream media changes it maps to deep reds and purples brbrLook at the lies of the last 3 1/2 years and the authoritarianism Or look at every doomsday prediction that has never came Even close to materializing, the power they drool over!! It only takes 🤏 of common sense and even less critical thinking on board to see the truth, what's really going on here I hope you all have enough left to see!!!
Comment from : Dave Allanbonner

I have no hope in humanity to fix this I'm glad I will be dead by 2070-2080 Not gonna have kids either F this
Comment from : SirEpsilon

Ethan Hartsell
If not for all the buzz, I don't think most people would notice changes in weather as extraordinary Enjoy not eating, going anywhere or having anything, ye who seek to eliminate carbon fuels
Comment from : Ethan Hartsell

D Williams
Hard to take ridiculous looking people seriously
Comment from : D Williams

Little ray of sunshine
We're at 2⁰ now Things really aren't that bad What's one more degree?
Comment from : Little ray of sunshine

Guys it's 2023 do a narration not subs for foreign languages
Comment from : Kaj

Stephane G
A new journalistic lowstick to the facts please, this type of doomsday-predicting fantasy is best done by Hollywood 👎
Comment from : Stephane G

Driving Phoenix
I can't speak for other parts of the world but here in Phoenix we've had tremendous growth over the last twenty years The city is spreading out into the desert That means more paved roads, parking lots and buildings This creates a heat dome or a heat island effect Maybe it would be better for urban growth to go vertically instead of horizontally The City of Phoenix started its Cool Pavement Program a couple of years ago I'm hoping this program will mitigate the effects of our urban heat island
Comment from : Driving Phoenix

I dont see how we can stop it from happening World governments arent interested in change and citizens either are ignorant or flatly refuse to believe its real, or like most of us feel helpless brMankind is its own worse enemy
Comment from : LouLikestowatch

Former Marine
More PROPAGANDA! We are going to a global cooling phase!
Comment from : Former Marine

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