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Fair Trade: A Just World Starts with You | Benjamin Conard | TEDxSUNYGeneseo


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Название :  Fair Trade: A Just World Starts with You | Benjamin Conard | TEDxSUNYGeneseo
Продолжительность :   9.13
Дата публикации :  
Просмотров :   146 rb

Кадры Fair Trade: A Just World Starts with You | Benjamin Conard | TEDxSUNYGeneseo

Описание Fair Trade: A Just World Starts with You | Benjamin Conard | TEDxSUNYGeneseo

Коментарии Fair Trade: A Just World Starts with You | Benjamin Conard | TEDxSUNYGeneseo

Comment from : Tim

Patrick Sweeney
Great video, and yes buy Fair Trade He missed the mark with the closing comment about consumerism, though: "Consumerism doesn't have to be a bad thing" As he correctly noted, the largely-unaware (and, sadly, often uncaring) buying public can certainly decrease some of the negative effects of consumerism by purchasing items produced ethically brbrThat said consumerism is also about selling more and more and more, regardless of need, and creating demand where none might otherwise exist just to generate increasing profit That aspect of consumerism constitutes a negative impact on both resources and household budgets arguably a Bad Thing That bmight/b be addressable, but he didn't touch on that aspect here
Comment from : Patrick Sweeney

Katsu Bae
amazing fairtrade indeed
Comment from : Katsu Bae

Aeryn de Lara
This is a very inspiring word This should be watched by the students and also people or consumers buy products that we use every day
Comment from : Aeryn de Lara

Fran Del Ben
For more companies with fair trade certificate
Comment from : Fran Del Ben

Jessi Campbell
Comment from : Jessi Campbell

yes but why should i care
Comment from : XYZ Guy

Comment from : mars

Top G
Wer lösungen für Frau skibiack
Comment from : Top G

Dylan Stevens
I’ve been selling bananas 2 for $1 and I’ve only been selling fair trade because all I knew was that it was better for the farmers This here makes me realize there’s much more to it and I will continue to send out the message, but in a more informative way Thanks for giving me this talk, HIGHLY insightful
Comment from : Dylan Stevens

An schenen dog eng nu
Comment from : AndiPlayz

Seavas des is mei englisch HÜ
Comment from : AndiPlayz

Joesph Court
yep school is using speeches on us now
Comment from : Joesph Court

Raffaele Soriente
i love ted talks but lemme tell you Fairtrade is a bunch of criminals one of the worst type of mafia and somebody should stop them!!
Comment from : Raffaele Soriente

It’s corona time, any of my classmates from Grayston prep? I’m Damian
Comment from : CurrencyChronicles

BlueBirds Journey
Idk I don't trust Nestle It'd be nice if there could be a deeper conversation on Fair Trade We know it helps the farmers, but are the farmers paying their workers fairly?
Comment from : BlueBirds Journey

Black Velvet Band
Ok butthis is one of the least substantial TED talks I've ever seen He's relying on emotional appeal, and barely explains how the Fair Trade process works He doesn't provide solid evidence of the positive impact he's suggesting (which does make sense, since the Fair Trade system has been demonstrated to have little to no long-term benefits for growers)
Comment from : Black Velvet Band

YueKun Liu
Hi Guys, I think I'm gonna have a listening test on this video😂 Wish me good luck!✊👍💪
Comment from : YueKun Liu

Rasul Zhuraev
Can somebody provide me with key point of this video?
Comment from : Rasul Zhuraev

Adrio Lee
Comment from : Adrio Lee

Brandon Bir
The statistics stated in the talk are from what? Fairtrade website? Don't drink the juice, Fair Trade is not a silver bullet to end poverty in agriculture-producing countries The majority of the extra money paid for the product hits the hands of the wealthiest people in the supply chain, not the poorest people Also, don't confuse a cooperative of farmers with a small-plot farmer These small farmers cannot afford to participate in many cooperatives or fair trade programs Good intentions don't equate to positive movement
Comment from : Brandon Bir

Junko Huijs
Comment from : Junko Huijs

Comment from : Tsolly

gentlemen King
Capitalism sucks!!!
Comment from : gentlemen King

Amazing Like our talk lots and lots!!
Comment from : nayominchen

I'm surprised he didn't mention that around 2 of the 14 cents goes to the third world and the rest is pocketed by companies selling fair trade products Of that 2 none of it goes directly to farmers (it's forbidden) - all of it is supposed to go to the exporters Also fair trade tends to operate mostly in relatively rich countries (Mexico) hence harming the poorest farmers in third world countries who would actually benefit the most from it Fair trade is more of a vanity project so white people can be happy with themselves by thinking they're helping the third world You want to help the poor farmers? Don't buy fair trade
Comment from : TheRealBush

Wolf Alexander Schütz
Just think about that Fair Trade receives a small part of the revenue from the Kit Kat sold
Comment from : Wolf Alexander Schütz

mel b
fair trade label are likely to be more priced and god only knows if this conditions are actually being implemented
Comment from : mel b

Julio Davila
great and informative ted talkThank you for your insight!!
Comment from : Julio Davila

Dawson Gordon
Tell me something I don't know
Comment from : Dawson Gordon

Shakir Hussain
How fairtrade is a brand?
Comment from : Shakir Hussain

Je taime
Give the workers their rightful share! It is within our power to act, so that they can gain dignity!
Comment from : Je taime

Adam Guymon
I like what your saying but you have to remember a few things I myself live in downtown Salt Lake City Utah and I am #Disabled When you say that I can Vote with my Dollar you are wrong I am on a very limited fixed income and when I have to go to Walmart and I have to look for the "Biggest amount of something for the Cheapest price" and I can barely afford it I really don't have Choice You are talking about someone who has money and if they don't like something they just walk down the street to the competition and spend their money there I wish I could purchase and had the choice to purchase the good healthy choice but I don't I can go to a restraint and get a 32+OZ Coke for 050 and get unlimited refills but if I want a real Orange Juice I can spend 3 - 500 or more to get one 8OZ glass is ether not included in your meal and you don't get free refills brWhen you are a person with #Disabilities and you save or earn any money you lose your Government Benefits and thus you cannot get ahead in life I am Voting for #JillStein because she cares about people with #Disabilities and all levels of people Please check out her website and pass her information along to as many people as you can wwwjill2016com #ItsInOurHands #HeyJill #OassItOn!
Comment from : Adam Guymon

In some places $50 is like $50,000 herebrI am trying but I don't understand this How do they compare pay rates here with pay rates in other places?
Comment from : Lenzo8449

What a stupid fuck Sweatshops are good, do you even economics?
Comment from : SlaveryEvolves

Matt Jones
Cotton sucks I wear polyester shirts
Comment from : Matt Jones

Nestle and fair trade doesn't mix
Comment from : 666FeetDeep

vance langer
'A business wouldn't dare put a product on the shelf that consumers wouldn't buy' Apple Watch, much?
Comment from : vance langer

Wish this was a bigger talk :/
Comment from : Koneko

Jack Sandman
Never mind! Found it
Comment from : Jack Sandman

Jack Sandman
When was this video released??? Does anyone know?
Comment from : Jack Sandman

Lucas Araujo
so how much does this cost the farmers to implement?! I'll tell you about $2500 Oh, and those farmers live on less than $2 a day
Comment from : Lucas Araujo

Daniela Ignatova
Benjamin Conard on #FairTrade !
Comment from : Daniela Ignatova

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