Название | : | What Greta Thunberg does not understand about climate change | Jordan Peterson |
Продолжительность | : | 7.10 |
Дата публикации | : | |
Просмотров | : | 9,6 jt |
We really should listen to youngsters… while they still know everything Comment from : Lesco Brandon |
She is crazy speaking like a junk She is likely a child of addicted parents Look at her eyes and her mimick Comment from : Jacques Janssen |
full of crap thumberg Comment from : Nick Askitis |
I bet the young lad felt so slick referencing "Maps of Meanings" at the end of his question :D Comment from : TheBaquajean |
She's funny as 😂 Comment from : Just 2 impress |
is she mentally disabled? Comment from : nelo le chef |
Greta has FORGOTTEN more about climate change than Peterson will ever know Comment from : George Chen |
Drama She needs to go back to school! lol Comment from : Raza Music |
She's brainwashed Comment from : Brad Pitt |
Haha, we can't measure the possitive or negative effect 50 years from now, so no point doing anything People WAKE UP ! Comment from : Tomas Olsson |
Do you suppose her head is shaped like a balloon because is full of AIR ? Comment from : James OConnor |
Yes, she should not be up there, she should be in school FULLY AGREED Comment from : Daniel Van Mieghem |
Yes you should not be here Comment from : Stjepan Kovacic |
this woman is an actress and wants attention Comment from : alex kennedy |
She isn't young She's just small, no makeup, little girl braids And she's a dramatic actress who is probably being paid Comment from : Claire DePaulo |
Who is the nasty creep here ? & it`s not Greta !brAn old man bullying a scoolgirl is not cool ! ! : ( Comment from : Jax Allan |
LOLwhat a manipulated little drip Comment from : rdwoodw |
Wait who's this guy? How is he legitimate to talk about climate?brYes errors get bigger the further you go in time and prevision gets worse, but they're all showing that we're raising the global temparature wtf It's not that we're not able to tell if it will be negative or positive, it's just that we're not able to tell with precision how negative it will bebrThis dude is completly stupid, raising a lot of issues we have to face and says blatantly that we should not look for any answers Comment from : Wawan :3 |
It isn't the difficulty of finessing the "science vs politics" question which is Jordan Peterson's "straw man" here but the problem of "economics vs politics" by which I mean attempts to maintain capitalism's sanctity in our culture while the capitalists essentially rule politics by their overwhelming control of the MONEY that keeps politicians in office ie the "campaign contribution" which is essentially legalized briberybrThe nearer that "science" approaches Washington DC, it will find itself trumped by "politics" which is being run by BIG money (the majority of that being in the hands of those who are profiting by the things that produce Global Warming) ^^ Comment from : John Browne |
Unbelievably comlicated indeedbrOne reason the germans optet out of atomic energy is how the handled storage of the depleted fuelbrAsse II is a environmental disaster in the makingbrBut now with high energy prices mainly through the war in ukraine it seems foolishbrindeed the germans are substituting the loss of energy production from closing the atomic plants with burning coalbrUnbelievably comlicated Comment from : Artsy Lowtekk |
Greta is an awful person, a spoiled brat, a narcisit who creves for attention she doesen't represent climate change or any valid effort towards solving it, she's more the problem rather than a solution Comment from : Paulo Silva |
Why even waste time and energy on this?! :DbrIts evident she's clueless Comment from : Peter Heldeskog |
So let me think a harvard poffesor or a child who obviosly was tutored by her mother or father I'll go with a reL schoaler with nothing to lose unlke climatoligist who's job depends on global warming They won't look at sience just like covid experts my ass Comment from : Steven Thibert |
Greta should be used as an example of what happens when you decide to skip your therapy Comment from : Ivan N |
I hate the use of a disabled person for political gain! Comment from : Lynn Embro |
I feel for her but as an adult Mom…teacher and healthcare provider …I adhere the use of a special needs child for the use of industry and politics! Comment from : Lynn Embro |
this little thing is just sick Comment from : Ami |
Go back home you whiny little girl you don’t know what your talking about Comment from : Harold Tucker |
Look fwd to greta drowning in a melting ice berg Comment from : C Bee |
nobody iscoming to ask you shit little girl Comment from : C Bee |
What JP understands about science could be displayed in a comic book Comment from : sidhartha focus |
how can she blame the former generations of ordinary people when the world is run by greedy 1 percent elites? Comment from : Robert James Chinnery |
The only way out is social justice Is true education Is lowering our standard of living Is base research Every other thing is only distraction Comment from : Luca Matranga |
Greta understand it very well She get an lot of money to tell bullshit, and she dont kno the history of earth Warm, Cold, milions of years the climate is changing Comment from : jef ton |
No problems Mr Petersonyou would be dead by decades when the planet will collapse Comment from : roberto sozzi |
The only solution is that a genius begins a nuclear war, and we will give him the nobel prize of peace Comment from : False Note Fest |
Peterson, as most people, does not understand that the need for storage is practically nil If you are familiar with queing theory, you would understand that just a few providers, or in this case energy providers like windmills, the total output is much smoother than the output of any one provider Add in that there are hundreds of climates in even a small country, all varying randomly So the answer is more sources, more windmills and other sources of power connected by a power distribution network throughout the country and interconnected between countries in places like Europe, Asia and Africa Comment from : Joel Ashdod |
fix your face how dare you! Comment from : verne51 |
Seriously, Greta, you are sitting on a 10 million dollar trustbrI challenge you to give it to the poor and homeless You receive $250000 Every time you open your mouth, come come on, sweetheart Is stop b s in the planet Comment from : Joseph Battaglia |
anothr so-called adult going after a young woman who is trying to wake up Our species to the cataclysmic event happening right nowbrpeterson is a Fuggn Goof he's an educated numpty that uses big words to hide his sincere stupidity Comment from : Vocal Vegan |
There’s the attitude Thunburg was talking about right there! She was clearly NOT wrong ! Comment from : Bishi Mixes |
Anything we do is killing the earthDriving your car, Taking shower, turning ON the house lights, fridge, Companiesetc Comment from : The Hobbyist Channel |
It is now possible to burn coal cleanly NZ has enough offshore gas for 200 years and could be longer as we become more efficient in its use As told to me by an electro engineer who had done massive studies on both subjects Comment from : Elizabeth Refrench |
Her look of hate is almost criminal She should be in school learning some facts brScientists years ago discovered the sun will eventually burn itself out Comment from : Sylvia Smith |
Mr Peterson what exactly is it that u understand about anything other than verbal diarrhea Comment from : Frank Mozzone |
Makes me laugh every time I watch her little rant! Too funny! Comment from : Jeff |
she is the worst actress in the world Comment from : Andre da Costa |
I'm not using a car, and I barely travel anywhere I found a job, I moved nearby (30mins walking distance), I buy groceries every day to avoid getting food spoiled, I learned to sew so I can fix my clothes and don't have to replace them when something minor tears or I lose a button However, I'm not really doing for the environment, that's just who I am People are incredibly wasteful and superficial, replacing clothes just because the color faded a bit etc People are weird Comment from : Adiel |
I love how she talks about people dying and suffering as she is wrapped in moneydo like Jesus would say give it to the poor oh no her family couldn't do that lmao hypocritical don't you think I'm sure God would say the same thing 🤔 Comment from : Thomas Anderson |
"This is all wrong, I should be back in school!" So Greta knows the right thing to do It is the adults who encourage her to go down the wrong path! Comment from : Ragnarkisten |
Stupid child Comment from : Paul venis K1 |
What a nut job Comment from : L B |
Why in the world would anyone listen to this child What kind of degree does she have to make her an expert Comment from : Carol Handy |
Nice try of acting young lady Comment from : Dimitrios Kollios |
She's obsessed with her delirium Comment from : mcmkcd |
in 1945 we spent $22 billion and 130,000 workers were involved to build the Atomic bomb Peterson claims it is too expensive and complicated to do anything about global warming The NASA Apollo space program cost $280 billion and we put men on the moon, but global warming is too complicated? too expensive Peterson should stick to writing self-help books because climate change is too complicated for him Comment from : George Kuchma |
I never heard so much bullshit in so short time Especialy when JP spoke about Germany Comment from : Belami Pro |
"What Greta Thunberg does not understand about climate change?" NOTHING! It is all a conspiracy to have complete control over the world I hope all you global activists enjoy when we become under an oppressive government You think the COVID lock downs were badGood for Jordan Peterson!!!! Comment from : dale dickerson |
And now, where's Greta? Shame it brPoor idiot Comment from : Roberto Furukawa |
At some point 90 of the oil will go to the military Comment from : Joel Michaelson |
Recycle Take care of the planet Be the example Switching to cleaner fuel sources Electric cars for example Electric cars will in no way fix the environment We are just running low on oil Comment from : Joel Michaelson |
Poor ole Snicker Pussgo speak your crap in Russia and china you twitbtw get a boyfriend Comment from : Chimp Shock |
She is a sick in the head kid! Mr Peterson is a very wise man Comment from : joe833a |
climate change is not global warming Comment from : Eric Rivers |
boy she has been trained well so emotional about it aint she? Comment from : Tony Wood |
Greta is a complete moron being used for population propaganda by the establishment Don’t be fooled climate change is hoax & overblown meant to scare & manipulate society Comment from : Michael Cipriano |
You mentioned it, idiot: NUCLEAR ENERGYbrbrAlso, those are good evasives But we still can do plenty of things about this stupid system: like generalized programmed obsolescence, the creation of huge waste due to overproduction - which only hapens in order to maintain prices - and a big amount of other otherwordly stupid as fuck practices that only exist in order to serve the capital - that meaning those useless parsyites that conform less than 0,01 of the population, yet hold most of the world's power (money) Comment from : erigor11 |
What a weirdo Comment from : Candice Herbert |
Global warming has been happening for 5 billion years, but in the last 40 years these Scientists whom talk a great story regarding climate change, this is put out there to scare & mislead the worlds 🌎 subjects, whom are bombarded with their Governments & big corporations coming up with ideas 💡 to fleece the General public out of it's hard heard cash 💸 at every chance they get FACT Comment from : Stanley Parr |
The kid looks like she about to have a stroke from poor acting Comment from : Jordan Fidanza |
bGreta Thunberg is a bad quality actor,cheap actor,fake actor,maybe she was made in China lol/b Comment from : mwmany2 |
Says this pratling Greta person, " I shouldn't be up here" Stop right there child you're exactly right Nothing more needs to be said Comment from : eoselan7 |
Peterson’s grasp on climate science is tenuous at best He’s so far out of his depth and so horrible wrong about most of what he said it is almost laughable There are well document scientific studies on this subject replete with solutions Literally thirty years worth and Peterson just dismisses all of it He is not a scientist and has no business speaking to this subject Comment from : christian althoff |
For someone that is from a developed country JP speaks a lot of sense in this issue Cause no amount of climate policies are gonna any difference if poorer countries are not involved We might not pollute much through factories and industry But I've seen plenty of garbage and plastic thrown into lakes, rivers or the ocean And cars, basically there ain't any kind of smog control of any kind Comment from : JoshuaVStheworld |
Isn't it funny how they push these morons and support this bullshit brWhen you Google CLIMATE CHANGE its actually fact that the climate changes all the time brBut this climate change brThis one is the worst ever this one will end everything brHa ha complete nonsense Comment from : Alan Theobald |
Scam of this century !!! Comment from : Laqin Yurek |
Climate is on an upward trend Natural cucles are being added to by human industry's brThere is a tipping point When we reach it is the problem We cant avoid it but is it necessary to try to slow it Until the best answer arives? That just maybe too late!!!!brToo late, is millions dead, millions displaced Huge desert regions of once fertile land countries flooded!brEven if the marging of error gets bigger, doesnt mean its not happening If you throw a genade into a room with a petson in it, there are lots of outcomes One is they somehow survive with some damage The other is they die brYou know the grenade is coming! Do you try closing the door even if ot can blow it in and survive Or ignore the grenadebrThem's the choices Because the grenade is realbrAnd you're in the room with your family and friendsbrDecide!!!! Tick tock tick tock tick tock Comment from : Steve Hartley |
Could some tell me or provide a link to the entire debate plz Not the Greta one but the one that the Jordan peterson clip is from Comment from : Wardocc |
6:45 "It doesn't really matter!!!" you know like it or not He's the ultimate nihilist Meaning: We've already f'd up so much it's all the same There's no solution or a way back The real deception about Greta is not about the science - she's right about that - it's about the lack of solutions Greta thinks that if we stop now, we will solve the problem No little girl there's no hope There's no solution and that's why "it doesn't really matter"brbr"such brutal honesty"brbrNow, go on you've heard it from the man himself Live your life happily while you can! Comment from : MrCorby123 |
What does a child of her age know about the climate Comment from : Sylvia Marshall |
Total fool:br1) It's extremely easy to measure our impact on the climate The numbers come out every year in terms of parts per million in our atmosphere At present, because coal use has been expanding in Asia, mostly China, GHG's continue to rise Highly predictable and measureable br2) Greta gets the one thing that matters most correct People are dying, but those of us in rich nations, though burdened with some weather events surely added to by climate change, for the most part avoid most of the initial pain, it's covered by insurance Folks who are poorer don't have this luxury and many are dying as a result, from famine, or floods, etcbr3) Already proven solar and wind, with some storage can replace most of our energy needs and its economical do to so The cost is well worth the benefits to the environment and as Greta understands absolutely necessarybrbrYes the talking heads, like this guy, who make their living as talking heads, be it politicians, or so called educators aren't going to solve it He's absolutely right, because they haven't the skills or intelligence to see the extent of the problem, and are not problem solvers Other people do and they are solving it as we speak Certainly not fast enough for Greta, her one mistake is focusing on politicians to try and solve it She's young and doesn't understand, that in a democracy, politics is the tail on the dog, it goes where the people holding the leash pull it It's the public and the publics perception, pushing industry to come up with solutions that are cost effective for them that are solving it as we speak brbrAnd yes, it's wind, solar, batteries, EV's and some other green, clean sustainable options and the result is absolutely economically beneficial This guy has never done any economic analysis in his life Just spewing nonsense, which is a waste of time for anyone who sat and listened to itbrbrps At our home with a simple cheap EV and solar panels we've reduced our use of fossil fuels by 80 Will be 100 in a few years after we replace water heater and stove and buy another EV Payback was 4 years and we now save about 4,000 per year on our energy bill, we have no worry about energy inflation It's doable, economically beneficial, and will only become more so as the technology advances, scales, and becomes commonplace Comment from : Independence01776 |
The hype about JP is sad Why ? Because what he says is right Humanity has a lot of different interests regarding the climate and there are some people who want to have a world to live in and others who want to have the billions they thought of earning when they started investing in stuff that turned out to be bad for climate These people are not going to unite The sad thing here are all the people that applauded and laughed during the talk you can see here in the video Because they are essentially - and i rarely use words like these - fucking dumb JP acknowledges in this talk that climate change is a problem and essentially says that people are just too uncoordinated and lazy to change their behaviour, and those were the exact people who applauded ! Plus they are the exact reason why working together against climate change doesn't work JP could have summarized all of his reasoning by "No ! And those idiots cheering and applauding now are the reason" Which basically bis/b what he said And that's what's sad ! Comment from : Vedurin |
She just has no idea what she is talking about She obviously has not seen the NASA Goddard phots of the greening of the earth because of increased CO2 She obviously knows nothing about world hunger because it is now possible to solve world hunger with higher CO2 levels Many times more people die because of cold than warm Plants are growing 20-30 better and in semi-arid areas plants are now able to thrive because of higher CO2 levels The total 100 year total warming as measured with satellite data is 4C, basically nothing These children are being used to collect money and it is pure rubbish Comment from : Byron Allen |
why advertising extremists ???????? Comment from : Karel Marx |
He doesn't have a deep understanding neither of climate science nor of energy technology On one thing he is right, politics messed things up Comment from : Lorenzo Gumier |
Sorry to inform her but EV's Solar Panels and Wind Turbines cause a greater footprint on the planet than Fossil Fuels!!! Comment from : Ted Spencer Sr |
It seems that this guy is completely underestimating the potential of solar and wind Wants to sound funny, but this doesn't make his basic assumptions right He should update himself a little bit Comment from : Thorsten Denk |
Ii love the that fact instead of just expressing an opinion on the problems of the world (because I have a right to do so!) he actually thought and did the relevant research about it first Billions nowadays on social media (and in politics!) could learn from this 😉 Comment from : John Carl Larmonie |
I agree, she shouldn’t have anything to do with this, good actor though! Comment from : Michael Perkins |
Only he is wrong about many key facts he is claiming to know Just to make some cynical talking points That is awful Comment from : O W |
Does anyone believe she wrote her speech? Comment from : Gerry Kay |
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