Название | : | 8 Reasons Why Americans LEAVE Costa Rica [Why I Left] |
Продолжительность | : | 19.21 |
Дата публикации | : | |
Просмотров | : | 3,3 jt |
Why I Left the US (new video): youtube/HJ4oh7IAaeE Comment from : Traveling with Kristin |
Prison isn't fun there either Comment from : Obsidian Seduction |
The Costa Rican government has the tendency to manipulate and massage the statistics for fear of negatively affecting the country’s good reputation and image, such as tourism and investment…brcarlitos Comment from : Carlos V Ramirez |
I am not surprised! brGo to Honduras, instead…Such as Copan, Bay Islands - Roatán…brcarlitos Comment from : Carlos V Ramirez |
Any Polish expact living in Costa Rica ?,I live in Florida thinking of retired there, thanks Comment from : Alfred Koczka |
Chad Hogan! I see you🤘🏼🏖 Comment from : Deborah Duthie |
I'm not planning to move there but interested in the country Thus was an excellent and seemingly balanced summary The one point I didn't understand was health - could have expanded a bit on that Comment from : Chris Hyde |
I had big plans on living in Santa Teresa (buying a house) after visiting many times for the prior 4/5 years a friend recommended doing a long term rental first so I moved there for a yearunfortunately it didn't work out But anyone coming across thisid recommend doing a long term rental first and deal with the prices, infrastructure instability, jungle living, etc most may have visited in the summer months but its a whole different story making it through rainy season muddy roads, floods, etc Comment from : DC |
Is it a matter of the exchange rate lessening or is that a function of inflation of the local currency? in other words, if we live on social security, does it remain beneficial rather making local income? Comment from : peter1589 |
A lot of really good things to consider when moving to another country Talking about “My Whatever Dream” doesn’t serve anyone very well except the people wanting to make $ off the expat Comment from : P R |
Wow You are an amazing entrepreneur I was a study abroad student in the 80s but i wouldnt have imagined this kind of online business Congrats Comment from : L S |
Unka Sam don like his chillen livin in udder countries! Comment from : TruthSurge |
I spent a lot of time in the eighties and nineties in Costa Rica and never had a problem other than with the female pick pockets and maybe wicked stepmother Comment from : Lawrence Munroe |
she's pretty Comment from : dakogitlog |
Has to be cheaper than living in New Jersey and much prettier Comment from : p weisback |
No way I'd ever live in Latin America Those people are way too religious Crime and religiosity go hand and hand Comment from : NotALizardPerson |
Thanks for your intellectual honesty Comment from : Rodrigo Silva |
Can u help 2 relocate 2 NZ? Comment from : Savannah Tropix |
Did you move to wonderful California? 🤣😂 Comment from : javier arias |
Thank you for this You’re beautiful and articulate This helped Comment from : louielew61 |
CR is just another shthole The same people are everywhere Greedy, scamming, tribal, liars and theifsbrThere isnt anywhere left to gobrSowe are forced to fight All day everyday for your entire life Comment from : leg press |
Actually, Is not AMERICANS all the people that live in AMERICA are American brYou lady, are North American, because you were born in the United States brSTOP saying people from the US are Americans, like pretending to own the continent Comment from : Felipe Zuluaga |
Wow she drove around with a fake wallet Comment from : leftfield780 |
Lady Food Vendor told me it was chicken and sold me pork and I’m allergic to pork Comment from : leftfield780 |
She its complete right, Comment from : Neg Yusupov |
Visiting a different country is one thing Living in that country is totally different Comment from : Jonathan |
I am a migrant from Europe to Australia and have observed that Americans who move here seem to fit in very well and quickly Obviously the language makes it much easier but there are very distinct cultural differences At least three couples that I know have told me they stayed in OZ because they did not want their kids to go through what passes for US school education Health care was also a major incentive to stay - not because it is cheaper but because it is not a never ending financial worry Comment from : colddiesel |
5:29 I feel like I’m in a dip in California and I’m from California born and raised Comment from : EagleRock |
Sadly, your crime awareness advice seems to also be really great advice to those of us still here in the us these days Comment from : Cosmic Carebear |
This is one of the best YouTube videos that I have seen where someone actually just tells it like it is No sugar coating and just tell me precisely what you are thinking about Telling us why Costa Rica may or may not work for someone from another country to relocated into For me, I prefer the colder weather so I will not be moving to Costa Rica However, I would consider a short term vacation for the purpose of getting some stem cell regenerative therapy Comment from : Richard Chang |
Is dental implant treatment down in Costa Rica really cheap and competent? That's what I'd like to know Comment from : thirty2able |
I mean you're not going to pay the same as the locals who work for a dollar a day Comment from : MBenM |
Very interesting You have traveled so much Good for you for recognizing that you wanted to grow more and travel more Comment from : Michelle T |
What's an expat ? Comment from : Yappinbear |
I'm costarrican and I don't really wants to move there there more cons than pros to expensive, to hot ,crime, driving, to problematic and to far from USA Comment from : Edgar Jimenez |
The cost of living in a Major Canadian City is so high, moving to Costa Rica with a remote job would make you feel rich Comment from : Raj Brar |
Could I pay for groceries at supermarket with Canadian credit or debit cards? Royal Bank Comment from : George Nickerson |
People need to realize that no matter where you live, you are you Comment from : Eric Hertzen |
Success videos get no views but your failure gets millions of views How pathetic humans are, they like to see people fail 😂 Comment from : Tobin Osusky |
If she moved out that mean more vavancy for locals It got expensive to rent because homeowners rent to expats as preference rather the locals Comment from : Keine Koskenkorva |
It’s 3rd world Comment from : Eddie |
Americans are disconnected to reality and love the idea of things Vs understanding WHY it’s cheaper! Labor and infrastructure(service and efficiency)play a role in WHY things are cheaper … This is why I get annoyed when they go to developing countries and brag about it being Cheap yet people are exploited and earning below market value Comment from : Growing Up South African: Home Cooked Foods! |
todo es mentira y subjetivo No conoces Costa Rica Comment from : Carmen Martinez Utrera |
americans just want to americanize everything everywhere they go 😂😂 Comment from : Funes |
I am thinking Florida Comment from : Marie Fortune |
Thanks i will not move to Costa Rica Comment from : Marie Fortune |
The top 6 US liberal cities boost the US to a top crime country Take away these 6 cities or put conservative leadership in charge that will prosecute criminals , the US would be one of the safest countries on earth Comment from : You Tuber |
"Americans" ? ppl from Costa Rica are also americans you id just you know XD Comment from : Yo Mismo |
I was thinking about it but I am too old to adjust I am really old I was born and raised in France and moved to the US where I incorporated with ease The main attraction for me would be the cost of living and if it is about the sameforget it I stay where I am, without bothering to get really fluent in Spanish Also being away in a foreign country, may make it more complicated to visit family ( kids ) BahI will just stay where I am It is not that bad I originally thought Mexico but the crime rate is really bad ; too many cartelsThanks for the great eval ! Good job ! Comment from : lina nicolia |
grngos trying to live like its the US USA citizens are theworst in the world especially milleneals who want the world to kiss their ass every where they go Comment from : Disappearing Matt |
Americans are migrating to Europe in search of space and safety, not realising that this is the best way to make any place in Europe unsafe, and that we will all end up with zero space for anyone Is it really so difficult to grasp? Comment from : Astrid Cyanistes caeruleus |
Sorry, but I don’t trust any American who complains about another country I think my fellow Americans are too sensitive Comment from : PrismalPink |
It can take 2 and a half hours or more to travel 25 miles on Hollywood area freeways😢 Comment from : Skyman7500 |
excellent video,,, you're so right about the DIPPPPP Comment from : gerohan salas |
As Costa Rican I’d like to say Thank You, because, as a Central Valley citizen, I never thought realize these situations might happen in our country My apologies as “tico” if you were scammed, ripped off or even mugged Not all the “ticos” are that way and from my point of view, we like to make foreigners feel welcomed I learned two languages and I did it for two reasons: 1- To learn about cultures 2- To be in contact of different people around the world brbrThank you for your video, Kristin Comment from : Jansel Jarquin Rodriguez |
We have decided for now to split our living in retirement between Tamarindo and Denver We own properties in each place Eyes wide open, to live in CR like we do in Denver costs about the same amount of money I'm sure over time we will spend more time in one location than the other and we might end up selling one of the places but I doubt it We love both, but Tamarindo more Family is probably the primary region we wouldn't just live in CR exclusively Also, the speaker above lived(s) in San Jose That's a different world than a beach town where violent crime almost never occurs, 6 hours away I'm taking Spanish classes to be able to fit in better when we do retire, and we thoroughly understand that things run on Tico time and that's part of the beauty of the country I have made a lot of Tico friends by being kind and considerate and by attempting to converse in Spanish It's fun; they correct me in Spanish when I mess up and I teach them the English equivalent on words and phrases So unlike going to France where they sneer at you when you try to speak French Ticos are awesome Comment from : MrSurferjer |
I think that if you learn the language would improve the experience significantly Comment from : José E Rodríguez Agrelot |
Really explained well without any bias I think you are growing and any advancement in life requires open mindedness , adaptability and self reflection you are discussing today There are no perfect places but perfect opportunities for growth Comment from : Suzanne Haeri |
I have family who moved to CR over 30 years ago and although they experienced many challenges they have stayed and love their home What strikes me from listening to your so-practical advice and common sense assessment of why people leave is that you haven't mentioned how important it is to learn the language and use it as part of your assimilation into the culture I imagine that failing to learn the language is akin to self-isolation and invites people to see you as foreign and different, and perhaps, a target for their own self-improvement even if that means taking advantage of your ignorance CR is a beautiful country and one of the things I notice when I'm there is how easily people look me in the eye and smile Comment from : Terry Rodgers |
Thank you for sharing your insight I hate personal inconveniences I hate to be violated by strangers I am in no mood to make adjustments to new cultures and places I guess the US has spoiled me I don't mind paying a little extra for personal safety and a better quality of life I am done with the Third World lifestyle Comment from : Dissent |
We have cheaper land here in the county land in USA moving over there would be a setback, I send liltle money and retired at 52 with a pool house I’d rather pay higher taxes, yearly Comment from : Stress Relievers |
Today nobody can run away from the globalist corrupt bankers and greedy politicians its a cluster fuck world Comment from : Hilda Blanco |
well thought out, IMO, thanks Comment from : will segen |
I could see myself living in Cost Rica in the futureBut I don't have the luxury of timeI'm in my 50s, so I would have to do it soonI learned spanish in college, so i'd have refresh myself on the languageI'm a poet/writeri think it would definately give me some experiences to write about 🙂 Comment from : DarkPoetik53 |
Appreciate you sharing your experiences with everyone I'm coming to visit Costa Rica with my two daughters to practice spanish at a school If you have any advise on a 3-4 week economic schooling they can attend I would appreciate your advise Thanks in advance Comment from : Fernando Riviera |
If you are over 25 yrs old: Alienation from Family and Friends is the main reason not to move there or any place more than an 8 hour drive away brWith it being so difficult and expensive to get desired major items it is very upsetting when you are constantly "donating" those items to the local economybrThe lower cost of living is the main draw to move to many places like Costa Rica With that gone, so is the main reason to go therebrGood video Comment from : TXTARDIS |
What people don’t understand is when you move to a different state city or country you’re just trading one set of problems for another So with a place like Costa Rica one should use the common sense and realize that you’re not going to have the same amenities that you’re used to if you are in the North America for example Heck you could move to a remote part of a country in Europe and face a lack of amenities doesn’t even have to be Costa Rica But the fact that you’re moving to a different country and you don’t speak the language that’s a huge problem unless you learn it Comment from : Wotiluv |
A friend of mine indicated to me that crime in Costa Rica is very high like you said But, it goes way underreported because it is not good for business and the image that costa rican like to sell about Costa Rica I also heard, that costa rican are not good at providing services to tourists like in Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, or Aruba But, the nature aspect of Costa Rica is very beautiful Comment from : Cristian Diaz |
If it's a country people will risk their lives walking through jungles and swimming across rivers to escape from, why would you think it's a good place to move to? Comment from : fascination2525 |
If you live in costa rica with 2000 dollars per month you are a king Comment from : Marlon A Guido C |
Nothing that you cover relates to Costa Rica The regrets of leaving the current place, family and friends and so on could relate to any place in the world Comment from : Dawid Blachowski |
Everything you are saying applies to Hawai'i Except no one moves here thinking it's going to be cheap The crime has Sky rocketed Locals are seldom held accountable They target tourists and often does not make the news A person can be murdered in broad daylight here They will never share that news with the mainland, as you wouldn't want to disrupt tourism I know from first-hand experience I was assaulted and ended up in emergency surgery in the hospital for 4 days The police never even filed a report The endless theft gets old too Comment from : Lori-Anne Fay |
Easy When you quit writing checks, no more friends Comment from : Snoo Lee |
They should two birds one stone train stray dogs to be property guardians against Invaders Comment from : Mongo Gamer |
"Health problems?" Are they getting sick from things in the country, or are they not happy with health care for problems acquired as you get older? Be more specific, please Comment from : Nick Edmonton |
Poor infrastructure Lack of air conditioning brScammersbrUnderage prostitution It’s sad but these girls have no other way to survive Scumbag pedophile tourists love to come here and cheaply buy the services of young girls Comment from : nicolaxoxo1 |
In CR, some people will hide in the jungle by the beach and when you go for a swim they will even steal your shoes and towel Crime is rampant The jungle runs right down close to the ocean It’s not like American beaches Yes it’s pretty but it’s a opportunity for criminals and also there’s venomous snakes and insects Comment from : nicolaxoxo1 |
Crime! Everyone lives in a cage ie bars on a windows and doors, a cage around your car brResentment from localsbrMedicare doesn’t cover you if you permanently live out of the countrybrHeat and humidity brBad roadsbrLack of air conditioning brLack of medical care Anyone there with money goes to El Privato Clinico (private health care) vs the free socialized medicine I was in a government hospital in a large city and it SUCKED, no modern machines like MRI and unbelievable there was no air conditioning! I was in a large room with cots a few feet away from the next patient Blood and dirt on the floor No employees spoke English til the third day a neurologist came He advised that I get back to a USA Hospital ASAP Comment from : nicolaxoxo1 |
No matter where YOU go, there YOU are Comment from : William B |
Is there just one latin American country that is safe??? Comment from : Bass Kot |
Lol the crime in the USA is wayyyy more the Costa Rica brAll the shooting in the USA school are terrible I would bot want my kids to go to school brTaxes,insurence, and manyyy more things in the USA Comment from : directrue |
Thanks for all the great information! I'm already financially retired and looking for options outside the US Comment from : Shamileification |
Thanks for the info Comment from : Rebecca Regan |
Retired happy and yes very expensive ! Comment from : Lisa Elzey Decker |
You should be back in the us married to a nice guy and having kids What a waste of time Comment from : John Lee |
Better Panama🌴 Comment from : Jimmy Alvarez |
I was considering on going on vacationing to Costa Rica Do you have any idea's I like animals Maybe in March Comment from : WENDY SOULLIERE |
Great video, keeping it real, Costa Rica is not toogood a place to live the rest of your life or if you are young, you are internet savay, go make same type videos in India, Cylon Thailand, and all these other countries that just plain suck if you live your life in them Comment from : Peter Weber |
If I want to experience a lower cost of livingI go tent camping Comment from : Patrick T |
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