Название | : | Dramatic footage shows hot air balloon crash in Luxor, Egypt - Truthloader |
Продолжительность | : | 1.49 |
Дата публикации | : | |
Просмотров | : | 24 rb |
People It’s Egyptyour going to encounter praying at some point Comment from : Ry O |
Not good seeing that when your up there yourself in a balloon! Comment from : easy drive |
If there was a God would she actually allow these horrific accidents to happen ? Comment from : potholer the clickbait king |
The sun was so big Comment from : Silly Penquin |
Prayers were with them, they were not alone Comment from : gehlen52 |
Oh those poor, poor people I can not imagine the terror ! Rest in peace :( Comment from : PaintMeLikeOneOfYourFrenchGirls |
It's funny to imagine the group of tourists watching a hot air ballon burn and crash while they're in ANOTHER hot air ballon Comment from : Daniel Carvalho Silva |
These people are praying for the others who are dying in front of their eyes They honor fellow human beings who are facing their deaths It is called empathy Try it some time I don't care how they do it Religious or not They are free to express themselves any way they want Islam in this case is the way they learned to cope with this situation For other people are other ways But does it matter that they have a different religion/culture? We all get our share of tragedies and I can relate to the people in both balloons My religion or lack there of doesn't change that Comment from : thijsjong |
no parachutes? Comment from : Бейсд Бой |
wonder why they didnt shout Allah achbar or do they only use that slogan for when they are chopping some poor guys head off? Comment from : JayGee |
Those people who took the video can be heard praying for the victims not knowing they are probably dead So whoever stereotypes a religion is illiterate Comment from : CoffinSupply |
that guys praying rite b4 the crash so sad! Comment from : JetAlbania |
bloody hell so my instincts in , yep, same month, same town, Luxor, last year were RIGHT
Abbout not spending 100 dollars
to be flown off to my own death - Comment from : ausendundeinenacht |
actually, you're both wrong about rationality rational thinking comes with the times it was rational 800 years ago to believe the planet was flat and there were gods and different myths around dictating reality if you were to go back that far in time, it would irrational for you to think otherwise I'll agree that prove is necessary for rational justified belief faith gets to nowhere but the possibilities are endless dogma/religion is different from philosophical beliefs Comment from : ShOo |
If you believe in so strongly that there may be a god, than you are religious on some level You keep making the same statement over and over Again, I'll go with the one that is most likely, not the one that makes me feel good because I can't handle life on my own
Its not just my view, it's the view of all Atheists and people with a ounce of rational thinking Show me had god and the toothfairy are not alike? Comment from : Duston McCreary |
I can compare them because that is the thing your mind still can't comprehend because your mind is so deep in absolute belief God is just as made up by man as the toothfairy They both have the exact amount of evidence, which is zero So they are exactly the same
Yes, you choose to believe something with zero evidence because you are afraid of death without a god at the end to reward you God is a security blanket for you Comment from : Duston McCreary |
How sure are YOU that the toothfairy and monster under the bed aren't real? When weighing the evidence the chance that there is no god is at 99 versus the existence of a god at maybe 1 So, I'll go with the 99 chance that there is no god Comment from : Duston McCreary |
No, it means it's not worth assuming to be real
Don't assume something to be real simply because it can't be seen therefore can't be disproved That's such an amazingly weak basis to live by Comment from : Duston McCreary |
Ok maybe you are 80 right dont be to hard with the ppl,humanity had past through many shits one of them is the religion many have been killed in the name of god but we are not perfect and we will never be as long as we dont understand each other
Peace Comment from : Stelios karavasilis |
You're confused We don't prove that things are NOT real, we prove that things ARE real You have not proven that got IS real Comment from : Duston McCreary |
You can't use any senses or equipment to prove 'God' is real, you can't see him, hear, see etc so as far as humans know, there is no evidence of a 'God'
In my opinion the idea of there being a 'God' is absurd, however i respect that many people don't agree with me and so i will not even bother to argue with anyone who replies to this
I'm not trying to tell you that you shouldn't believe in a God because it is your choice, just thought i'd express my opinion Comment from : Bob K |
Where did I judge? A religious person and say whatever they want but when an Atheist does he is suddenly judging?
Sorry, believing in fairy tales in the 21st Century does not have to be respecting That kind of thought is what allows such nonsensical thinking to remain in existence, too many people defending it Comment from : Duston McCreary |
when you have Evidence you dont believeyou know! believing and knowing are 2 different things! let the ppl believe what they want to believe dont judge so you dont beeing judged
me all due respect from an Atheist Comment from : Stelios karavasilis |
And again, I rather be on the side with evidence as a opposed to the one with none Comment from : Duston McCreary |
It's not about sense, it's about either their is evidence or there isn't I will believe things that have evidence of their existence, it's that simple
I can be wrong, but again I have chosen the side of evidence
Sure god could exist, and there could also be a monster living in my closet Comment from : Duston McCreary |
I'm comparing thing that don't exist to things that don't exist You believing god doesn't make him any more real than me believing in unicorns What about that concept do you not understand?
The burden isn't on me to prove that something doesn't exist, the burden is on you to prove that it does
And a flat world made sense to people hundreds of years ago, but that doesn't make it correct Comment from : Duston McCreary |
Children also believe in god, the only difference is that they're never told by their parents that it's fake The very evidence that you claim is proof of no Santa Claus is the very proof that there is no god, by your logic
In fact god cannot be 100 disprove, in the same sense that you can't prov that there isn't a race of unicorns living on Mars, but logic tells us that they're probably not there Comment from : Duston McCreary |
Yeah, there is extremists in every religious group I think atheism and agnosticism aren't exclusive from one another though Atheism deals with believe rather than agnosticism, which deals with knowledge Most atheists are agnostics If you do not believe there is a god (because of a lack of evidence), you are surely an atheist, whether you choose to judge the topic or not It's like newborn babies who haven't been introduced to a god, there are both atheist and agnostic ;) Comment from : ShOo |
God Bless and thanks Comment from : Flying-Experience |
In USA we used to say Aw my God!, Aw my God!, Aw my God!! Comment from : Andreas Hasenfratz |
I'm talking about the idiot blabbering about allah Comment from : pbmdh |
I'm not the one who will answer this , however , at a unknown point, you me and all the human being will Die (Can u deny it?) and by that moment when { Azrael } arrive to take your spirit from this world you will not have another chance to go back to life and believe in God ! you & me will be buried till the day of Judgment when we wake up and each one will either go to Heavens or Hell
God says :
*And what can make you know what is the Day of Judgement?
*Woe, that Day, to the deniers (Quran) Comment from : Ben |
Quran Says:
-Have you not considered the one who argued with Abraham about his Lord [merely] because Allah had given him kingship? When Abraham said, "My Lord is the one who gives life and causes death," he said, "I give life and cause death" Abraham said, "Indeed, Allah brings up the sun from the east, so bring it up from the west" So the disbeliever was overwhelmed [by astonishment], and Allah does not guide the wrongdoing people Cow-258 Comment from : Ben |
Example :how could the prophet Mohamed (1400+years) knows that if he fly in the air this breast will be tight and constricted due to less oxygen- Quran Says :
So whoever Allah wants to guide - He expands his breast to [contain] Islam; and whoever He wants to misguide - He makes his breast tight and constricted as though he were climbing into the sky Thus does Allah place defilement upon those who do not believe (Al-Anam 125)
Comment from : Ben |
God is not responsible for people faults (SHIT HAPPENS) and if god will save the whole world , no 1 will die , no 1 will fail and so on
Before judging whether there is god or not , try to read the Isalm Book (Quran) which is all based on logical facts , the Quran talks about History, Science ---etc
Comment from : Ben |
1-Has there [not] come upon man a period of time when he was not a thing [even] mentioned?
2-Indeed, We created man from a sperm-drop mixture that We may try him; and We made him hearing and seeing
3-Indeed, We guided him to the way, be he grateful or be he ungrateful
(end of first 3 ayat of Al-insan Sura)
Comment from : Ben |
You've won comment of the week You win, FREE STUFF We sent you a message about this momentous prize, so get in touch and we'll send your swag Comment from : Point |
We are having a debate about God this Thursday at 7pm GMT I think both of you should attend and channel your energy into that? Comment from : Point |
If he's perfectly fine with not having a religion, that's up to him, as long as it doesn't hurt anyone Comment from : Stoneman66666 |
my friends there for a month and visting luxor i think I thought it was him for a while Was worrying The uk guy that past actually looks alot like hin too Its amazing that 2 survived I will never ever go up in a hotair ballon without a parachute now Comment from : XXXREMIX MASHIT by ohhhREALY |
thats why i never go in a fucking ballon
Comment from : drew stafford |
impossible there is no such place ha ha religion is a made up human belief that makes you all feel happy because you think theres an actual purpose to life there aint lol deal with it fools Comment from : Deathwish026 |
Thanks mate, Guessed it was something relating to god but was wondering what they were actually saying Comment from : moonsugar1 |
Comment from : R4v37o7h3Gr4v3 |
one way ticket to hell please Comment from : noonenaught |
Terrible :( Comment from : 123flaw |
you are one sad individual arent you
Comment from : steveapgarsca |
tell everyone in hell i said f@#$ you when you go Comment from : steveapgarsca |
your views not mine Comment from : MusaTheGamer |
I don't know what language that was but why was that one guy repeating the same nothing over and over again! Comment from : Kevin Hodgson |
The most calm people on earth Comment from : Tomys Fitzsimmons |
holly hell Comment from : SoulDragonWithFlow |
there is no god fools wake up or maybe the death of these people is part of "gods plan" smh poor souls Comment from : Deathwish026 |
Too bad there is none Comment from : danieldeath |
Sheet that went down fast Comment from : pankomputerek |
Shame RIP Comment from : David Bottom |
they are saying, in the name of God, there is no God but Allah, there is no might and power except by God Comment from : MusaTheGamer |
Sounds to me like they're praying (not that I really can tell, but lots of repeated phrases), which is possibly why they sound oddly calm Comment from : Iain Shanks |
sound quite calm about it , if it was in usa it would be like oh my goddd over and over again
Comment from : amc133 |
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