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The Deadliest Hot Air Balloon Accident Ever | Short Documentary | Luxor, Egypt 2013


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Название :  The Deadliest Hot Air Balloon Accident Ever | Short Documentary | Luxor, Egypt 2013
Продолжительность :   7.09
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Просмотров :   52 rb

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Описание The Deadliest Hot Air Balloon Accident Ever | Short Documentary | Luxor, Egypt 2013

Коментарии The Deadliest Hot Air Balloon Accident Ever | Short Documentary | Luxor, Egypt 2013

I would take my spouse with me if i could have 😢
Comment from : murdercide

siren synapse
Damn, to jump without your wife_ that's harsh
Comment from : siren synapse

As a former resident of New Mexico, Ballooning is still a very safe sport
Comment from : Kev

Allie The Pretty Gator
i always hated to see these beautiful balloons causing fiery accidents
Comment from : Allie The Pretty Gator

Dinora Pineda
Comment from : Dinora Pineda

Him God
Smhnext time, just go do stuff that NORMAL white people do, go swim with sharks, go camping in woods with bears, unbelievable
Comment from : Him God

Thomas Lopez
My family and I rode on a balloon a few years ago and we went extremely high during our ride! I think we were at roughly 2,500 feet We ended up crash landing and on our side when we landed! Everyone was laying on top of each other because we were not standing up at that point It was a neat experience but I’ll never do it again! 😂
Comment from : Thomas Lopez

The weight of the 2 men that jumped, they didn’t look slim, the balloon would have shot off even more
Comment from : Troy

So the captain just bailed leaving all the tourist, wow,
Comment from : Troy

Evert Ros
Tjee?brThe propaan hoses are 13 year in flight!brEvery flight the are in extreme hot space , cold and warmbrPropaan gas, that ice can be se on the propaan containersbrAt your home,bryou need every 5 year tho change the gas hose!!!
Comment from : Evert Ros

Carmen Cavenaugh
I'll jump before I'll burn 😢
Comment from : Carmen Cavenaugh

Tat Ming
Can’t imagine the terror these people suffered before jumping to their death or being burnt alive Not only the balloon basket caught fire, there were also loud explosions which could be heard miles away
Comment from : Tat Ming

Dizy Tizy
So the main issue was that the flames could not be put out because the captain had jumped The tourists were too stupid to know where to turn the main valve off so they just kept on going up
Comment from : Dizy Tizy

buggiba 223
That pilot is still running balloons now
Comment from : buggiba 223

Wheb the pilot jumps out, you know you're doomed
Comment from : Tony

The captain was the first guy to jump?!?!
Comment from : cat

Why, why, why do people ignore safety checks?
Comment from : Mayday

Don't like heights horrific though you'd never get me in one of them Rest in Peace 🙏
Comment from : HurdyGurdyMan

U see me I’ll get on with a flight book bag a pair shoot 😅
Comment from : Jayswizz

Jeff Jeff
Comment from : Jeff Jeff

Crazy Leyland 510
This is one incident that puts me off ballooning completely, although I have no fear of flying in any other type of aircraft, including open cockpit gyrocopters and motorised hang gliders I imagine the safety standards and equipment would be a lot better in the UK I don't know what the rules are, but ideally the basket and envelope need fire retardant, and a small but powerful fire extinguisher on board
Comment from : Crazy Leyland 510

Why not use metal braided gas hoses like the high pressure lines used on airplanes?
Comment from : youchris67

Iron Clay
Reliving the event - How would you and changed your decision?br1 More gentle in your aggressive Shove to get Grandpar on to get hold of his gold mine?br2 Twisted by your grandpar's using you to harvest rice poking holes in the gas pipe before giving him a cell phone with a flat batterybr3 refer to 1 or 2
Comment from : Iron Clay

Iron Clay
Case is simple - the balance between Tourist Income and Flight safety got Economically Confused Looking at a Brochure of another country may not be the life sustaining honeymoon dream god had planed - If when you get loaded into a Death Machine [anything exceeding walking speed at Ground Level it's really up to you to ensure your own SafetybrExample: Did all these people get on a balloon with expectations of a boring day?brAs a potential Lawyer for the balloon company owner, the Defense of providing a Very Exciting Ride is where I'd rest my casebrQuestion to the Applicant - "Was what we provided a very exciting Ride?"brYes or No
Comment from : Iron Clay

Tonia Vasseur
Why would you not jump right away and I would go to the top of the balloon
Comment from : Tonia Vasseur

Right before the balloon hit the ground, they all should have jumped off at the same time! Thanks for nothing Jesus! AMEN!!!!
Comment from : bert1913

Bring a fire extinguisher & a parachute
Comment from : Joseph BONNETTE

Moral of the story : don't hire Arabs They are a danger to society The "pilot" abandoned his passengers knowing fully well that unloading the balloon means it will ascend The moment he jumped out he knew the passengers would die Just on that basis he should be in jail Secondly, what he should have done is to rip the parachute Passenger balloons have a red line that when pulled, open up the parachute letting the air escape This would 100 prevent the balloon from ascending even if passengers jumped out At least he should have jumped out WITH the red vent line in his hands which would have completely opened up the parachute with his fall He didn't even do that A complete failure for a human being Please just put him in jail and drop the key in the ocean
Comment from : KL M

Dr Qaiser Haider
Egypt one of the baddest country for tourists
Comment from : Dr Qaiser Haider

juan mata
Em México acaba de pasar un accidente casi igual,muy tragico
Comment from : juan mata

Glenn Phillips
1st problem Egypt, 2nd problem 21 passengers in a freak'n wicker basket, 3rd problem lots' of liquid propane inches from your freak'n head blasting hundreds of thousands of BTUs in a wicker basket 1000's of feet in the freak'n air FU# that, and I have thousands of hours flying hang gliders! this is well beyond a bad idea, I don't care if they serve champagne Spend your egypt tourist dollars paying off your mortgage it's a much better investment, and you'll live fu# egypt
Comment from : Glenn Phillips

Jonathan Brandell
Great safety in Egypt? Been there and will NEVER go back! The people there drags you into their stores and demands money for you, for leavingsick Severals of my friends have the same view So sad, the country and sea was awesome But the tourism will die It, will die out
Comment from : Jonathan Brandell

I wonder if the captain and the husband who livedyelled jump to the others
Comment from : lw216316

Lexiemae P
Couldn't the pilot just turn off the gas or something?
Comment from : Lexiemae P

Nunya Buziness
If we were meant to fly we'd have wings
Comment from : Nunya Buziness

Markus Decimus
Is normal As captain u must run first
Comment from : Markus Decimus

Louis Rodgers
That's why l don't fly or do balloon's😮😮😮
Comment from : Louis Rodgers

bernese mom
Like Wath happen in mexico father died burned mother jump but died and there daughter badly ingerd oh lord why no way i would go on one
Comment from : bernese mom

Tony Ringo
If these balloons were equipped with fire exstinguishers 🧯, would of been avoidable
Comment from : Tony Ringo

Maria Evans
Years ago I was in Luxor, and we were deciding if we could afford to go on this extra trip ,but alas we didn't really have the money ,now I'm glad we didn't !!!!!😑🇬🇧
Comment from : Maria Evans

Leo Alaniz
If the balloon uses fire to lift that should be a red flag to ride this things your taking a 50, 50 shot you survive
Comment from : Leo Alaniz

T Raybern
I thought the Captain was supposed to go up with the ship ???
Comment from : T Raybern

Take the country you are in before doing something that involves risk
Comment from : Lemmon714

Rahi Reza
the captain jumped first
Comment from : Rahi Reza

Daniel Gacoin
Jumping out would make the nacelle lighter Maybe the British fellow had balloon experience and the chance having some fast working brain cells left Waiting inside would have maybe saved everybody But once the first jumped out than you have to think fast And really weight the options left
Comment from : Daniel Gacoin

Thayne Peterson
Insider Secrets from Commercial Balloon Pilot: Almost all clients that check with Sundog Balloon Co for a ride do it based on cost They should be asking questions like: How long have you been a pilot? New pilots and very old pilots should raise concern How old is the system you fly? Earlier in my career, I had a fuel leak in flight with a system built in the 90s I was lucky it did not ignite and I was able to remedy it quickly because of past training My current systems are less than 2 years old The improvements in safety over the last 25 years are well worth the very significant cost to me I don't want to die by fire either Have you ever been involved in an incident or accident? The FAA requires pilots to report these If you know where to look you can research a pilot Have ever been convicted of a drug or alcohol offense? If someone has a DUI or drug conviction, it's obvious they are a higher risk Who was the last person or company to inspect your equipment? When was the last time it was inspected? The FAA requires this inspection annually Over the years, I've had a15min and a 8hr inspection and been charged the same expensive rate for both Do you hold the required FAA (USA Federal Aviation Administration) medical certifications? After the accident in Lockhart: enwikipediaorg/wiki/2016_Lockhart_hot_air_balloon_crash pilots are required to pass a FAA medical exam If you see a balloon pilot on the freeway pulling a company balloon trailer at 90MPH it should be a red flag that maybe this pilot doesn't understand risk Balloon pilots in the USA are required to fly with another pilot (FAA doesn't have the resources) every 2 years to make sure they still know what they are doing In the past I failed a pilot They simply went to another more tolerant pilot the next day Not all pilots are equal Choose wisely It's an incredible experience but if you are only concerned about cost when choosing a ride company/pilot, I'd recommend a trip to Disney instead
Comment from : Thayne Peterson

luiscarlos encina
So sorryfor all
Comment from : luiscarlos encina

Apple Tree
This is a poor countries new entertainment! How stupid to fall into their traps!
Comment from : Apple Tree

Apple Tree
Who could trust those balloons😳 Think before you put your life in danger for that stupid trill!
Comment from : Apple Tree

I would never ever go on one of those
Comment from : Sicknado

So the captain jumped off 1st, leaving his passengers to die A real hero of the skies
Comment from : ThomasH

Andrew Norgrove
Comment from : Andrew Norgrove

Robert Vickers
its better to be on the ground wishing you were up therethan being up there and wishing you were on the ground!
Comment from : Robert Vickers

Wayne Kennedy
It’s no choice at all, you see flames it’s time to get the hell off I’d have jumped immediately
Comment from : Wayne Kennedy

SF kylex
Horrible choice to have to make in such a small amount of time I mean you have no time to think about it at all it’s just adrenaline and it’s really unfortunate that only 2 people managed to survive however it’s better than none
Comment from : SF kylex

Stonedust and Stardust
What a sad story
Comment from : Stonedust and Stardust

joanne wilson
Can’t imagine having to make that choice…and it happened so fast…rip
Comment from : joanne wilson

Joshua Kim
Why TF would the remaining ground crew let go of the rope???? It’s not adding up!
Comment from : Joshua Kim

bill b
That bloke that jumped and left his wife deserves to rot in hell
Comment from : bill b

John Redcorn
I think eskimos are smug
Comment from : John Redcorn

Tonya Richards
We had a famous local balloon operator here in VT/NH He got caught in the ropes on the outside of his basket Left a foot deep depression in the ground when he hit and of course he died
Comment from : Tonya Richards

Tonya Richards
I can see all of this on YouTube from the safety of my bed I win
Comment from : Tonya Richards

worse than sophies choice
Comment from : Michael

What terrifying choices to have to make I think I would die of terrier
Comment from : Tina

Sara Helton
My ex was in a Sinclair Gas balloon that happened to be shaped like the Dino mascot when the balloon crashed into a house!!brTwas the 90s I believe and the National Inquirer had a funny story about it
Comment from : Sara Helton

The spouse who survived was lucky to react so quickly, yet, at the same time unlucky, because their loved one died, and I presume they must've gone through so many what-ifs afterwards Why didn't I pull them with me, could I've shouted something to them to convince them to also take the jump, why didn't I push them out first
Comment from : FinnishLapphund

Just imagine looking over the side of the basket as it suddenly launches violently up and away from the ground with all the last people you’ll ever see looking up at you with horrified expressions and quickly fading screams about the spreading flames until in moments they’re distant specks and all your skin is on fire and melting to pour through what little remains of the inferno at your feet, barely keeping you suspended near the clouds until 4…3…2…
Comment from : B

Jane Cecelia
They should've at least had a fire retardant and a fire blanket on board In these situations, you have to think and act swiftly to save your life Those poor souls never had a chance
Comment from : Jane Cecelia

Cranky Old Broad
Anyone visiting post Mubarak Egypt takes their life in their hands at every turn It was corrupt before, but now it's not only out of control, but the hostility toward Western visitors isn't hidden I'm grateful I got to spend time there in 1989, before the slaughter at Hatshepsut even happened RIP, all
Comment from : Cranky Old Broad

Anj A
I think I would have taken lead of the pilot, not that I would ever get into a hot air balloon and unlike him, encouraged others to do so Landing on top of him too prevent him escaping for not attempting too be a good captain
Comment from : Anj A

David Hynd
I hadn't heard of this accident before It's a measure of how horrific the conditions in the balloon had become that a 300 metre fall would seem preferable to staying in the basket
Comment from : David Hynd

Joel Sterling
19 deaths, that is 19 deaths too manybrbrI am watching the video and I am thinking every single 1 of the deaths could have been prevented if a better job was done keeping the balloons in good/flyable shape
Comment from : Joel Sterling

Green toad
You're 10 feet from the ground and thinking all is well, and you're having a safe landing, not knowing what's about to happen So very sad
Comment from : Green toad

Only 2 reacted appropriately and fast enough At least half of those on board could have saved themselves by jumping Sad
Comment from : blackhawk

Dana Dinsmore
Once again, it's all about the $$$ Maintenance issues were sadly neglected 😳
Comment from : Dana Dinsmore

Dana Dinsmore
There's nothing you could do to get me into one of those
Comment from : Dana Dinsmore

Maria Abramson
I just don't get why they let the balloon go! There's 20 people in it! You can't just let it go no matter what! So many lives lost, so fast sad
Comment from : Maria Abramson

I’ll always jump vs burning alive I can’t imagine how utterly and completely devastating it must’ve been, in that falling fire trap RIP to them all
Comment from : SSDDinsanity

that damn punk
I'm sorry At this point in life I have to much experience If I see the pilot jump I know we are f*cked Sigh hopefully I can land on em Weeeeeeeeeee!!! This is going to make a splat sound!
Comment from : that damn punk

Eric Zetterlund
They didn't tie the line to something!?
Comment from : Eric Zetterlund

I remember watching this and couldn't remember which choice had the most survivors
Comment from : Divinita

Anika Jain
Cheers 👍
Comment from : Anika Jain

What a horrendous choice to make in a split second It must have been terrifying
Comment from : IntrepidFraidyCat

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