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The Economic Crisis in Sri Lanka


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Название :  The Economic Crisis in Sri Lanka
Продолжительность :   21.47
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Коментарии The Economic Crisis in Sri Lanka

John Keller
They remove the food subsidies and people start starving, absolutely baffling that, isn't it?
Comment from : John Keller

I understand you make the effort to keep your commentary as neutral as possible, so please bear in mind that 'leftist' is used exclusively as a perjorative term for left-wing politics
Comment from : Outerwebs

OMG the level of detail! Interesting to see the GDP/capita comparison of several countries over the years
Comment from : TheAverageJoe

Your first video I watched
Comment from : someone

Whats your structure for researching? Just reading Wikipedia articles and looking up economic data?brI have a friend who wants to talk about African countries in your structure but he would like a good framework
Comment from : GrizzlyAkan94

Chac Mool
I recall a time about a decade ago when no one had a negative thing to say about the Rajapaksas The current crisis had been long in there making and is not really surprising For those who saw the signs early on, of course Others were instead busy cheerleading Mahinda 😎🙄
Comment from : Chac Mool

Chac Mool
So the Brits were remiss in leaving in place safeguards for the country's minority's before high tailing it outta there is what you are saying
Comment from : Chac Mool

Muditha K
It is really scary and unpredictable whats happening in my country Good news is that it is all for the better starting todaybrIf anyone is out there wondering how you can help towards recovery, please do visit Sri Lanka It's absolutely safe to be here Making a donation towards a cause in Sri Lanka through a Lankan bank account would also help increase Forex revenue
Comment from : Muditha K

That is what happens when anticapitalist sentiments dominate the country When people putting equality and "social justice" above economic development
Comment from : ХОРОШО

Currency wars behind the scenes, you are just regurgitating mainstream info
Comment from : MonkeySpecs301

It's corruption at the top Losing a port to China didn't help How much did they have to pay China?
Comment from : m

Sri Lankans need more investors from China when you are in debt sell your country to China Bye bye
Comment from : shamsham1983

EM Tutorials
root cause for the crisis in Sri Lanka is socialism socialist politicians made people to depend heavily on subsidies which people are yet to give up
Comment from : EM Tutorials

Jako Salem
there was no mention also of the poor monetary policy of money printing, which increased inflation
Comment from : Jako Salem

Jako Salem
the issue on fertilizer ban was not mentioned :-)
Comment from : Jako Salem

This would be a fine primary school book-report, but it fails to address the current reasons for Sri Lanka's economic woes Reposting from Kanishq's post above: Two things destroyed sri Lanka (among others) brThey announced they will go 100 organic farming (tea was 30 of their exports) br70 renewable energy within 5 years brNow the agriculture collapsed while the renewable energy never materialised lead to power shortages brCovid means zero tourism, although covid related situations wasn't as severe in Sri Lanka
Comment from : thom1218

Great video Some inputs from myselfbr1 How Sri Lanka ended the civil war was horrific The last push killed thousands of people in matter of couple of weeks?br2 The Rajapaksa family is a virus on its people The rumor is they stole billions and funneled to another country worsening the situation Sri Lanka was in during the pandemicbr3 Yes Chinese debt is 10 overall but it is the terms of the loan was another problem You can see harsh terms with other countries as well and the effects from it Another factor to the crisisbr4 The Tsunami in 2004 had a major impact as wellbr5 Like you mentioned many left Sri Lanka to seek better opportunitiesthis I believe the good and intelligent people left and what was left created conflicts and further crisis
Comment from : Immortalsidathara29

Don Mudit
139 Sri Lanka ahead of Korea and Singapore Where is 03 countries today
Comment from : Don Mudit

Rhona Aguda
Leftist Communism destroys a country
Comment from : Rhona Aguda

I knew I knew little about Sri Lanka, but I didn't know I knew so little brbrWhat an interesting story and very good told Thank you!
Comment from : iambenk

this is not economic crysis, just corrupted management system and work of corrupct po;iticians
Comment from : YOUR CHANNEL

How even comparing south Korea?, south Korea is one of the richest brCountry in the world
Comment from : MC

shez Edi
Comment from : shez Edi

Gab J
blame the chinese
Comment from : Gab J

kamani julia
So sad to say politicians are reuind my beautiful country I ❤ my country Sri Lanka 🇱🇰 we some how can come up together ❤
Comment from : kamani julia

Ofcourse you would not talk about the chinese debt trap deplomacy, the capturing of the Hambantota port and use of Sri Lanka as a counter to India just like Pakistan
Comment from : Pratyush

Rohan McMighty
This president is crazy people who live here knows that He intentionally crashed the economy He is paying small groups of few dozen people to show support to him That's the only way he is currently showing the world that he still has supporters 🌎
Comment from : Rohan McMighty

Jesus Loves You
God bless you all , Jesus loves you all only he can save u repent and turn from your sins and accept jesus as Lord and saviour and you will be saved He is the only way to eternal life in heaven once you pass away its too late ❤✝️
Comment from : Jesus Loves You

Chu Chee ling
Don't worry my friend Malaysia very soon will be joining the cluba lot of similarities especially on political structure government policiesetc etcI rest my case
Comment from : Chu Chee ling

so basically the srilankan government just tried copying other countries without proper research and making it their whole mission to undermine the minority and favour the majority without properly thinking out their decisions for economic growth and a war which could've been avoided if proper negotiations were made
Comment from : MAAS

Chao Lee
I think Thomas Sowell said it best "Poor nations buy what they wants and beg for what they need" Same goes for poor people If you wonder why someone on public assistance in a 1 bedroom apartment buys a 56" inch tv and Jordan shoes with their tax money, here's your answer Poverty is not a math problem As far as nations like this where tribal inclusion (hiring your brother or cousin rather than someone with talent) is worth more than individual talent, you have socialism failure, just in another version
Comment from : Chao Lee

Ofelia Salvador
Thank you for the information I am from the Philippines
Comment from : Ofelia Salvador

Notorious N
But Sri Lanka has democracyit should solve everything
Comment from : Notorious N

Himmat Shrestha
Blame everything happening to Sri Lanka on that devil worshiping hellhole called india
Comment from : Himmat Shrestha

Bike, Garden and Music
China Debt Trap
Comment from : Bike, Garden and Music

Drone Strike
China is to blame
Comment from : Drone Strike

Eternity Gamer
My parents were born and raised in sri lanka so I'm a sri lankan American
Comment from : Eternity Gamer

Anish Apoorwa Kispotta_JMC
It would be wrong to blame everything on Chinese investment This was purely bad economic management on the part of the Sri Lankan government
Comment from : Anish Apoorwa Kispotta_JMC

Sherry Manes
Yeah and all they're doing is coming to my country everybody's flowing into our country why don't they stay in their own country we don't want all your people here you're going to crowd us out this is our country
Comment from : Sherry Manes

Chase Iphone
Comment from : Chase Iphone

Deep entrenched corruption still is the major demolition ball!
Comment from : TheSamuiman

Jackie Reynolds
Very ignorant I have always been, still - I could not help but wonder how so many people's around the world would have faired were they to be left the hell alone
Comment from : Jackie Reynolds

Tanga Z
Independence from the British…
Comment from : Tanga Z

pras vasu
Give a thousand reasons, which may all be true But ultimately, Sri Lankas fiscal discipline and nutty policies of the ones in power are the reasons
Comment from : pras vasu

Every country we look there seems to be an economic crisis it seems, Japan, Korea, China, USA, Greece, Sri Lanka, Indonesia
Comment from : ギドラ

Taimur Mohmand
Nhà vợ anh lộc thật tuyệt vời Mọi người thật tình cảm với nhau 😍
Comment from : Taimur Mohmand

Sufian Fucuk
I feel sad for the sri lankan people, i hope things will become better soon
Comment from : Sufian Fucuk

Bob Harris
This is all too boring and can boiled down to corrupt ethnic savages fighting for power * Yawn *
Comment from : Bob Harris

Raj Raj
China master plan for everything happening
Comment from : Raj Raj

Patricia Mary
Nice content To me, trading the forex and crypto market is way better than any online investment 💯
Comment from : Patricia Mary

Bert Van der vorst
ITs all in the game Il dont now better And im 68
Comment from : Bert Van der vorst

4:10 It made way for leftist policies That’s all I needed to hear That’s pretty much the case for every country that follows that failed ideology
Comment from : Dead_or_Alive

K Kim
A stupid greedy country sold to evil china
Comment from : K Kim

Kadir A Peker
The same playbook has been going on in Turkey I see a lot of parallels to what's happening here in Turkey: unhealthy growth through sinking money in "mega" projects (piles of concrete) - which happen to be all commissioned to the same set of contractors attached to the governing clique Political allegiance overtaking skills and aptitude for the jobs, driving highly skilled people to flee for western countries where they are treated on par their worth Such a well trodden path for so many nations
Comment from : Kadir A Peker

henry bleisch
As soon as you said 2 ethnic groups it just sounded like something i have heard many different times just one of those ways this type of decline happens in an non- super powerful country
Comment from : henry bleisch

That fucking sucks I just skipped through the video Fucking good job making an informative video! Keep it up bro or girl or they or whatever
Comment from : pvtjhon

sl chand
Like the economic history srilanka Well put together
Comment from : sl chand

shrish pant
I really appreciate the coverage of the host of Asianometry However to brush up China's involvement in pushing corruption and nepotism would be a dangerous misreading As a data analyst, one might brush aside the Chinese debt to a low 10 figure But a deeper look into corporate debt might reveal a different picture brbrIn essence, Chinese are like those mean businessmen who we saw growing up in movies, who will, by hook or crook, push their business and agenda to fuel their growth and suck every last drop of blood from the host
Comment from : shrish pant

Jos Joe
U seeiously need to stop the history lesson at first and get faster to the question
Comment from : Jos Joe

The whole civil war has been controlled by Israel The training of Tamils and Sinhalese carried out by British and Israeli soldiers in Israel at huge costs
Comment from : carforumwanker

CCP debt trap + CCP covid
Comment from : prozac1127

Pra XD
Good analysis This government made the most stupid economic decisions ever Should have approached the IMF when covid struck in 2020 instead of waiting till now Tough times ahead before any hope
Comment from : Pra XD

Oh classic slit eyed racism Asian means only East Asians Dark skinned Asians doesn't matter at all, like is there a crisis there? Btw where's this place?! Let me make some of it by providing incomplete and potentially misleading information
Comment from : Moaz

Tharushika Hettiarachchi
This crisis is due to the corrupted politicians #gohomegota #gohomerajapakshas #gohomegota2022
Comment from : Tharushika Hettiarachchi

Comment from : R Y

Nilusha Tennakoon
Comment from : Nilusha Tennakoon

Nilusha Tennakoon
Wow! Super analysis!! Sri Lanka is a beautiful country with a rich heritage sadly run buy corrupt politicians and business men who are stealing the country's wealth! br#GoHomeGota2022
Comment from : Nilusha Tennakoon

Jan Witts
China's plan continues brSoon you will be their slavesbrDon't expect the Dutch or British to help out
Comment from : Jan Witts

bobby atman
Corruption is the only thing that will die right after the last government on the planet will
Comment from : bobby atman

Siddharth M
Its very upsetting to see you merely talk about rajapaksha bringing peace when in reality he conducted a large genocide against the tamils and is guilty of war crimes The tamils had to flee to different parts of the world The sri lankans are reaping what they sowed by getting this fellow to power I hope they are able to fight back and rebuild
Comment from : Siddharth M

F Fletch
Better off under a British rule brInfinitely better offbrbrHong Kong is also wishing for the old days…
Comment from : F Fletch

Deelana Sumathipala
18 yr old Sri Lankan here and I honestly believe what’s happening right now is a massive reset button being pressed by so much of the younger generation to make structural change at every possible level of our society (ik it sounds a bit revolutionary & generic but it feels so influential!!) The protests at Galle Face have to be a small sample of proof on the change happening
Comment from : Deelana Sumathipala

mo Mo
Very soon sri lanka people will become Chinese
Comment from : mo Mo

Been there back in 2019 with my bf One of the best countries I’ve ever been to! Rich in natural resources
Comment from : LA MODÉLISTE

Flaming Basketball Club
Why did YouTube recommend me this video?
Comment from : Flaming Basketball Club

Ashish Patel
massive amounts of chinese debt trap money
Comment from : Ashish Patel

Anand N A
Lanka without Sri
Comment from : Anand N A

s9 ka9
bPakistan/b 🇵🇰 bSri/b bLanka/b 🇱🇰 bNepal/b 🇳🇵 all are in economic crisis brTwo similarity - All are India s' 🇮🇳 neighbours and all of them competed to accommodate China against India
Comment from : s9 ka9

My mom's trying to build a house there right now, she told her guys to get everything they had paid for out of the store because the store's May soon no longer release their purchases And the bank that was helping fund this is trying to devest itself
Comment from : colin8696908

Another country ruined by religion Jesus move on both your gods aren’t real
Comment from : Tiral

Haste Kulvaati
This is so sad Sri-lanka is such beautiful country Fertile with bounteous reserves of water No need for it to be in such a mess
Comment from : Haste Kulvaati

They bankrupt already Moral's story: NEVER own from china NEVER get loans from them
Comment from : Fernando

Ourania Sakellariou
Damn and I thought asians where great at maths
Comment from : Ourania Sakellariou

Please talk about the floods in South Africa 🥺😢
Comment from : Daimlerxy!

Why is it that most countries colonised by British ended up in a mess? #SadTruth
Comment from : hanleylinify

Corruption is the biggest problem in Asia and nobody dose anything about it, because so many people have their fingers in the Till and Western Governments turn a blind eye
Comment from : jon

Evmini Apurwa
my country could have brillion time better without rajapakshabr#gohomerajapakshabr#gohomegota
Comment from : Evmini Apurwa

shishir chhetri
Nepal is in crisis
Comment from : shishir chhetri

Troy Richards
Heading to NY finance minister to secure 4 billion in loans from the IMF
Comment from : Troy Richards

Spiny Slasher
This is further proof that European models of economy and governance will simply not work on countries that are demographically and culturally very different from Europe Every country needs its own unique solution, rather than copying what some other country did
Comment from : Spiny Slasher

Lin Chin
There are definitely corruption, and the China debt trap Building a useless port, and later china turns it into an oversea military base
Comment from : Lin Chin

China's B&R debt traps are as real as the sun rising in the east, despite what any apologist might conjure up as a rationale
Comment from : Coraltown

Taiwan can help哈哈。
Comment from : 流浪蛙

Economics Room
Thanks for the in-depth analysis of the facts impartially Sri Lanka lost a significant amount of dollars from Tourism and remittances from foreign employment due to the Covid pandemic For the last 25 years, Sri Lanka lost 10 billion USD only from Tourism Workers' Remittances have encountered a sheer drop from 675 million USD in Jan 2021 to 204 million USD in March 2022 Please share hashtags #VisitSrilanka2022 #RemitToSriLankaviaBanks
Comment from : Economics Room

The Big Daddy Club
i was travelling Sri Lanka during the crisis its crazy check the power outage video i made also the video where locals are now attacking tourists openly and police is busy controlling protests
Comment from : The Big Daddy Club

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