Название | : | ?? Sri Lanka: How is an economic crisis affecting people? | The Stream |
Продолжительность | : | 25.26 |
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Need to end the iron rice bowl first Comment from : FAHIM HAMEED |
And madam, madam,all of you politicians were on snooze mode🇱🇰 Comment from : FAHIM HAMEED |
We the People will need to take over our beloved nation and establish a direct people's governance, the only solution, is a system like Switzerland Comment from : FAHIM HAMEED |
We will need at least five years to recover Comment from : FAHIM HAMEED |
As far as I know,only a financial institution LOLC is reaching outbrGiant organization like Abans, Soft logic, Odel,No limit, Hameedias just to mention a few and many more who can do somuch are silent, they owe it to the society Comment from : FAHIM HAMEED |
Where is Cabral? People are looking for him Comment from : FAHIM HAMEED |
Yes HonHarsha did Comment from : FAHIM HAMEED |
So you admit as a opposition did nothing to alert the people,? Comment from : FAHIM HAMEED |
It is gentleman politicians like of Hon DrHarsha is whom we need so desperately Comment from : FAHIM HAMEED |
Do your country srilanka good do your country srilanka work good do your country srilanka work right I am saying this to country srilanka people Comment from : talal sabir rana |
I am from sri lanka and i live in new zealand and my grandparents are suffering Comment from : Ishanka Upamali |
Because of china Comment from : R Z |
Plz save sri lanka from rajapaksha Comment from : Randika Edirisinha |
சிங்கள பௌத்த பேரினவாத அடக்குமுறைக்குள் தமிழ் மக்களை அடிமைகளாக வைத்திருந்து அவர்களது வாழ்வுரிமைக்கு எந்த வித தீர்வும் வழங்காமல் சைனா இந்தியா பாகிஸ்தான் உக்ரைன் என பல நாடுகளின் உதவியுடன் 2009 இல் மாபெரும் இனப்படுகொலையை செய்து முடித்தது இந்த அரசுயுத்த நீதி முறைகளை மீறி பல பெண்களை பாலியல் வன்கொடுமை செய்து கொன்றொழித்ததுஒரு நாட்டின் சுதந்திரம் என்பது அந்த நாட்டின் அனைத்து மக்களாலும் உரிமைகளாளும் கட்டியெழுப்பபட வேண்டும்உண்மையில சிங்கள சகோதர மக்களின் பொருளாதார நிலை இன்றைய எல்லா இன மக்களின் நிலை மோசமானதுதான்ஆனால் இந்த நிலை யுத்த காலங்களில் வட கிழக்கு தமிழ் மக்கள் பல காலமாக அனுபவித்து வந்த ஒன்றுஅவர்களுக்கு இது ஒன்றும் புதிதல்ல Comment from : Anala Ram |
Nonsense Why can't they just go back to the olden ways? Back to a more modest traditional way of life, closer to nature and away from the modern technologically advanced ways
brWe people in the westernised world often think too highly of advanced technologies and such, that we forget how our ancient forefathers used to live back in the olden historical times Comment from : John Smith |
Rajapaksa is a cancer that we can't get rid of Stupid uneducated people and the educated brainless idiots keep voting for this stupid regime again and again Can't really blame them because in the opposition party we have Wickckramasinghe and Premadasa who protects Rajapaksa Regime because they are really the same party in different colors R Wickckramasinghe was chased away from power because his government was even more corrupt than Rajapaksa's at the time and they behave like total unresponsible children in the Parliament They made a huge mockery out of Easter Sunday Attack and in the meantime protected Rajapaksas from theft Basil Rajapaksa as the finance minister skipped the Parliament for 3 consecutive months He signed deals with other countries without disclosing them to the country or the Cabinet of Sri Lanka We need to chase away both these parties to have a ray of hope for the country
brSri Lankans want IMF to Audit every project from 2006 to present day So many convicted murderers have got Presidential Pardon for no apparent reason at all SL Lawyers association currenty protesting and questioning the Attorny General's Department of Sri Lanka because all the current government politician's court cases are getting dismissed due to technical faults Thieves has already fled the country and it was upto the civilians to stop them from doing that Currently civilians have managed to file a case against the Central Bank Governor Ajith Nivad Cabral which resulted in court banning him from fleeing the country
brDuring these difficult times Sri Lankan Parliament went on vacation annoucing sudden public holidays starting from monday
brWe will get justice! Rajapaksa Regime and Wickckramasinghe Clan will answer for their corruption Comment from : Tharindu Lakshan Kumara |
This is called karma Sinhalese paying for now last 35 years what they did to the tamils in srilanka Comment from : raavanan |
We reap what we sow Comment from : The Wanderlust Co |
lol, the minister is another idiot of the first order, starting from a speech in 2020 What did he do as a cabinet minister prior to that? Comment from : RitooRitu |
Sad for the Sri Lankans but i cant wait for this to happen in England…… this nation needs to loose weight and stop the befit bums, stop the unnecessary consumer market 👏🏻 they basically encourage cancer Comment from : R Bo |
While I appreciate al Jazeera for doing this I think a perspective from opposition might be biased Comment from : Fahmi Mansor |
Best wishes for srilanka Comment from : Ravinder Bishnoi |
I love it, let them suffer 😂😂😂😂 Comment from : RAVI S |
Oh Come on Sri Lanka should demand China to support through these tough times What happened to the ports given to China Sri Lankan people should rise in revolt and take over these ports if China does not fund them Also why these Rajapaksa brothers are roaming free? They would have accumulated wealth The best long term solution is to join India as one of the states But that is only the Indian viewpoint Comment from : mahesh Sunderaraman |
Sri Lanka doesn't have any thing special to export that no other country can't do So future is dark Comment from : Boycott❌No❌K国 |
It is no joke to faced decades of extremism to establish peace and run the countrybrbrPut all the power in your hands, the mental illness of the people of South Asia is a century old, another factor in the downfall of the nationbrbrA nation dependent on export low-value products and remittances can be affected by a global economic shock at any timebrbrPoliticians in South Asia have always earned black money by showing lollipop of development structure for the party or their family It doesn't matter if the country is in debtbrBecause they believe in a proverb, who has seen what heaven looks like?brbrI pray for the people of Sri Lanka to be free from crisis and establish peace and prosperity Comment from : Pradeep |
Minelle please resign from your job if you cannot explain real facts which led our country to this situation Seems like you were paid by the Rajapakse's to blaim this on the bomb blast and COVID Comment from : Nona Bahar |
The main reason why sri lanka has failed today is due to the corrupt politicians and the family dynasty that has sucked all the blood out of this beautiful island like leeches Please mention this next time you make such contents as this is the only truth A parliament of uneducated, uncivilized individuals that never cared about the country's economy/ development but to fill their pockets Whatever you see that's built in Sri Lanka is by taking loans from over seas out of which a big portion went into satisfying their luxurious needs and today we are struggling to pay these loans back To pay off these loans, the bastards had to take new loans on top of that I have not seen such a pathetic government Comment from : Nona Bahar |
Feeling so bad for general public in Sri Lanka May god help them by miracle at this grave economic crisis Comment from : SUBHRA KUMAR SARKAR |
Don't be very greedy brShare and live together so the big fat wolves won't bite you people Comment from : Rainer Krieg |
No matter how much we troll or have fun at the end of the day, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh are neighboring countries The Bangladesh government should stand by Sri LankabrSri Lanka wake up again brWe stand with u our brothers Comment from : mahatir |
When a war criminal runs a country this is what happens sooner or later He was hailed as hero for brutally killing tamilsbr The people who elected this megalomaniac have to pay the price for their decision Comment from : chr Ray |
How much free money qatari government has given a big zero 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 Comment from : dennis rvd |
Please help srilankawe havent fuel ,gas,electricity and milkgovernment had failed to control the county they havent better future plansrilankan faced lot of problems Comment from : KAN Sampath |
Sri Lanka borrowed from the rest of the world to destroy the Eelam Tamilsbr So far the Sri Lankan government has massacred three lakh Eelam Tamils😭😭 Comment from : Saran Tamil |
God will punish thembr Still more to get Comment from : bjananee |
It's called KARMA Comment from : bjananee |
The rajapakse clan is responsible for this tragedy brCorruption, mismanagement, to muth lones taken for projects like new golface, colombo tower enzbrA lot of this money disappeared in the rajapakse clan pockets Comment from : Marc Willemsen |
What is this Comment from : Dinar Daptari |
Any fool can guess what Sri Lanka is in this shameful bankrupt situation Corruption of those in power and borrowing from China to build glittering highways and infractructurr If you have no money don't borrow, no Comment from : leopard tiger |
It is worst than our country(Philippines) in corruption All their official are in one family(Dynasty) They should stop this kind of Political dynasty to raise their economy! Comment from : DAILY VIEWS TV |
Please save us from the difficult economic problems Comment from : Selva Thamil |
The idea of Minelle is completely vague! She just tries to sugarcoat the government’s irresponsibility by highlighting the easter attack and pandemic Yes it did play a part but not to an extent where you are left starving!brI am surprised about her education in Journalism Even a street vendor could explain better than herbr🙆♂️🙇🏻♂️ Comment from : Raa Ahamed |
We don't want rajapaksha and these opposition party as well Comment from : sanduli jayakody |
So many people there to speak to media without any qualifications, ( obtained with political influence) but holding top positions in current government these people are behind the economy crisis too shame Comment from : Kumar Rajan |
Let people choose new government So that others get a chance to loot the country We humans are pathetic Comment from : nasdoc1 |
It's your leadership that's the problem They robbed the country and filled their personal accounts Now the world will give them loans and they will put that money also into their accountsbrThey have to be eliminated From top to bottom The common man should come together and fight against thembrRemember what they did to Gaddafi? Comment from : nasdoc1 |
Corruption from the top bybrRuling Rajapaksha faimly Comment from : PB |
Even though some of our family (minority) members are in Sri Lanka, the majority community under Buddhists monks are pretty brainless They destroyed Tamils They are enslaving the country to China And the stupidity of the majority public elected the best of their corrupt breed to the power to wreck the whole land Essentially the brainless majority have the urge to destroy something all the time They have successfully demolished Tamils Now they don't have any other communities (like French or Arabs) to demolish, so they have decided to destroy themselves and gave the leadership role to their stupid President, who is notoriously known for destruction I think a couple of Buddhist monks are now getting their enlightenment and starting the riots against their breed Comment from : AMN |
At this moment sri lankan ask for help from the anonymous against the rajapaksa's regime Can you please post this news in your channel🙏 Comment from : MR Research |
It is surprising there is no mention of China at all Sri Lanka paying heavy interest to ChinabrChina is taking down countries in the region one at a time Pakistan just paid $26 bn on dead investments CPEC It is getting worse there as well brIt is specially dangerous in the countries where few establishments or families takes the decision for the country and opposition or people just cant do anything Comment from : Santosh Kulkarni |
India had allotted assistance 1Billon soft loan to Sri Lanka as help in economics crisis brSad to see economic crisis deepening in our neighborhood Comment from : Geo and Data |
In-zucht in sri lanka😄 klar wird man da bi, bei dieser art kultur, wie bei den gipsys 😅brbrGute doku, hat nichts mit dem oben geachribenem zu tun, ist nur für einen falschen helden😅 Comment from : A S Kamena |
This country killed more than 100,000 Tamils and committed war crimes to eliminate Tamils aspirations to live in peace and harmony with their cultural identity And still after 12 years of war no solution to Tamils living in north and east No surprise that their sins pays its wagesstill more to come Let me give the details brit's called Karma! this government was elected by Sinhalese to work against minorities and now they are paying the price for it brThe 1956 anti-Tamil pogrom, also known as the Gal Oya riots, was the first organized progrom against Sri Lankan Tamils in the Dominion of Ceylon It began with anti-Tamil rioting in Colombo, followed by anti-Sinhalese rioting in BatticaloabrThe 1958 anti-Tamil progrom and riots in Ceylon, also known as the 58 riots, refer to the first island-wide ethnic riots and pogrom to target the minority Tamils in the Dominion of Ceylon after it became an independent dominion from Britain in 1948brThe 1977 anti-Tamil progrom in Sri Lanka followed the 1977 general elections in Sri Lanka where the Sri Lankan Tamil nationalistic Tamil United Liberation Front won a plurality of minority Sri Lankan Tamil votes in which it stood for secession An official estimate put the death toll at 125br1981 - Burning of Jaffna library,The destruction of the Jaffna Public Library, with the loss of over 100,000 books, artifacts and palm writings Four Sri Lankan Tamils were killedbr1981 - anti-Tamil progroms were carried out by Sinhalese mobs against predominantly Indian Tamils in Ratnapura, Kahawatte and Balangoda areas Shops were looted and set on fire and many women and girls were raped by marauding mobsbr1983 - Black July anti-Tamil pogrom, Sri Lanka - pogrom committed against Tamils of Sri Lanka were between 3,000 to 10,000Tamil civilians were killed and many more made homeless and refugees This was believed to be the origin of the Sri Lankan Civil Warbr2009- over 40 thousand Tamilian were killedbrand list goes onNo surprise that their sins pays its wagesstill more to come Comment from : Ni S |
Daniel Alexander will bail you folks out Oh wait he probably is eating th meal donated by India Comment from : Sandeep Nayak |
It's al Jazira and I don't believe Comment from : Sameer C |
Isn't China coming to their help? How about that idiot Daniel Alexander's home land Porkistan Why aren't they assisting? Comment from : Sandeep Nayak |
Guided Journalism; This is a Show Comment from : Bill Flynn |
All these Srilankan politicians are corrupted Now they criticize but have not done much for the country except for themselves Comment from : Marky Mckaland |
These folk turned their back when the minorities were brutalised , these folk voted a thug family into power not once but twice, these people allowed racists Buddhist monks to behave in a despicable fashion This was always on the cards When you operate a racist , nepotistitic, arrogant country you will have to pay at s9me point Now is that time! I hope the Sinhala majority will live and learn their lesson Comment from : Ravi Selliah |
Allah is the owner of custody Comment from : Tanvir Ahmed |
🤔 👉 It seems that this time the situation will be the same in 🇧🇩 Bangladesh Because our government is spending money like a leaf in the name of development And so our burden of foreign debt is increasing 🤭🤣 Comment from : Traveler |
These same idiots these elected Them So they deserve what they are facing now Comment from : Raja Vishnuvardhana |
Genocidal government was the whole reason Rajapakshe brothers sidelined with China for the UN vote Now the country is paying the price Comment from : Arjun C |
Please be kind enough to speak up as media , as a friend and as a human the middle class families and lower class families have no other options to stand in queues Rajapaksaa family is still hunting for more and once they achieve their target they will freely fly to America or other countries What about the citizens of Sri Lanka? To death ? What did the children do ? brCurfew has been imposed just because the Rajapaksa family to be safe ? Is this what a real leader does ? Comment from : Zainab ‘C |
India just gave a loan of $1 billion to srilanka two days back Till now india has given 25 billion to srilanka for this cause all this is indian tax payers money we are glad to help but the funds should not be misused Also srilanka is in talks with IMF to get a larger loan all this money will be ultimately managed by the rajapaksa fraud family so srilankans have to wake up and make sure the rajapaksa family does not misuse the loans Comment from : vjkrishr1 |
Bangladesh is also heading toward same disaster because of Sheikh Hasina familybrbrThey've laundered billions of dollars from Bangladesh Comment from : Pro Imran |
The Rajapaksa Family have a terrible reckoning coming for their crimes Comment from : S |
thank you al jazeera for covering this story Comment from : Ethan helel |
the funny thing is two former ministers spoke here also the same corrupted ministers from oppositions we as Sri Lankan just change the same corrupted parties every election they only care about their power and money and also they build their business through power Comment from : Dilini Liyanapathirana |
Any nation China loans to, will end up this way back to square 1 resources 'stolen' and worse off in debt next will be Solomon Islands, Colombia and more to come Myanmar and Lsos maybe Comment from : Blaze C |
Yes they should question "bodhu Bala sena" Where is the extremist Buddhist terror organization now?? They riled up the masses and almost brought another civil war to Lanka! Comment from : islazzz |
Corrupted Rajapaksha Family and racism towards minorities were the primary reason for the downfall of beautiful Srilanka Comment from : hickmath umar |
Sri Lanka pop 1950 8m , 2022 23m brAfghanistan pop 1950 8m , 2022 40m br Yemen even worse Result wars famine and misery A one child policy for two generations to stabilise populations is a must Comment from : Arun Kumar |
Imagine an island importing fish, which is practically swimming all around the country All they had to do was take a boat and just cast the net Sri Lankans have to be blamed for their stupidity The other product is milk Wonder how none of them ever thought of raising cowsinstead, these fools were importing milk powder In Sri Lanka getting milk is expensive, you will get only milk powder Comment from : The Saint |
That woman had voice of a man Comment from : MayaTheMatrix |
😤🤬 why are you asking from foolished ministers they are thieves they are lies to the all people in sri Lanka they are going to leave from srilanka they are buy properties in other countries using government money Comment from : KATravelers |
The best solution for Sri Lanka to be neutral which is surrender to IMF Comment from : KSSHUSAIN |
Country rule by brothers Comment from : Francis D |
Sri Lanka's political culture doesn't make good leaders only the politicians family members or rich business man come to the arena Also the drug lords & thugs are members of the parliament So for a educated visionary leader is no more on the way Even the people of Sri Lanka have no choice but to vote for the available candidate or to avoid voting Comment from : Relaxing & Meditation Music |
does anyone know where we (the public) can read about the terms and conditions of the Indian credit line ?? or are the public in total dark about it Comment from : Rashomi Silva |
I respect Al Jazeera as an impartial and unbiased news channel However, in this instance, we have 2 contributors who clearly state that they are opposition supporters and another who was also a former opposition politician now representing NMSJ Where is the balanced representation and commentary if all 3 contributors represent the same political viewpoint Comment from : Ian Gault |
Political System of SL has to be changed! Comment from : UFortunes Global |
All members of Parliament including Harsha de Silva are responsible for this issues brThey're all extremely currupt brHarsha de Silva ?😂 Comment from : MK |
Casualty of Chinese debt trap diplomacy Comment from : BLUERAY1611 |
one family destroying whole sri lanka Comment from : Isuru Charith |
Go gota go home Comment from : Travel with Moto |
This is Srilanka karma and this is due to brutal killing of Prabhakaran family and kids Comment from : somujune |
only the country people have face all the problem but not the RAJAPAKSHA FAMILY HOW THEY ARE SO RICH BY DOING POLITIC AND THE COUNTRY IS SO POOR NO MEDIA IS ASKING THAT Comment from : PinoyCeylon |
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