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BALTIMORE, MARYLAND - EVERYTHING you need to know for 2023 in UNDER 7 MINUTES!


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Название :  BALTIMORE, MARYLAND - EVERYTHING you need to know for 2023 in UNDER 7 MINUTES!
Продолжительность :   6.34
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Просмотров :   35 rb

Кадры BALTIMORE, MARYLAND - EVERYTHING you need to know for 2023 in UNDER 7 MINUTES!

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Коментарии BALTIMORE, MARYLAND - EVERYTHING you need to know for 2023 in UNDER 7 MINUTES!

Comment from : GreenHyperMan

Joseph Allen jr
The place is nothing but a hell hole Nothing but a haven for criminals and murderers i'd stay The hell away from there
Comment from : Joseph Allen jr

MN Mitchell
BWI is not really in Baltimore's "backyard" Many cities do have the airport centralized within the city-not here There are many wonderful things about Baltimore, but the crime is so bad that you have to severely limit what you do and where you go Every year it is ranked as the second deadliest city in the US When I hear people from out of state say" yeah, we have bad crime here, and I've learned how to get around safely, I'll be fine", they are delusional You can safely go to The Baltimore Museum of Art, The Visionary Art Museum, The Aquarium, Science Center, etc but even right at the inner harbor you have to pay attention
Comment from : MN Mitchell

K Woods
Anyone who watched the wire knows to stay away from bmore lol
Comment from : K Woods

Sang Nguyen
I use to live there in 1995
Comment from : Sang Nguyen

Brandon Dellangelo
That’s almost over a half a million, lol that’s not a lot of people especially for a city the size of Baltimore
Comment from : Brandon Dellangelo

Eric Smith
I believe 2pac was born there too brBut im not sure brI was in 1981 at Harbor HospitalbrbrGet yourself a Snowball brNot them tasty ckae things or slushy brIt's different brBaltimore Snowball Egg Custerd with Marshmallows or a shaved ice one mmmmm brbrNobody outside Baltimore knows about snowballs brThey're yummy on a summer daybrbrAnd a soft carb sandwich 🥪 🦀brbrTheres two Baltimore's brThe city and the county brThe county isn't as bad brSchool are much better and it's a much different way of lifebrbrEven within the city brTheres downtown and uptown brBig difference, just within the city brAnyways brGood video tho brAccurate
Comment from : Eric Smith

Tamunosaki West Scott-Bloack
I saw the wire It’s ten times worse in real life
Comment from : Tamunosaki West Scott-Bloack

Tamunosaki West Scott-Bloack
Third world Every black run city
Comment from : Tamunosaki West Scott-Bloack

Salvo Vitale
I don't think that statistics give a fair representation of the city Yes, certain areas are rough, but others are amongst the most beautiful I've seen in the world I moved here 9 years ago from Europe, and 🤞🏻 nothing bad ever happened to me Baltimore is not just Inner Harbor & the hoods
Comment from : Salvo Vitale

Steven Wendell Nelson
I am delivering a sermon to you 🙏😊 please readbrbrConsistently Pray for forgiveness, guidance in a good (positive) direction, and for help against evil Pray to be saved from hell  (whatever that may be) Pray for your friends and your family too, it only takes a minute or so/less at a time to pray Do it and your life will slowly get better, or maybe quickly It probably just depends on you and the kind of person you are/have been Don't wait until its too late and you have to suffer the consequences of built up bad karma from immoral acts/unrepented sins Maybe together we can help make the world a better place by changing ourselves for the better, and changing things around us for the betterbrAnd addressing/thanking the CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE, LORD GOD at the beginning and end of your prayers would be a good ideabrBe my friend and I will pray for you, but I do not know how much help me doing so will give you You should try to practice daily prayer yourselfbrI'm trying to help you get right with the LORD 🙏brbrAmenbrbrI have worded a short prayer for you to say if you are not sure what words to use, it may not be the best but here it is 😊brbr''   CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE, LORD GOD,brPlease forgive me and my friends and my family for our immoral acts, please help guide us in a positive direction and please help us against evil Please save us from Hell and have mercy on our souls Thank you for everything CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE, LORD GOD Amen  ''brbrPlease say this at least once a day for at least a month, do it longer if you want to and can 🙏brbrYou should prostrate yourself if you don't want to do spoken prayer, or do both 🙏😊 Please worship the LORD GOD and not any idol brbrPlease put your hands together 🙏 bow your head and say this prayer:br"CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE, LORD GOD, please know that I worship you and not any idols Thank you for everything CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE, LORD GOD Amen"brbrSay '  Om Namah Shivaya  ' out loud or in your head 108 times, or try to do it 1008 times 😊 try to do it everyday if you wantbrbrrepeat this aloud for as long as you want to, try to do it for like an hour a day or say it in a prayer  "Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner"brbrYou can also say this prayer once a day or repeat it aloud as many times as you would like to:br"Hail Mary, full of grace The Lord is with thee Blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus Holy Mary, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death, Amen"brbrThessalonians 5:16-18br"Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you"brbrPhilippians 4:6-7br"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus"brbr"O Blood and Water, which gushed forth from the Heart of Jesus as a fount of mercy for us, I trust in You!"   Repeat this aloud at least 3 times or as many as you want, do it everyday if you canbrbrI apologize for all the words 😊 I know how it may lookbrbrIf you can't remember the words to any prayer, pray the words as you read them until you can 🙏☺🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Comment from : Steven Wendell Nelson

xDjx Black
The whole Baltimore city is not bad It depends on where you go at Whole lot of people got jobs You go Any other city crime is going on Don't make it like it's good when you act Every city have prob?
Comment from : xDjx Black

Steve Fox
Baltimore has been rated the fifth most dangerous city in the United States Donald Trump was right about Baltimore
Comment from : Steve Fox

Michael Whiting
I’m a Baltimore resident You hit the nail on the head Great job Nonthing but the truth
Comment from : Michael Whiting

MeGan MangOLD
I am born and raised in Bmore Love my city but i agree with your assessment In 44 years i havent been shot so please dont think you will be just by visiting! It is a beautiful city
Comment from : MeGan MangOLD

eye getit
Yup, lived in Baltimore for one day , moved out the very next day From the guys smoking crack in the hallway in front my door, to the prostitutes male and female selling their goods directly in front of my house until 8 in the morning, to watching a guy break into the house across the street at 9am , to the same guy coming to greet me a hour later while sitting on the stoop( he had the audacity to tell me be careful these people over here steal smh), to the random guy banging on the front door for several hours looking for "Bobby" aka the upstairs drug dealerthe whole thang was one big mess and that's just a few situations that occur there's wayyyy more By God grace I survived Baltimore and will never return
Comment from : eye getit

Criminals in Baltimore don’t really wanna rob you, they just want to hurt you 😟
Comment from : Lo4Life

Ninja Pirate
Baltimore is dangerous city
Comment from : Ninja Pirate

Lucas Tomasello
not even gonna mention M&T bank stadium but ok
Comment from : Lucas Tomasello

Liga Rowe
5 minutes in and this becomes a reason to bypass Baltimore Strange
Comment from : Liga Rowe

Ed Sauer
Travel armed and wearing body armor
Comment from : Ed Sauer

Blue city that tells all
Comment from : J V

Southern Cross
Baltimore city is a virtual war zone…extremely dangerous……be very careful at any event…BTW, everything you need to know, be vigilant or don’t go
Comment from : Southern Cross

Fred Gardner
Drive thru on my way to Floridalike every 2 months stopped twice there to get gas at 3amish thought I was in the movie hellraiser Absolutely horrific Beyondhorrific I now fill up brAt least 50 miles north
Comment from : Fred Gardner

Why she did not talk about the wire 🤣🤣🤣
Comment from : tweeze2700

Corey Maddox
On Fayette lol
Comment from : Corey Maddox

Will Henley
Depends on the area you go just like any town or big city you go to
Comment from : Will Henley

Other than downtown and the Harbor Area, Baltimore is a war zone that looks like Beirut One of the highest crime rates in the country, murder rate is astronomical They ran most of the cops off after the Freddy Gray incident/riots
Comment from : LmRm2

Jasenovac First konc lager for kids Magnum Crimen
Comment from : EXI LOGOS

Idc ain’t shit to do here 😂
Comment from : DaBipper

I love Baltimore
Comment from : Redlegion

Darryl Paine
It started wrong Nobody goes to the harbor
Comment from : Darryl Paine

I received life saving medical care at Johns Hopkins Hospital My surgeon is/was one of the top physicians in the world for my ailment He saved my life I later went for daily treatments at JHH (7 weeks worth) It was summer and extremely hot To deal with the panhandlers that were at every intersection near the hospital, I froze Gatorades to a slushy consistency and handed them out when my car was approached The panhandlers were all very appreciative and it made me feel better than shaking my head “no”
Comment from : fatboyrowing

It’s definitely crabs in a bucket over here Kinda felt that “they don’t wanna rob you just hurt you” lol
Comment from : JWilsonTV

Last time I drive pass Baltimore I thought I was in Mogadishu, Somalia
Comment from : TheOneAboveAll

J Bird
Baltimore is only good if you have money and know important people The inner harbor water has dead bodies in it Streets are filled with junkies Rats the size of kittens County areas aren’t as good anymore because they’re allowing section 8 housing into the good areas There are better parts of MARYLAND though I would suggest small towns in Maryland closest to the north that don’t have section 8 housing and ratchets and degenerates It’s hard to network but once you do it’s worth it Rich people usually gather in secret parties or gobrto an entirely different state to party because wtf is in Baltimore city If you get called dummy or stewpid don’t worry about it Take nice rides on the backroads, there’s so much more tobrMaryland that many don’t get to experience in the prison I call Baltimore City
Comment from : J Bird

Frank Jager
Not going anywhere near there until the city allows the police to actually do their jobs Fuck those squeegee kids
Comment from : Frank Jager

I think I'm gonna come buy one of those 5,000 dollar homes in the gunshot district of Baltimore 😆 🤣 😂
Comment from : Classy

Bea Carr
In what parallel universe are they living? Baltimore? Really? Do not even think of trying to drive through there much less stop somewhere and get out!!!
Comment from : Bea Carr

SheBakesIt Luv
Born and raised herelook at our news and detour It’s awful here our wardrobe consists of RIP t-shirts,and whatever you match with it all our friends are dead so we don’t have a problem with running out of RIP shirts
Comment from : SheBakesIt Luv

Why is my home city of Detroit always dragged in videos It's not as bad as they say!
Comment from : dubbschultz1

Kinda Factual
Inner Harbor is the place to be? Depending on your ability to assimilate in a crime ridden area - maybe Stayed there for a month once - while back before the Inner Harbor businesses started closing because of various reasons - it was a fantastic place Now? Violent crimes are 92 higher in the Inner Harbor than the national average nation wide Several "honest" reviews state it has a low cost of living though Gentrification might solve the issue - there are some beautiful historic residences there and it is a short commute to work areas
Comment from : Kinda Factual

Datwan Livingston
No we dead
Comment from : Datwan Livingston

Datwan Livingston
Fuck Baltimore
Comment from : Datwan Livingston

lame wane
yes we must get the crime down somthing we can not play with ok its a big problem we must get it down
Comment from : lame wane

lame wane
i grew up in the city but live out in white marsh md which baltimore county look the one think that i always liked a bout growing up in the city was i could fate hispanic white black women out here in baltimore county it takes place as well
Comment from : lame wane

lame wane
look baltimore is not a hell hole ok thats to the people that are very uneducated people ok thats for the ones that hate ok
Comment from : lame wane

It’s a hell hole
Comment from : TrollGod

Baltimore is beautiful don’t let others fear mindsets rain on Your weekend trip God got you wherever you visit
Comment from : DrDrewTechDesign

Amber Thompson
Baltimore native here- the city has become a shit show and I’m bidding my time to move back to Alabama
Comment from : Amber Thompson

Keyonna Hill
Y’all dragged… propaganda at best
Comment from : Keyonna Hill

Warriormom_ of_ many
I got two words for you squeegee boys If you don't know Google it
Comment from : Warriormom_ of_ many

If you ain’t from here don’t come here
Comment from : Jay

daniel johnson
Will you get shot? Maybe lol no thank Baltimore 😊 no thanks
Comment from : daniel johnson

Myron Martin
Wow I don't see a pile of homeless tents in this city I wonder if its that nice everywhere in Baltimore, MD? Because, I love to visit a clean city Oh a high crime rate
Comment from : Myron Martin

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