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Saudi tourism chairman: Focused on opening up Saudi Arabia to our guests | Capital Connection


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Кадры Saudi tourism chairman: Focused on opening up Saudi Arabia to our guests | Capital Connection

Описание Saudi tourism chairman: Focused on opening up Saudi Arabia to our guests | Capital Connection

Коментарии Saudi tourism chairman: Focused on opening up Saudi Arabia to our guests | Capital Connection

NorthSea 1981
I wouldn't even visit that creepy totalitarian state if they paid me a fortune Who would want to visit a cruel country where people are tortured and executed with the most ghastly medieval methods and human rights basically do not exist?
Comment from : NorthSea 1981

Kapwa poe dolomite tala britney
Hada mafi mushkila
Comment from : Kapwa poe dolomite tala britney

Kapwa poe dolomite tala britney
Miya miya
Comment from : Kapwa poe dolomite tala britney

Bong Bong Travels
Didn't Saudi destroyed a lot of historic places the wahaabes considered un islamic?
Comment from : Bong Bong Travels

Canadian Adventure
Im Canadian but I was born and raised in Jeddah The best city ever I’m glad the Saudi government opened up the door to other people to experience it and judge it by themselves
Comment from : Canadian Adventure

For the people that do not understand true Saudi Arabia please read thisbrbrI live in Saudi Arabia myself and anywhere I go I don't see people getting beheaded Let me put it that way, the population of Saudi Arabia is over 32,000,000, and the people getting beheaded here is at least 100 per year It is extremely small number of people compare to the population of the kingdom Jeddah alone has over 4 million in itbrbrAnother thing about I wanna bring up is the laws are not as hard as it seems (especially it's changing as of now), you won't get sent to prison for sneezing and btw the people that get beheaded are the ones that brings drugs So I don't understand why you thought drugs is finebrbrI can say more but I'll jump into the conclusion is that the KINGDOM IS HARMLESS and you won't get killed under any circumstances, you don't know Saudi Arabia Look at it yourself and tell me if you have problems
Comment from : fawxed

Astagfirullah wallahi how, ur the people of the Tawheed, its meant to be the land of the Tawhid
Comment from : FearEcho

Szymon Klimann
Yea, I will surely visit Saudi Arabia next time I’m 14 and suicidal
Comment from : Szymon Klimann

Ryan Harb
just to make it more clear for all/ islam is NOT saudi arabia but saudi arabia is almost the same as isis islam is those who live around the world in peace with all humans OH DID I FORGET SOMETHING ? saudi arabia and its story about islam is a LIE
Comment from : Ryan Harb

For the brain washed ppl ! I love your fantasy and assumption about Saudi Arabia if you were willing to make a fictional Hollywood movie lol Relax no body wants to chop your heads , hands , or even your genitalia LMAO Of course if you break the law you will face penalties like in any other countries and yeah relax non of the penalties will have your head or hand be chopped Don't listen to Biased medias & in my city alone we have 500000 westerns who work there and live in peace with their families As ppl , the majority Saudi ppl are very welcoming and nice & you will see that Visit Saudi Arabia & enjoy your time like you would in any other country Some of the exaggerated comments below just made me laugh nd had to comment LMAO
Comment from : Al3nzi

Rosselini`s Desires
These fools have to understand that the only way for them to get someone to visit this shit hole is to pay their airfare, hotel & whatever expenses they have there & even if they do that not many people would come from the west No one wants to spend a penny in that shit hole
Comment from : Rosselini`s Desires

Felix El Gato
I'd hate to be a tourist in Saudi Arabia when some other random lunatic seizes power and changes all of the laws before I could exit the country
Comment from : Felix El Gato

Adam Tel
lol what a joke
Comment from : Adam Tel

The interviewer seems terrifiednot in a million years not travelling there Thank you!
Comment from : jgpf12

Melodic Nostalgic
"Yay, Pack your Bikinis and Summer Shorts, Its time to Party in Saudi Arabia !!!"brSaid no one
Comment from : Melodic Nostalgic

p3rsian immortals
Free head chopping show
Comment from : p3rsian immortals

Omar Khattab
Saudi Arabia tourist attraction pubic beheading events
Comment from : Omar Khattab

Richard Ando
Tour to include public beheading, crucifixion, stoning of women, burqa fashion show, and demonstration of goat molestation
Comment from : Richard Ando

This is the worst of Saudi Arabia 😢 What if the tourist running everything Fuck USA and it's puppet Mohammad bin Salman for this 🖕
Comment from : PowerxD14

Very good All online VISA so no need for any paperwork or visiting embassy
Comment from : sammi159

Why would I go to Saudi Arabia ? Can’t smoke , can’t drink , can’t go to the strip club So wtf if there to do ? Don’t want to get my head cut off anyway so I am good!
Comment from : apotebill

Craig Dougan
Wonder if their premium vacation packages include bone saw manipulation and dismemberment classes?brbrAlso, does execution witnessing come standard with the basic package, or is that extra? Or is it charged by the number of heads felled?
Comment from : Craig Dougan

Tandias Alios
a very beautiful country
Comment from : Tandias Alios

No thanks, I want my head in place besides as an Orthodox Christian there is NO place for me to practice my religion !!
Comment from : Aria

There’re a lot of great places to see in Saudi Arabia such as but not limited:brMada’en Saleh (another city as Petra in Jordan)brGreen beautiful mountains brDiving in Virgen islands of the the red seabrSkyscrapers of the capital Riyadh & JedahbrSafari in Sahara desert brAnd much more to discover brbrPS: I’m not from Saudi brI’m Kuwaiti 🙂
Comment from : Eagle

I will consider visiting when they stop bombing women and children in Yemen And when they free woman from jail for wanting a more just country
Comment from : 24marcos

Sorrybut you take a huge risk entering any country that is governed by religious law Even worse if your a woman Who is this guy even kidding? Is SA just trolling the rest of the world? I'll pass, I like my head attached to my body
Comment from : Sysaphys

Michael Eli
Nah! I’m goodbrbrBut what happened to war? Impeachment got your tongue?
Comment from : Michael Eli

من جا له حبه ومن ذلف له ثنتين
Comment from : Someone

The Wedge
is there alcohol or nah? strip clubs? nude beaches?
Comment from : The Wedge

Ibrahim Alkhamis
Why you link everything happen in Saudi Arabia to Jamal Khashogi murder ?
Comment from : Ibrahim Alkhamis

Stop giving them money
Comment from : D4tC0m

george plimpton
Come to Saudi Arabia We have sand!
Comment from : george plimpton

John Ames
What happens if I bring my gf and we accidentally touch hands? Will be execute?
Comment from : John Ames

optimistically cynical
They execute people for protesting don't give them anymore money
Comment from : optimistically cynical

Majed A
I don't think there is a good tourism destination in the world if we link tourism with politics!!!
Comment from : Majed A

عمر & علي /فاطمه & عائشه
First, you are very welcome in Saudi Arabia if you like to visit itbrSecond, I like just to let you know, they are a lot of haters of Saudi Arabia who write bad comments by name of Saudi people, just be care do not believe them, if you like to know the right thing about Saudi Arabia ask one who are from your country who already visited Saudi Arabia beforebrThird, If you like to go to Saudi Arabia, my advice is that, go during winter not during summer
Comment from : عمر & علي /فاطمه & عائشه

Comment from : Huruf INDOARJAWINESIA

Yeah no
Comment from : GRIM DoZeR

Sadiq Al-kaisy
Whenever I feel the need to visit Saudi I go to the toilet
Comment from : Sadiq Al-kaisy

The people who say they're civilized Just see their childish responses I am proud that I am Saudibr I am not one of those countries
Comment from : B121

Suwailem Alreshidi
nobody is forced to come, stop whining like you are
Comment from : Suwailem Alreshidi

SAUDI TOURISM CHAIRMAN: Heehoo! Havin' trouble with the livin'? You tired of havin' your home country violated? Wanna get rid of them pesky livin critters once and for all? Well come on down and see me folks, I'm the afterlife's leading bio-exorcist Yes siree! So come on down, and I'll tell ya, I'll do anything I'll scare 'em real bad Hell, I'll even possess myself! Ow! I got demons runnin' all through me, all through me, come on down and see it And if you act now, you get a free demon possession with every exorcism, now you can't beat that can ya? Hell, bring the little pards down here We got plenty of snakes and lizards for them to play with There's no problem with that at all So, say it once, say it twice, three times' a charm, and remember… I'll eat anything you want me to eat and I'll swallow anything you want me to swallow (stops dancing) So come down I'll…chew on a dog
Comment from : Fixedguitar

tok tiks
Anyone who offends Saudi Arabia, shut up and look at the bloody history of their countries
Comment from : tok tiks

Depends On How You Say It
Nah, Jamaica's good enough Thanks though
Comment from : Depends On How You Say It

Tshepiso Mathaba-Duru
Comment from : Tshepiso Mathaba-Duru

I think I laughed so hard I popped my hernia hahaha
Comment from : sawfather06

Ed Felty
SA is a tourist destination? 🤣
Comment from : Ed Felty

JB sparks
When's the next rock and/or roll concert?
Comment from : JB sparks

HP Lovecat
Lol noooonooooooooooo
Comment from : HP Lovecat

John Mamo
Since wearing maga hat I won the lottery seven times! I'm worth 64 million dollars! God bless Trump and lotto 🙏 🙏😇 🙌
Comment from : John Mamo

Yeah we want to entertain you, come and watch the executions of witches and sorcerers We got your professional wrestling, except for the wrestlers of Syrian they are not welcome Bring your children too , we especially like13 year olds, and if they even think to hint at descent , we will hold them in prison till they're old enough to be executed Journalist we've got a special doctor just for you, he knows exactly how to dismember you once you've been murderedbrAnd you can ride a roller coaster
Comment from : Felicity

Who would want to go to this place?????
Comment from : iONLY

Eli M
As part of the tourism package you get a free bonesaw included at no extra charge!! "Visit Suadi Arabia, Mohamed BoneSaw awaits your arrival!"
Comment from : Eli M

If they didn’t behead people I would be curious to visit
Comment from : FailedFlea93

why didn't we just take over saudi arabia when were the strongest military in the world gas problems and so many other problems solved

Id rather not get beheaded thanks
Comment from : GuyFromSouth

Bob Mitchell
perceptions of Saudis will only change in the world when freedom of religion is embraced by the Saudi government and its people seriously, what are you so afraid of? how many Christian suicide bombers have you experienced when was the last Christian crusade to sweep through your lands? do you imagine Sunday school classes that teach bomb vest making skills? if Islam is so great, why is it so threatened by the peaceful teachings of a Jewish carpenter?
Comment from : Bob Mitchell

Eric Kocher
excellent! keep you the drive
Comment from : Eric Kocher

America First
Are Jews allowed as well ?
Comment from : America First

Everblue Freediving
Yea, great idea, visit the country responsible for 9/11 that we should have bombed flat The country that emptied its jails to fill the ranks of ISIS The source of Wahabi extremism A family vacation of a lifetime to a corrupt and murderous regime where people are beheaded in the streets and MBS has living journalists cut to pieces, where civilian populations are starved and bombed to defend their puppet regime in Yemen uh no thanks
Comment from : Everblue Freediving

Roque Toloza Jr
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa NO
Comment from : Roque Toloza Jr

Proud to be White privileged
I prefer woman without bags over the head brI must say it helps sometimes
Comment from : Proud to be White privileged

Lizzy Borden
I’ll pass Too many bone saw aficionados running around
Comment from : Lizzy Borden

Ander Ander
My three hotspots in the world to go to are Saudi Arabia, North Korea and Mexico😨😖
Comment from : Ander Ander

Visit Saudi Arabia for a week leave a limb for a lifetime!
Comment from : Duffman15000

Come in peacebrLeave in pieces
Comment from : 111danish111

Not today ISIS
Comment from : Vasiliy

Orella Minx
Are they conscious of the fact that outfit looks completely retarded?
Comment from : Orella Minx

just be
I would love to open up a chain of pork BBQ stores in Saudi Arabia just imagine the profit We can bring in to Saudi Arabia and the good people 😛👍
Comment from : just be

Manfred Adams
How good is the weed in Saudi Arabia?
Comment from : Manfred Adams

REDx Gaming
Mexico is more safe At least the people getting killed there are members of their organize crime Better go on vacation to Mexico just don't record anything you see lol
Comment from : REDx Gaming

Ay yo
Hard pass
Comment from : Ay yo

Comment from : Jacob

Thomas Leach
I dunno man, I look too American to be there
Comment from : Thomas Leach

Michael M
Comment from : Michael M

here we go
Yeah but who wants to go there lmao It sucks😂😂😂😭😭
Comment from : here we go

chris sandoval
Saudi propaganda How many people have they publicly beheaded this year? How dare you CNBC for giving them a platform!
Comment from : chris sandoval

Carlos de Guzman Jr
KSA is a medieval place, no one should visit Brutal rules and inhumane society
Comment from : Carlos de Guzman Jr

Scott D
"Chop up and dissolve your worries away in one of Saudi Arabia's luxury resorts"
Comment from : Scott D

The Lonely Surfers Girl
All these men wanted growing as prince's were to go to Disneyland! And still no Disneyland why? the ideals of Saudi Arabia are still of those of a thousand yearsthe cater to the man! And man is flawed as God put it I need to find a crutch, something to adhesive to hold there ego in place! Terrorism, I mean to Tourisim is a good thing, if women were treated, respected A hard balance indeed, but the percentage of the women you control are because you made them into BIMBOS! spoiled, rich into conniving witches that want their freedoms 40 wives dressed in millions, covered by a 2000 dollar oppressed rag!
Comment from : The Lonely Surfers Girl

kenneth osborne
Saudi Arabia is as safe as Mexican tap water They also stone witches so you know that you will be spiritually safe, unless you're a infidel or jew
Comment from : kenneth osborne

Kyle Ball
hell yeah im gonna go someday forsure
Comment from : Kyle Ball

Trigo Nometry
Im curious if they have the beheading attraction this year I would love to be a participant
Comment from : Trigo Nometry

Saudi Disney Coming to a terrorism camp near you!
Comment from : MontcomHorror

Only super rich people with no Morals would ever visit this country
Comment from : RagaSHOT

Sh!thole Country
Comment from : CLPmakesMEhappy

Thanks for 911 dipshit, vacation in SA No
Comment from : windysolutions

J Göy
"Very nice food Hannibal style" no thanks
Comment from : J Göy

Alices Husband
Saudia Arabia wants to move from oil to tourism but they need to change drastically if they want this
Comment from : Alices Husband

Terris Mist
"We will change their perception" Yeah, maybe once Saudi Arabia is done with their genocides of neighboring minorities, we will forget all about it and be the friends Trump wants us to be
Comment from : Terris Mist

Oh my god lolbrThat guy is not a press guy and SA sucks
Comment from : eferg16

Comment from : ANNE

Mike Gaskin
Saudi Arabia is last on my list of places to go and forever will be
Comment from : Mike Gaskin

Black Dawn & Red Dawn
I'm from saudi arabia and most comments are lie !!!
Comment from : Black Dawn & Red Dawn

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