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Medical tourism: Is the cost savings worth the risk?


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Название :  Medical tourism: Is the cost savings worth the risk?
Продолжительность :   2.46
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Просмотров :   9,8 rb

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Описание Medical tourism: Is the cost savings worth the risk?

Коментарии Medical tourism: Is the cost savings worth the risk?

Nikhil Mudaliar
All she's saying is do your research Nothing wrong with that
Comment from : Nikhil Mudaliar

Mrittunjoy Datta
Comment from : Mrittunjoy Datta

Fountain pen
Exactly what risk r they talking about Risk of loosing monetary funds of these patients
Comment from : Fountain pen

Hein Tun
take a risk? 😄😄😄
Comment from : Hein Tun

yippi kowudillalotsavichadoodle
American cosmetic surgeons can be just as questionable and shabby as cosmetic surgeons in other countries I can personally attest to that
Comment from : yippi kowudillalotsavichadoodle

Um, aren't there risks here in America? I'd rather take a risk for $40 than thousands upon thousands of dollars
Comment from : SomethingSomething

whats she trying to say is it's taking money out of her pocket
Comment from : SaintsFan04

shean gilbert
Comment from : shean gilbert

Unqualified professionalshuh?? Guyssouth koreans are doing way better plastic surgery than you guys!! Indians doing better and way cheaper surgeries than you all!!!
Comment from : S M

vaibhav sane
This interview only proves that US dotors are as ignorant as other US citizens about the Rest of the World
Comment from : vaibhav sane

my dear doctorthere is no guarantee at all for any of patients coming IN YOUR HOSPITAL whatsoever Costs you put on patients are so ridiculous that it bankrupts people Andapart from some really special surgeries and treatments American doctors are in no shape or form better than doctors in Canada,Uk,Germany,France,Australia,Japanthey just aren't
Comment from : malizlato

Most people do NOT know anything about their US doctor either In fact, the medical community here in the USA works hard to keep problems quiet Next, there are strict accrediting authorities in the EU, and their appraisals are readily available Last, Dr Lajam says to be worried about problems, but doesn't state any statistics to demonstrate more problems in any other country Why not?
Comment from : EBuzzard

syafiq mokhtar
Why does a lot of american's go to another country for medical treatment?, i tell you why It cost $140k > $250K for a heart surgery in United state while it only cost you $11k > $15K in Malaysia, which i might add has 8 JCI (Joint Commission International) certified hospitals
Comment from : syafiq mokhtar

She's worried that her monopoly is threatened
Comment from : southbound1969

Roy L
The doctor interviewed is very biased against medical tourism I wondered why CBS was doing this sort of unbalanced interview ?
Comment from : Roy L

Dr Mario Salmon
She thinks that only in the US the hospitals and doctors are goodThere are good and bad doctors anywhere in the world, and in case of implants the companies are global so anyone could have good quality implants besides the US The people seeking medical tratment outside US are trying to have treatment at better prices and they can have it outside US 
Comment from : Dr Mario Salmon

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