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Culture Shock in Ireland: My First Impressions as an American


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Название :  Culture Shock in Ireland: My First Impressions as an American
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Коментарии Culture Shock in Ireland: My First Impressions as an American

Traveling with Kristin
Headed to Ireland? ☘Here's how much things cost there: youtube/NG73drZ12kQ
Comment from : Traveling with Kristin

Andy Six
Plugs(power points) are not allowed in bathrooms because of the risk of electric shock, due to moisture laden environment
Comment from : Andy Six

Mark Collins
With regards to number 7 mental health, Ireland has no sun so most people have Vit D deficiency and thus depression in one form or another Also, Alcoholism is rampant, probably as there is nothing to do outdoors when you have 300 days of rain a year so everyone has just culturally accepted alcohol as a National past time, thus leading to more depression Just imagine a dark and miserable painting depicting Depression, thats literally what you see 90 of the time you look out your window in Ireland Dark grey skies, miserable, cold, windy, and your only escape is to drink alcohol because thats where all your friends are in the pub You cannot, not, have depression living like that every single day of your life brbrAnd we dont call it ''The Famine'', we call it the British Genocide of the Gaelic people, culture, language and history
Comment from : Mark Collins

alice ford
I just watched a vid by an Irish woman, born and raised She said no plugs in Irish bathrooms It’s against the law Why? Dunno
Comment from : alice ford

Maritime Fox
Uber does operate in Dublin, I used one last week The only difference being is that drivers have to register as official taxi drivers so Uber is just an add on The other taxi app is FreeNow which incidentally is not free I can't speak for Lyft as I've never looked to see if that works in Dublin
Comment from : Maritime Fox

W Boyle
Irish people are cool best from scotland
Comment from : W Boyle

Shank Huxley
The Wifi this isn't true not according to stats anyway I live there and the wifi is as good as NYC where I spend a lot of time ALSO its illegal to put a standard plug in a bathroom tight safety regs Theres usually a shaver socket in the bathroom though
Comment from : Shank Huxley

Shank Huxley
Mental health issues in Ireland do not compare with the US! We don't shoot up children when we are feelingcrazy!!
Comment from : Shank Huxley

Thanks Interesting to see a visitors opinion on Ireland Time is def more relaxed in Ireland The public transit as far as buses is generally the way to travel if you don't drive I found the bus system way way better than here in Ontario Canada And taxis are used often as well yeah Don't know about Uber brThe power/voltage running through the lines is twice as high in Ireland as in North America, meaning twice as dangerous if there is an accident They have put more focus on electrical safety yeah People are quite conscious of turning an outlet off completely via the switch on the outlet, when they are not using it
Comment from : Sheels

D Turts
omg yall have electricity in the bathroom? thats so dangerous
Comment from : D Turts

D Turts
wow i'm late to this video, the mental health part, it's 100 true
Comment from : D Turts

Iosa J
Internet isn’t that bad in Ireland
Comment from : Iosa J

Hi, I like your comment about "no power sockets in bathrooms in Ireland" There is a very good reason for this, in Ireland and the UK, we have very strict safety electrical wiring standards They are different from the rest of Europe For safety reasons, it is not allowed to wire electrical power sockets in bathrooms because of the danger associated wit electricity and water In iRELAMD (and in the UK) we have a 220 Volt system In the US its a 110 volt system I am an electrician, so I know about this, also not all electrical sockets have switches, and the other thing is that all power plugs on appliances have a 13 amp fuse in the plug!
Comment from : NHP PHOTOGRAPHY

mike hickey
Don’t know what internet you were using, my phone and wi-fi does 70-80 megs and has done for years brNever seen a 5G signal though
Comment from : mike hickey

Kenneth OLeary
You should travel more outside Dublin The scenery is spectacular particularly in the south west and west parts of the country Thank you for promoting our wonderful little country and its people
Comment from : Kenneth OLeary

maeve greaney
The stuck issue is because of the housing crisis 100
Comment from : maeve greaney

John Keating
Yes unfortunately the political system in Ireland is still backward and immature After the murder of Michael Collins no real leader has emerged to carry the country out of its corrupt state
Comment from : John Keating

Brendan Conway
She talked about place names and didn't even hit the big ones like Muff and Nobber
Comment from : Brendan Conway

no plugs in bathrooms mainly due to mental health, everyone would be having a bath with their microwave 😅
Comment from : Mooshimoca

sally newkirk
They don't put electric outlets in the bathroom because they believe it isn't safe
Comment from : sally newkirk

Alex Lopez
Dublin more expensive than London? Unbelievable
Comment from : Alex Lopez

Patricia M
Came to Ireland as a young bride in 1966 and am still here , love it Have traveled a fair bit but this place and people are in my soul now
Comment from : Patricia M

Liane ONeill
The voltage is higher here than the US that’s why no bathroom outlets As a Californian who married and Irishman 30 years ago! I’ve figured it all out lol when someone says 5:00 they mean 6/6:30 They leave when their done with no goodbye When we lived in San Francisco (where I’m from) Irish people are much nicer than they are in their own country When your walking the streets of course they seem friendly but they can be very clannish I mostly hide from Americans when i hear them coming! We are so loud but also well annunciated!!! 😂
Comment from : Liane ONeill

Ireland now is woke central , and neoliberal , gaelic language in its death throws , what ever identity it once had is rapidly fading , its own ethnic middle class unable to afford housing or families
Comment from : aodhfinn

Thomas Dudoso
Social engineering has people driven nuts 😢
Comment from : Thomas Dudoso

The fact that we are not allowed to have sockets in our bathrooms show what a nanny state we are in Ireland 🙈 I asked a plumber to put a socket in my bathroom in Ireland & he told me he's not allowed to by law So I've literally no way of heating my bathroom in winter
Comment from : Shiva

Ian Murphy
Mental health issue is strange Based on anecdotes and not researched Not just an Irish problem Especially coming from the US Mass shootings etc
Comment from : Ian Murphy

Im irish and even i never knew you had to flag down buses in dublin, never made that mistake twice!!
Comment from : fiachraswaz

Our Public transport is awful! it's really horrendous But ye thats one hear a lot, is that our food is good My friends were surprised at how good it is when they Even the traditional dishes like guiness beef or lamb stew aside my friends Mexican girlfriend said the burritos at Pablo Picante in Dublin insanely good She slightly angry about the fact, complaining that of places in the world Ireland had some of the best Mexican food she ever had Which I heard before from a few Californian coworkers but she actually being Mexican, her opinion was the one I was curious about We visited that 3 times that day lol For me though I'm always surprised that they people not from Ireland are surprised about our food! I don't know why they expected it to be bad Maybe people just assuming it'll be the same as England which for some reason gets a bad rap but unfairly so if I'm being honest cause food can be really good in England too it's just maybe a little less consistent I guess??? Irish food standards are incredibly and ridiculously high as well a restaurant will be shutdown for far far less compared with the UK and the rest of Europe Our traditional dishes might be boring looking but they taste really good, food is something we do really well in Ireland!
Comment from : Dracorientalis

Am irish live in dublin Yeah things are pretty pricy here especiallyin the touristy areas like temple bar can definitely reccomend not spending too much time there Its like eating out in disneyland you are going to get fleced There are places in the city center that aren't so bad Obviously outside of dublin its better surprised you found it better in Enniskerry as thats quite an affluent area Glad you had a good time in Ireland
Comment from : peterdcrowley

David Meehan
Dublin bus drivers are grade A tossers This is a well known fact Also it wasn't a famin, it was a starvation Blight effected pretty much the whole of Europe, they only starved in Ireland
Comment from : David Meehan

Louise O donovan
We don't want you to electrocute yourself hence no plug outlets in the bathrooms 😊
Comment from : Louise O donovan

I think it's a safety thing not to have plugs in bathroom 🤷
Comment from : crossemily

no people arent nice in ireland might be to your face but we are the most devious, underhanded sneaky mfers in the land
Comment from : mrhj626

United RealTalk
People are depressed because there living in the last COMMUNIST country in Europe ruled by the most corrupt politicians in the planet
Comment from : United RealTalk

Ro Fa
Uber is available in Ireland
Comment from : Ro Fa

6:30 That's a GOOD THING! The world is way overpopulated as it is!
Comment from : TruthSurge

Mauro Asara
Probably you were very unlucky with internet connection because in Ireland it is usually very fast It is common to have 500mb or 1gb speed broadband
Comment from : Mauro Asara

Krasimir Kirev
Ireland is called the island of 50 shades of green
Comment from : Krasimir Kirev

Tom Anderson
We don't have electrical sockets in bathrooms in Ireland because we use a 230 volts for our standard domestic supply as opposed to the 110 volts in the US
Comment from : Tom Anderson

Niall mansfield
Our plug outlets are 240 volts, plugs in Bathrooms are a death risk
Comment from : Niall mansfield

Sami Hawai
Nice vlog 😍
Comment from : Sami Hawai

Dublin is a kip
Comment from : phynes1

Conway Noel
Voltage in Ireland is more than twice as much as that in the US Fancy dropping a hair dryer into a water filled bath or sink ! Common sense my dear , you don't mix water with electricity
Comment from : Conway Noel

Irish Electrician here! Our regulations don’t allow power outlets in bathroom as we use 240v rather than 110v which is a lot more dangerous in damp environments!
Comment from : Damien

Endorphin Parametric
Interesting observations A few remarksbrbrYou really miss out if you only visit Dublin I'd go so far as to say it's the last place to visit in Ireland Because it's the most like other places The west coast (Clare, Kerry) is amazingly beautiful Cork has the best food especially if you have money There are 13 Michelin star restaurants brbrIf you visit a Gaeltacht you will hear Irish all the time brbrYou got very lucky with the weather!brbrAs for the mental health issues there are problems in Ireland like everywhere I think one difference is that we've learned to actually talk about them In the UK everyone hides, for example In the US you have to be macho But in Ireland men (especially noticeable) are more open, though this is a fairly recent thing brbrFinally, it was not a famine It was a genocide There was plenty of food, even good food, but the English landlords took it all That's the short version of a complicated history
Comment from : Endorphin Parametric

im irish do not share a cab with anyone unless u know them well ireland has changed in the last 5 to 10 years other than that welcome :)
Comment from : LEPPYTHEKING

The population in ireland has rised to 6 million in the last 10 years
Comment from : Joe

Eimear McManus
Hi Kristin, interesting video About mental health, I think people are just more aware of different mental health issues nowadays and are open to talking about it which is a good thing People, especially men, didn't traditionally talk about their problems or feelings My own father didn't really talk at all until about 1998 You should watch the film 'The Quiet Girl' if you're interested in getting an idea of what the traditional Irish man was like I also think a lot of people also get drunk as a way of being honest and expressing their true feelings, which obviously isn't healthy However, I do think that younger people are not drinking as much as the older generations did
Comment from : Eimear McManus

Dublin isn't Ireland
Comment from : J B

Abbey Walsh
Some false info u giving:br1) Internet speed is fast in ireland You just happen to be getting slow Internet or maybe ur phone is slow A lot of fibre optics nowbr2) population according to April 2021 figure is almost on par with famine time If includes northern ireland them that surpasses itbr3) real diblin city and surrounding areas are not like what you show They quite rough in dublin Try O'Connell Street or Parnell Streetbr4) being late is what some do, but it's still considered rude here Imagine being late for an interview or work They wouldn't get the job They'd be firedbr5) and don't go out late there unless u want to get hurt Read the news
Comment from : Abbey Walsh

Claire Quinn
The reason we don't have electric plugs in bathrooms is to do with the higher voltage in the sockets Not safe in bathrooms so no plugs there It's the same in UK I think 👍 What amazes me is how much Americans don't know about countries outside of the US Asking us questions like do we have electricity here for example 🙄
Comment from : Claire Quinn

As for 'weird town names', the USA is replete with them; I could give you a list, but it would quickly get boring
Comment from : Caambrinus

There is no 'allegedly' of a higher risk of shock; it is true American electrical outlets are set to dun as much money from the consumer as possible
Comment from : Caambrinus

Brian Ó Maoldúin
No electric sockets or switches in the bathroom because water mixed with electricity is not a healthy pairing
Comment from : Brian Ó Maoldúin

Patrick Watters
If you want to see a view in Ireland, just look up😂
Comment from : Patrick Watters

Mr Bee
Irish population decrease the famine was authorized by the British Rothchilds we never received repatriation payments also Irish Royalty was persecuted even till today
Comment from : Mr Bee

Donald Ahern
I would like someday too visit the land of my forefathers
Comment from : Donald Ahern

Daire OShea
The part about mental health isn’t particularly reliable It seems to be based on a random conversation with a stranger who said a lot of people are struggling One could have the same conversation with any random stranger anywhere in the world, however it is not appropriate to make sweeping conclusions based on that conversation
Comment from : Daire OShea

People shouldn't expect North American "pub" food to be what is served in pubs in Ireland (and in my experience, England as well) It's like expecting north American "Chinese" food when you travel to Asia The food is actually quite varied, fresh and high quality unlike the overly processed, frozen, beige and bland "pub grub" you get in an American "pub" That is just to appeal to the American palate, but it's not what you will actually get overseas You'll get proper tasty, high-quality, fresh food
Comment from : LittleJenniren

The electricity is 240 volts, wet people and 240v are a bad combination Which is why light switches are either on the ceiling with a pull cord to operate or a switch outside the bathroom The only socket inside the bathroom is a two pin shaver/toothbrush socket which is connected to an isolating transformer and not directly to mains electric
Comment from : John

Todd Nelson
In the early 90s I visited Ireland One of the strange things I noticed the the pubs would lock the front door at closing time They would not let anyone in, but you could keep on drinking what seemed like another hour or two
Comment from : Todd Nelson

kd alex
It's everything suprrexpensive now remember before you come to Ireland
Comment from : kd alex

Ryan Ferrara
You can see the plane doing a chemtrail in the air there too All they do is spray constantly in the usa Sad to see their climate change death planes are there too
Comment from : Ryan Ferrara

Nick Stille
Soon, Ireland will be freed 😊😊
Comment from : Nick Stille

Paul Byrne
I live near Cork city on the south coast- with a heavy heart,I must advise anyone considering visiting Ireland,to be VERY mindful of your safety,especially in central Dublin-an American man is still in hospital,having been viciously assaulted in Talbot street,Dublinunprovoked attack3 young British guys were hospitalised last week,having been attacked and robbed in Dublinvisible police presence is practically non existantbrStay in large/r groups if in Dublin,and cities such as Cork and Limerick,and you should be ok-delit's with sadness that I post this/del Ireland today,is not the Ireland I grew up in--the west coast around Galway and Sligo,county Clare and county Kerry are where you'll find what you seek--lovely scenery, pretty towns and villages and nice people--such a shame about Dublin, as I often spent weekends there socialising--not any more,sadly
Comment from : Paul Byrne

Andrew Reynolds
Being from Liverpool United Kingdom Irish people are very friendly very similar to us and out going friendly you will never be on your own brGodbless you
Comment from : Andrew Reynolds

Trish Brumley
why does it seem that everyone wants to move to the states? Why is our border having so many people from different countries trying to get in? Risking their life to get in?
Comment from : Trish Brumley

David Hollywood
There was no famine Great Britain starved and murdered us Dont read that famine bs
Comment from : David Hollywood

Colm Devlin
Thanks for this interesting and informative video
Comment from : Colm Devlin

Aaron Rodriguez
Simpleton, there are battery generators that are small that can power all your devices and doesn’t weigh more than 15lbs, they use them not only for camping Geeze people, think out side the box!!! Omg I am hopeless for a wall outlet, I didn’t know they made extension cables or batter back up generators that also use solar power to charge to save energy Omfg
Comment from : Aaron Rodriguez

Undead boy 15
As an Irish man I can tell you it’s not very green
Comment from : Undead boy 15

There is Uber and Lyft in Ireland As for wifi well my argument is when you've all the things to do in Ireland - why muck around with your 'phone? (mind you, I don't have a smart 'phone & I seem to be a rarity) brLike in the UK, Electrical sockets in Bathrooms are rare and it's a safety feature
Comment from : efnissien

We have started to plan a trip to Ireland and we are seeing the cost is going to be pretty high
Comment from : Erika

We have uber
Comment from : pazzybee

You should have come in July there was plenty of rain😂Also I don’t get the late thing I am never or at least try to never be late There is uber here by the way The plugs not being in the bathroom is a health and safety issue and in light of most things is not a big deal The WIFI I have is grand(No idea what you are shitting on about) Also to bring up Mental health issues as if to suggest it as an exclusively Irish problem instead of a World Wide problem is so wrong And highly offensive this is an issue that many people suffer throughout the world and you bring it up on a video discussing your recent experience in Ireland, as if its something you never heard of I would think before posting in future
Comment from : Greenwillow

Oh babe let me live with you 😂
Comment from : Kas

Paul Maher
It hasn't rained your definitely not in Ireland 😂😂😂
Comment from : Paul Maher

K-Mo 16
They need to have a fast internet
Comment from : K-Mo 16

Looks like Pennsylvania
Comment from : spectrevillian24

The Chill Sisters
I didn’t expect you to think we’re expensive 😂
Comment from : The Chill Sisters

Allison Benjamin
Thank you so much for sharing the insight on Ireland I appreciate it :)
Comment from : Allison Benjamin

John Glyn Hughes
Wonderful country: Far and away friendlier than any of the UK countries brbrAs an aside the Northern Irish are still very personable and friendly - but MUCH nosier than their Southern counterparts
Comment from : John Glyn Hughes

John Murphy
You don't have a Florida accent
Comment from : John Murphy

John Murphy
Second most expensive of 49 European countries ; Iceland is #1 ; Irish housing is #1 priciest in Europe
Comment from : John Murphy

John McGovern
It pains me to say but i honestly wouldnt recommend Dublin to any tourist Its far too dangerous and very underpoliced
Comment from : John McGovern

How much did you stayed? The weather has a natural tendency to change rapidly and unpredictebly
Comment from : tvmaine

Jeff Hampton
I guess you have not traveled much in the United States since the United States as far greener Try going to Virginia and Pennsylvania and Michigan and New England and New York State and many other places that are super green
Comment from : Jeff Hampton

Julia Rivera
Food and people 🎉 they are so great 😀
Comment from : Julia Rivera

3:40 - it's important to remember that Ireland has a tiny population, the same as Birmingham/Manchester (UK) combined or say Chicago/Houston combined
Comment from : L

No plugs in the bathroom is a saftey feature Why? Water and electricity does not mix and its dangerous to have a wall socket in there Not only can water get in but so can mosture from the baths etc In the UK we do not have wall sockets in the bathroom for the same reason- its common sense
Comment from : Mulberry2000

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