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Visit Ireland - 10 Things That Will SHOCK You About Ireland


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East jamaica
Comment from : cheiftain

I love your energy and voice you're amazing! I have been watching you for years😊
Comment from : queeriOs

Helder Costa
We'll be there in mid October for two days in our way to Scotlandhope we can enjoy that rare irish sun, if not we'll just sit in the pub and drink like there's no tomorrow
Comment from : Helder Costa

Wildlife Warrior
Comment from : Wildlife Warrior

My Bf is from NI and when I met him it was just one f word after another, I got so used to this that now I speak like a pirate too
Comment from : Switzerleando

patricia leonardo
Sorry is really not an apology in Ireland, it means excuse meeg if you want someone to repeat what they said because you didnt understand or didnt hear it, you say Sorry?
Comment from : patricia leonardo

Doyle Jodi
Canadian here-Manners, and “sorry”, are very common here (for those born here) brI’m a curser Maybe I get it from my ancestors😂 Never was a drinker though (Irish Dad did enough for the whole family ❤)
Comment from : Doyle Jodi

Rá Dhíana
The only shocking thing is the bagpipe music in the back 😅 I would like to know what was happening at the Castle Pitty, they didn't use the uilleann pipes
Comment from : Rá Dhíana

Xavier Francis
Food is absolute amazing and healthy brI gained 6 kilograms weight in only 2 months It really made me happy as I was skinny before
Comment from : Xavier Francis

Ciaran Kinsella
Tip brThe steering wheel is always in the middle of the road
Comment from : Ciaran Kinsella

Ciaran Kinsella
If you buy a cheap mobile phone, you can use that as a satnave You can get an adaptor for a couple of euro in a cheap shop, dealz for example, not all cars come with a satnav
Comment from : Ciaran Kinsella

María Garcinuño Garrosa
I've came to Ireland for 7 months and one of my language shocks was that, when they talk about hot meals, they call them dinners although it is afternoon! (At least here where I live) In Spain I was told that dinner is only for evening and launch is for the afternoons 🙈
Comment from : María Garcinuño Garrosa

Kristy Lee
My Irish Scottish grandparents came from Ireland to New York and it made me always wonder why!?
Comment from : Kristy Lee


It's called cursing not cussing here
Comment from : Jamie

Ron Weasley
The reason they tell you so much about driving on the left is because the location with most traffic accidents is just outside the Dublin airport by tourists that drive on the right side
Comment from : Ron Weasley

It's not cheap anymore going to Ireland from the US, almost $1,500 is the cheapest option for me
Comment from : K1181

Elen Moraes
Ireland is lovely! It has my heart ❤️
Comment from : Elen Moraes

John Sowders
My wife and I are planning a trip to Ireland in May/June Really looking forward to it Looking forward to the people as much as the sites, food, beer, etc Visited Northern Ireland with my son in 2016 We stayed in Belfast on Hamilton Street and drove all over Northern Ireland We had a great adventure
Comment from : John Sowders

Hey thanks for the videos, we’re heading to Ireland in April We’re doing a Castle/Abbey tour in Northern Ireland your content is so helpful Can I take a train from Dublin to the Cliffs of Moher?
Comment from : Phil

滝忈 狳
Boy, you talk fast but clearly
Comment from : 滝忈 狳

susan couderc
I'm Irish and I get shocked about all these things when I go back home ☘️💚😁 everything you said is true ! Irish people are so nice friendly and helpful beyond belief The saying sorry thing is so lovely it just shows how considerate we are as a people The food is really good, the Guinness tastes amazing there, the scenery is so green and beautiful, those country roads it's true only the locals drive fast so if you're a tourist take your time, so many castles and ruins everywhere, the pub is a public house so it's a place for everyone to come in out of the cold and get together, Ireland will just take your breath away! ☘️💚 Great video and great you love Ireland so much !
Comment from : susan couderc

Eva Maria
What shocked me most: people really believe in banshees!!
Comment from : Eva Maria

Greg Matty
Do not rent your car from Avis, they scam you into buying their car insurance coverage which almost doubles the price of the rental We have used Hertz in several EU countries and they let you use your existing car insurance on your car rental, no extra chargers like Avis
Comment from : Greg Matty

Bart Konig
I'm Dutch and have never been to Ireland But to be honest non of these things really shocked me, only the amount of ruins is neat I do assume that from an American perspective it's very different But as a European who's been around the continent lot, it is kind of what I would expect Ireland to be😉 I love the enthusiasm tho!
Comment from : Bart Konig

Spark _
Ireland has a very good music education system I've read !! 👍👍💜🥁🐉🎤🎶🇮🇪💕💞
Comment from : Spark _

Spark _
YES !! Irish are very friendly !! Welsh ,too !! And Scottish are the friendliest amongth British,surprisingly English are friendlier than ever !! I was shocked as I revisited England this summer !! I visited Wales mostly ( South / West ) ! I had a blast !!! Visiting Ireland has been in my bucket list for a long time !! 👍👍💜🥁🐉🎤🎶💞
Comment from : Spark _

Dolores Aquines
Wolters They don't curse in the US??? Come on! And this a small island, so country roads are narrow, and thankfully not rurally destroyed by motorways
Comment from : Dolores Aquines

Steve Giovanis
Ireland, it’s like the south With an Irish accent
Comment from : Steve Giovanis

Kevin Ruddy
As for friendly, in England 🇬🇧🤔most English people don't engage in conversations 🤐I recon that's why their unhealthy 🤒the celtic people are more gregarious 🇮🇪🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿🤗xk
Comment from : Kevin Ruddy

No Soy Rubio
As a Southern Englishman, I love the pubs and the conviviality in Ireland The people are so friendly and there's often great live music Apparently England used to be like that in the 60s but now most of the pub's atmospheres are dull (Wetherspoons, I'm looking at you) Also, on the cussing side, the 'f bomb' is a bit softer if they say 'feck' than it is to say the traditional f word 😆
Comment from : No Soy Rubio

Comment from : dylan

say what now?
We don’t fucking curse Sorry about that
Comment from : say what now?

Natalie Calvet
We are planning our 3rd visit to Ireland Your top 10 (11) are spot on! ☘️🍀❤️
Comment from : Natalie Calvet

Brian Reed
Comment from : Brian Reed

Im from Malaysia and I have to say this Irelanddddddd is the best country !!!
Comment from : GRA

Frendly people definetely I was there and I could notice that
Comment from : fotoestilogu

Right on dude, people also need to note, driving a stick with your left hand is a different creature than with your right hand I like to spent the maximum time allowed 90 days when I go I'd like to live there one day, but for now I'll have to suffice for 90 days here and there
Comment from : Andreas

Horsemanofthe Apocalapse
One of the things that will shock you is a pot of tea and a scone is 20 euro You dont have to tip thoughbrThe weather is kinda s*it most of the time too
Comment from : Horsemanofthe Apocalapse

Jane OSullivan
Irish food is amazing
Comment from : Jane OSullivan

Ebb D
The reason we apologise so much is our way of getting your attention For example I need to get passed you are I need to get your attention in some way I will say ( SORRY)brIt how we get by and 999 of the time it works brInstead of saying Hey your In my way ! Get out of my way might cause trouble So we say Sorry or excuse me brbrPlus we say hello to everyone all day long brIt's how it is here As for the cursing yeah it's happens alot the F word is part of our culture and alot more its the Curse of the Irish culture 😔 brFriendly is our way of getting by and the best part is we are even friendliest to tourist as we want them to feel safe and secure In our world 🌎 brI wish you all an Irish blessing
Comment from : Ebb D

Chris Don
That guinness glass was wet inside when the pint was poured that's why you see a condensation ring around the inside of the glass, always pour into a dry glass, a little tip from ireland
Comment from : Chris Don

T Stuart
I totally agree with No1 The cursing is absolutely on a terrible high scale From youngsters to teens, 20s-30-40s-50s-60 and even 70 year old, They must have the foulest mouths anywhere On the high street in stores, on buses, trains and aeroplanes every other word is F-B-C and that just is in a ever day general conversation with friends, family or children This tells me that they NO self respect For themselves or others in earshot Ireland is a nice place but the people really do have the filthiest mouths going People really do need to take a look hard look at themselves
Comment from : T Stuart

James D
We express extremes with curse words, regardless of if it is a positive or a negative extreme
Comment from : James D

Wayne Copple
Ireland was our first overseas trip, way back in 1989 We absolutely loved it You are right about the Irish people being friendly They are wonderful and they have a marvelous dry sense of humor You are also correct about the beer I had a Guinness one time in the States before our trip and I was not a fan It was totally different in Ireland, I loved it
Comment from : Wayne Copple

。 Hiss
The only thing that shocked me was their housing crisis That shit is legit UNREAL
Comment from : 。 Hiss

I have been in Ireland for 5 years and I was astonished how bombastic and miserable people in Limerick were Utterly rude and just no sense of humor brBut I chalked it up to that 10 block radius I was in, because I've lived in Wexford, visited Kilkenny, Cork and Dublin, I now live in the stunning rugged County Mayo and everywhere the people have been FANTASTIC, accommodating and friendly I never want to leave here!
Comment from : LadyAxe13

Thanks for the video! I had a shit day, but listening you made me good mood and smiling:D Your wife is a lucky woman;) thanks, wish you all the best! <3
Comment from : SunShineReggae

Gerard Flynn
Mark we get on average 3 months of Winter and 9 months of RainbrAlthough we do have about 90 days of sunshine (spread out over the whole year)
Comment from : Gerard Flynn

i didnt think any of our customs could shock people
Comment from : kunoichi

Tiger Not Woods
Being half Irish myself Ireland is definitely on the list I want to come to the motherland
Comment from : Tiger Not Woods

I met an American with his family in Balbriggan They where Miles across the beach He asked me how to get back to the town I said there's a short cut beside the next stream you come to Follow the path at the cliff beside the stream it will bring you by the monastery and keep following that path for half a mile turn left at end of laneway and it will bring u back into the town He thought I was joking I laughed and said I wouldn't steer you wrong I'd say he and his family loved that laneway and the monastery on their way back to civilisation Looked abit like u
Comment from : Pope

Very good and accurate
Comment from : Pope

Kate LaVergne
What actually shocked us the most was how much more daylight there is! The days were easily two hours longer than at home and it threw us off so much
Comment from : Kate LaVergne

keira ferrari
Sorry, still not shocked
Comment from : keira ferrari

ø meyer
Most people around the world are friendly
Comment from : ø meyer

Dan Theman
Irish people are very friendly, the beer is super creamy and smooth, driving is scary and they have fantastic baked goods too!
Comment from : Dan Theman

Conny Naumann
What shocked me, was that I'm still here and never left again I got the travel bug from my mum and was never able to settle down somewhere until I said, I'll hop over to Ireland for a week That was 9 years ago I bought my first furniture and car here I settled :-)
Comment from : Conny Naumann

Travel super youtube channel
Comment from : Travel super youtube channel

Just fully booked our trip for September! I’m a little stressed about driving on the small roads so fingers crossed it goes smoothly
Comment from : DanielleMary92

Voice of Reason
The only people left there are trash
Comment from : Voice of Reason

Patrick Watters
Fek, is not a swear
Comment from : Patrick Watters

Tvbox5551973 Finnan
All the reminders to DRIVE ON THE LEFT but if you don't, and have an accident and kill some people, you can always just run back to America like Matthew Broderick did The prick
Comment from : Tvbox5551973 Finnan

Grace Zydor
You are great 👍 🙏
Comment from : Grace Zydor

Jane Johnstone
He sounds Irish himselfwith his enthusiasm
Comment from : Jane Johnstone

Jane Johnstone
Wowgood to hear such nice and wonderful thingsIrish have given America its friendliness
Comment from : Jane Johnstone

Sandra P
Visited 35 years ago & was shocked to see so many big & little religious statues on street corners & public places I was raised Catholic so it was like the whole country was one giant cathedral I wonder if all these statues are still there today or have they been removed over the years with the decline of the Catholic Church
Comment from : Sandra P

Johnny Jumpup
James hoban Google him
Comment from : Johnny Jumpup

Rosie Posie
Love ur videos 🇮🇪 but have u been to Donegal?
Comment from : Rosie Posie

But I'm only 21 so I can't rent a car what am I supposed to do?
Comment from : AshCrazley

Few countries in the world put as much emphasis on folk music as Ireland You couldn't avoid it even if you wanted to You'll hear it in the streets Even in airports!
Comment from : Pocockable

Also, unlike Britain, children are a big part of life in Ireland Once, I was going for a walk in Dublin, I started down a side street, and a boy about eleven or twelve came up to me and said, "You can't go down that way" He meant that it was a dead-end street Children in the US would NEVER do that!
Comment from : Pocockable

Gails grand plan
Ireland feels like coming home It’s like a hug from inside
Comment from : Gails grand plan

Terry Sampson
Lemonade in Stout is a great combo
Comment from : Terry Sampson

Terry Sampson
Another thing is sometimes the Cattle are in the middle of the road
Comment from : Terry Sampson

Terry Sampson
Need to take a Trap Ride they are awesome
Comment from : Terry Sampson

Terry Sampson
I hope to go back to Ireland
Comment from : Terry Sampson

Roger Moore
You're an a American,it shows
Comment from : Roger Moore

Susan Ferraro
Where is your accent ?
Comment from : Susan Ferraro

breezy lively
Being from Canada I laughed at the sorry thing I think I’ll fit in!
Comment from : breezy lively

Vivid Soldier
You are a great host God bless you!
Comment from : Vivid Soldier

Darren Dring
I read in a few books that the Irish countryside is a poor reflection of Britain's manicured landscape Not been to Ireland so I can't say, but Britain is very green and very varied
Comment from : Darren Dring

Why do we have signs all over the country saying drive on the left we put them there especially for you Americans And yes, we drive stick because we aren't lazy Potatoes with a side of potatoes He's had many of those by the look of it
Comment from : AJ H

Cuss or curse
Comment from : AJ H

Timothy Marsh
The food does look delicious Have to go there and try it with a Guinness
Comment from : Timothy Marsh

kyle hopkins
6:44 they're not drinking that properly, you're supposed to let the pint sit until it's all black, they didn't let it sit so it's brown
Comment from : kyle hopkins

Jackie Ryan
I'm Irish and the reason why Guinness is so nice in Ireland is because Guinness was made in Ireland
Comment from : Jackie Ryan

Jackie Ryan
I live in Ireland
Comment from : Jackie Ryan

Michael Sullivan
I went to Ireland in 2018 It was a fantastic trip I spent 5 days in Dublin and 5 days in the south and west I loved my days in Dublin sightseeing but the Irish countryside was simply amazing The Cliffs of Moher, Aran Islands, Driving on the Wild Atlanic Way, Killarney, Boat tour on the lakes of the National Park, Gap of Dunloe, Ring of Kerry, Skellig Ring, Blarney Castle, Cork were all fantastic sites I was shocked that I had virtually no rain during that 10 day period (first week of June) My flight from NY was under $400 I flew to London on Ryan Air for $35 one way Spent 5 days in London That was an amazing trip too Mark you are absolutely correct on all of these My rental car broke down in Killarney A local resident picked me up and drove me to my hotel We had great conversation along the way
Comment from : Michael Sullivan

You might have been hearing 'Feck' alot and confusing it with 'f bomb ' It's not a real swear (don't know what you mean by 'cussing')
Comment from : ACB

suzanne dabadie
The people are absolutely the friendliest They know how to have a great time Love Dublin <3
Comment from : suzanne dabadie

Living In Bethlehem PA - RedHeadAgent Team
The Irish know how to cook Their food is very good!
Comment from : Living In Bethlehem PA - RedHeadAgent Team

Daniel Mcfarland
There's a lot more than giants causeway in northern Ireland
Comment from : Daniel Mcfarland

Damn that bloke has one hell of a nice Aura You really make me looking forward to my (hopefully) Erasmus Semester there!
Comment from : JayJay

Glen Atkinson
Lived in Belfast for a bit 25 years ago, been to every county on the island Never got tired of it
Comment from : Glen Atkinson

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