Название | : | No Major Cities: Why So Few Canadians Live In On The East Coast |
Продолжительность | : | 10.17 |
Дата публикации | : | |
Просмотров | : | 866 rb |
close to or the last place I'd want to live in Canada, is the east coast There's nothing Comment from : Mark Drisch |
High taxes, low wages, aging population and shortage of doctors are just a few of many reasons why the population here is low Comment from : Jonathan Smith |
Halifax was on track to be a major city until the Halifax Explosion in 1917 which set the city back significantly Comment from : James Makes Coffee |
Continuous hurricanes Comment from : Peter T |
You omitted the Penal colony history of Canada Both France and Britain used Canada as a dumping ground for its prisons You gave the white washed version of Canada's geography 😊 Comment from : PS Anderson |
Canda is a very beautiful country but it would be too cold for me lol Comment from : abc def |
We don’t have the industries and jobs for a huge polulations … NB only has box warehouse so how can we sustained millions of people Comment from : Margaret Ann Whalen |
Quebec N freaking cool Comment from : JL B |
There nothing there Comment from : Emerick King |
Those numbers are wrong Moncton Saint John and Fredericton do not have that many people Comment from : MrLoobu |
Because we have been poor as shit since the confederation of Canada kept our raw materials in the country instead of sold to the states, manufacturing moved to Quebec and Ontario along with our people Comment from : MrLoobu |
One thing to note however is that the population of the Atlantic provinces has been growing rapidly in recent years due to its lower cost of living and the ability of people to work remotely Comment from : Ron Fischer |
Its Newfoundland not newfoundlind Comment from : Mike Goulding |
Halifax, St John’s where are these town in Canada? Comment from : Curtis Brandt |
Youre confusing coastline with east coast because most of the major cities are east coast Toronto, Ottawa, Montréal, Qubec City lol Comment from : Electric G |
As someone who lives in Halifax, I'd much rather the smaller quieter world we have over the major metro setup Comment from : RedWill42 |
Please learn how to, pronounce the name of our Province Newfoundland ( and Labrador) understand - Newfoundland it rhymes Comment from : Alasdair Black |
Shhhh don’t tell everyone It is a wonderful quiet and beautiful place to live with air you can breathe Comment from : Alasdair Black |
Summary: St Lawerence River connects the great lakes to the Atlantic, so the East coast doesn't need to have big cities Comment from : Commando Master |
pretty f'n obvious why there are no people in the Atlantic Canada east coast brSince European Settlers came to North America, profitable farming land became more scarce as Settlers or anybody even Indians travelled north Sure, Native Bands before Europeans came did occupy some areas of the North Appalachian Mountain Range But the land sucked for farming Was ok for some fishing, and seal harvesting But overall, aside from PEI island This region sucked the hind teet of North America brNow the coast lines themselves proved acceptable for regional fishing fleets But sucking on Cod cheeks and shucking oysters only goes so far feeding the family brThe meaning is, the farming lands were few and good farming lands were fewer The Atlantic Coast agricultural zones can only support a small population Add on the transportation issues of moving perishable foods and you can see why the limitations of the Atlantic Coast Farming Community has handcuffs on compared to other regions of Canada or the United States brThe most northern region of the Appalachian Mountain Range is only good for pine needles and porcupines Comment from : Less1leg Pirate |
Has to do with culture Comment from : ToughNewfie |
Why weren't PEI and Newoundland and Labrador part of the original Canadian federation? Comment from : Husky Fan in Mass |
Halifax is a major city The whole country doesn't have to look the same we need a variety Comment from : Divine E |
There's also the whole genocide thing that went on in the 1700s Not good for the population Comment from : Indellable |
I live on the east coast of Canada and I've yet to hear a single YouTuber pronounce "New-fin -land" correctly Comment from : Brandon DEon Music |
There are many reasons for this, all of them hard to articulate quickly The St Lawrence is key Toronto and Montreal offer access to the ocean but also quick access to the Great Lakes and waterways — as well as connection by land to the east coast of the US The Great Lakes were and still are economic lakes between the US and Canada (and thus Chicago and other cities) Agricultural land near Toronto in particular is plentiful Settlement flowed to these areas with these advantages and avoided places with disadvantages Many of the spots you ponder about are Canadian Shield country Comment from : Tim Querengesser |
How the hell did we let Canada get the rest of their provinces Comment from : Brandon Schmidt |
not gonna lie the grift is pretty strong in your videos Comment from : Chris D |
Because unless your fishing there’s no jobs there lol It’s becoming a retirement province Comment from : Lisa |
halifax is one of the fastest growing, so most likely in 10 years will most likely be a pretty big city Comment from : 3n5z shorts |
Because all of canadas capitol citys are flooded with immigrants who don't build up the economy brbrKinda a good thing or they would be flooding their too Comment from : Mitchi_moto |
I stopped watching after so many mispronounced words and names Comment from : Markus 0r1li0s |
You have some incorrect information in this video I wanted to point out Quebec City was not the first permanent settlement in North America It was Port Royale Nova Scotia Which is near Annapolis Royal NS 1604 Comment from : bpcdrums |
You do know 25 million people is 5 of the entire population of Canada in 2023 right? The Atlantic provinces make up 000? of the entire Canadian landmass That's a relatively densely populated place compared to the rest of the country Except Labrador Comment from : ToudaHell |
📌📌João Fernandes Lavrador (1453-1501) was the first European explorer and discoverer in this area,
brAll the top of Quebec was called "The Labrador" in memory of his Portuguese (Fernandes Lavrador)brbr📌 Fernandes Lavrador (1453-1501)a été le premier explorateur et découvreur Européen dans ce coin,
brTout le haut du Québec s'appelait "Le labrador" en souvenir de se Portugais ( Fernandes Lavrador ) Comment from : FERN |
Well, I just thought it was because it's too cold there I see the storms during the winter and it's not a pretty sight We get them here too in the Toronto area but I guess there's no comparison So yeah it's colder in the winter However, the pictures of the region are simply amazing Haven't been that far Northeast yet Comment from : Oscar Navas |
Odd how the English can win over the French but no one can win over the Indigenous Comment from : James |
Quebec City is the place where sea water fight fresh water Sea water never makes it past Quebec City Comment from : Daniel L |
People definitely don't think about us in Newfoundland because EVERYONE PRONOUNCES IT WRONG! Comment from : Chuco |
Shout out to Halifax A city that, despite its size, was and is still an important city Comment from : Chuco |
Quebec city isn't the oldest city in Canada St johns is Comment from : Philip Pope |
Now that the big cities of Toronto and Vancouver are completely unaffordable, just wait I’m a Fredericton native and plan to return there Many from Upper Canada are also “discovering” the maritimes 😉 Comment from : Phil Shyu |
Why? Because of Winters on the coast of the North Atlantic Because Trudeau and Guilbault just raised the second carbon tax dramatically on their gasoline, diesel, heating oil and kerosene, so it's going to be an even colder, more costly Winter than usualbrWhy don't they use natural gas? They don't live in large cities and those selfish neighbours, Quebec, won't let Western pipelines through to them Comment from : Malcolm Hamilton |
There is inaccurate depiction of the settlement of Canada with no mention of the early involvement of the Scots who were early explorers who got on well with the natives Also the story talks aboutbr England and France but it was Britain not England after 1707 Also Nova Scotia was settled mainly by Scots not English Comment from : Ian Elder |
15th, not 14th century when europeans started to colonize( besides vikings much earlier Comment from : Marton Sarudi |
ummmits FREEZING up there - THATS WHY! Comment from : Carrie Maybrun |
Wow Comment from : Emily Ronaldson |
We don't need big cities overrun by Asians and other immigrants Comment from : twinsonic |
Meanwhile countries smaller than canada can build entire ghost cities So much land going to waste Comment from : YAIQAB Supplanter |
Forgot prince Edward island Comment from : caden dance |
Why so few people live on the East Coast, that's easy, the governments in those provinces will bleed you dry They have to find ways to pay all their welfare Comment from : Jim |
"Canada WAS home to Indigenous peoples but because this is about Canada today" 1:18 CANADA IS HOME TO INDIGENOUS PEOPLES TODAY Comment from : Sarena Johnson |
You really missed a major factor with Newfoundland being an entirely seperate country until 1949 and so was uninfluenced by the way Canada developed Comment from : Countrybananas |
you know that they are not famous when OAK ISLAND is the most known part of those Atlantic province Comment from : philippe gauthier |
You didnt answer the question until 4:30 Comment from : Zeeshan Idrees |
What a shame giving all that land to Canadians USA must reconquer all of Canada and become not only strongest as it is right now but also biggest country in the World 😁 Comment from : Gorod |
Très bien expliqué, merci!brVery well explained, thanks! Comment from : Francois C |
Halifax is right there on the east coast Comment from : Marc Ouellette |
Not going to mention the upper half of Canada, and how most of the population is concentrated in a small southern part of Ontario, and southern Quebec? Comment from : RageyRage O |
So in a way, Canada does have major cities on the east coast, the east coast just extends 1000 km inland Comment from : Tom Greaves |
The 1st settlement was at Port Royal near Annapolis Royal Nova Scotia NOT Quebec Comment from : NOVIE821 |
To be fair, Halifax is a similar proportion of Canada's population to that of Boston and the US population 15 Comment from : Andrew Cleasby |
Good analysis as basics A lot of major historical reasons missed like the expulsion of that Acadians, and American Independence and our strong historical ties to New England moved a lot of people aroundbrbrYou nailed the jist of it, I think For a 10 minute video, I think this is about right Comment from : Matthew Secord |
The conquest of New France and the treaty of Paris 1763 also feeds into the US revolutionary sentiment It wasn't a popular treaty among the 13 colonies Comment from : Zraknul |
One point not mentioned was that in 1867, newly formed Canada cut traditional trade routes from Nova Scotia to New England and forced trade through Ontario Comment from : Wayne |
You skipped the expulsion of the Acadians Comment from : hecbethyname |
Weird but, when I first came to live and work in Halifax Nova Scotia, I was surprised that it did not have major league team or NOT even a stadium! It has a hockey arena but that is expected in a hockey crazy country like Canada Also there are very few high rise buildings and very few freeways, it has population of barely only 465,000 about the same as Raleigh North Carolina that does have an NHL team But it's people, weather and laid back lifestyle are very nice to have and live in Comment from : Leo Lopez |
Rumor has it that Portuguese fishermen knew about the Grand Banks years before Cabot sailed there for Henry the VII Comment from : Felton Pruett |
Halifax: the capital of Nova Scotia has an INTERNATIONAL airport Halifax/Dartmouth area is quite large especially if you consider the Halifax Regonal MunicipalitybrCape Breton has a small airport in Sydney brPerhaps you should come visit sometime and check out our home, as you would be quite surprised and will want to update this video upon visiting this beautiful place Comment from : Cape Breton Drone Pilot |
LOL, how do you properly pronounce newfoundland ??bryou must be an american Comment from : Journey Through The Mycelium Network |
Very interesting Comment from : Ivans Bikes Bmws |
The Martimes is the heart of Canada Comment from : Kirk Moran |
Halifax does have a population of about 450,000 so I would consider that major But they are the only one Comment from : drf81 |
So how did New Finland come by its name? Comment from : Thomas Secure name |
2 thoughts: 1) Halifax’s population isn’t that much smaller than Boston’s, and the Canadian maritimes have very similar population patterns to the US’s nearby New England region 2) you hint at this, but you can think of Quebec City as a part of the east coast because this is where the St Lawrence becomes an estuary, and the water starts getting salty Comment from : William Owen |
St John’s NL is older than Quebec City Comment from : Allan Dwyer |
I think this video might be missing a few key points The importance of the St Lawrence River cannot be overstated, but Geoff even says part of the appeal was easy access to the Great Lakes - but overlooks that until the Welland Canal was built, you couldn't really get past Niagara Falls without unloading a ship and loading onto another one at Lake Erie Early settlers didn't have unfettered water access from Quebec City to DuluthbrbrThe Maritimes' beautiful terrain also means they aren't well suited for agriculture I'm surprised there was no mention of the fishing industry, which can be a driver, but as others have noted, processing was based in the US and couldn't be scaled enough for growth A good analog to the Maritimes is Maine, which might as well be part of them - rugged, forested, no huge cities, etc Comment from : LoveStallion |
Were waiting for the Americans to invade, we won't mind Comment from : Palamedes |
People of Canada are starting to return to the Maritimes, for a better life style and much lower housing costs, I was born there and spent may summers there, my family and others are returning to escape the rat race in southern Ontario and insane home prices Comment from : Richard Banks |
How can a fake country have a real city?????? Comment from : Gregory Cotter |
Awesome video Thank you Comment from : Anthony DOlio |
How conceivable is the merger of Canada and the US into one country? Comment from : Henry Frederick |
Geoff (gee-off) Comment from : CheckTheNuts |
9:21 Technically Attu Island, part of Alaska, is the easternmost part of north America as it is so far west it crosses over into the eastern hemisphere Comment from : Wizard4k |
Personally living in Halifax I’ve seen the progression and over the past 30 years we’ve made leaps and bounds in population size and development and it’s clear it won’t slow down anytime soon I have no doubt in another 20-30 years Halifax will rival Montreal, it’s already extremely comparable to London Ontario Comment from : yawning |
charlottetowns population is actually only half of that lol, maybe in the summerbrthanks for the shoutout tho! Comment from : ivo |
Interesting, but there's the 1755 Acadian Deportation on top of that Comment from : kaizoku |
Halifax will be the largest urban place north of New York City soon It’s rapidly growing Comment from : Ian Shand |
You're comparing populations today and ignoring industrialization that occurred well after the lands were settled Canada didn't develop in a matter of decades Hundreds of years Comment from : Sean Webb |
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