Название | : | Why did East Asia Develop while South-East Asia Still Struggles? |
Продолжительность | : | 8.03 |
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Просмотров | : | 30 rb |
I think it's because of religion Comment from : 가가가 |
If your skin or dna contain more black or Arab, you are lazy or not develop human beings yet, India and Africa is example Southeast Asia no exception and I am a living proof Comment from : Ty Thor |
And of course, that does not happen only in Asia Northern Europe is richer than Southern Europe, and North America is richer than South America Comment from : Jake |
North Korea and Mongolia are among the POOREST and WEAKEST countries in the world and both are East Asian countries Also, china is RAPIDLY DYING as we speak But Vietnam, Malaysia and Indonesia are beginning to reach for the stars Of course Vietnam would be much better if there was NO communism Comment from : Lương Đỗ |
Neo-colonialism Funny the biggest factor is left out 😂 Comment from : Louvendran |
2 things can cause poverty and underdevelopment in a nationbrbr1) lazy populationbr2)corruptuon and political instabilitybrbrSome south east Asia countries have both Comment from : en el espacio |
South East Asia is poorer but South Asia is the poorest Comment from : David Chin |
That highest economy also has the highest suicidal rate Comment from : Ahmad Utama |
people of relatively colder countries were better at industrialization than others Requirement for those countries to industrialize was also high due to cold climate Comment from : The Explorer |
Education and homogeneity(less conflict) Comment from : ᄀᄌᄋ |
Nons3nsethis goes against ALL THAT WE KNOW NOW regarding the CONFESSIONS OF AN ECONOMIC HITMANbrbrBut hey, lying is easier isn't it Comment from : nerio raw |
The simple answer is brain drain A more complex answer is a clash of identity And for a different reason, it's a little paradise in the world that doesn't need improving Don't tell anyone it's a secret Comment from : Aiman Bryan |
Southeast Asia spends too much time and energy on race and religion, and has no experience in social governance The history of East Asia is common There are millions of documents on state governance accumulated over four thousand years, as well as records of the rise and fall of thousands of countries and hundreds of ethnic groups Experience, just like the chance of the rich rising after bankruptcy is still greater than that of the poor generation after generation After any devastating blow, East Asians only need to open the history textbook and know how to rebuild the country Comment from : Hu Yi |
I guess brunei should be a best example of smaller country didn’t struggling as much as you think with GDP ppp capita income(2023) IMF USD75,580 with no evidences record:- $0 debts from world creditor even the country do not have any stock exchange background Brunei just kept account saving debit from around the world in the form of investments in various fields Comment from : Haleem Lim |
Two simple factor:br1 IQ, just look it upbr2 Demographics, homogeneous countries are more manageable in terms of social norms, values and attitudebrFor example, in countries like malaysia, indonesia(2 biggest SEA countries) there's this stereotype that "the businessman" and skilled merchant are the chinese, whereas the indigenous are either work for the government or being landlords, so in a way, there's no pressure to get "fit in" and pursue more, because everyone has different standards of success, Comment from : Nathaniel Adyaksha Enver |
You did not even considered that this countries were colonized for centuries You definitely don't know what you are talking about After Spain took all the gold in the Philippines and used the natural resources to make Spain rich What do you expect Comment from : Pink Velvet |
1diversitybr2pre colonization governments systembr3geographical locationbr4climate and average temperature br5pre colonization education systembr6pre colonization population br7religion influence br8competitive society brBase on my opinion Comment from : Thai nationalist |
South East Asian countries are best place at the moment for business as they have no corruption and environment is so peaceful Comment from : Dream Craft |
Its the fucking weather and geography Comment from : lolondd |
Colonial rule took away natural resources meant for development Some even avoided education for the locals like the Dutch in Indonesia Although some argued they are 'lazy' or no 'iq' Do not forget melaka was a very successful trading port for east and west and bujang valley was an important iron ingots producer in the ancient world Exporting them 2500 years ago Comment from : Keang Wooi Choo |
It's simple IQ is the predominant factor in economic success, and culture also plays a small part brbrChina, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, etc all have similar IQs at around 105, with the specific rankings varying year by year Does the intense education of east asian culture inflate the IQ? No Multiple studies comparing the IQ of Asian adoptees to western countries have shown that East Asian adoptees have the same IQ advantage compared to their South East Asian adoptee counterparts that we see in the native country measurements In America, we can also observe that the average East Asian Household income (Chinese, Korean, Japanese) are similar to each other and much higher than South East Asian Households with the exception of Filipinos who are imported to work in medicine and Indians for tech Obviously these exception don't represent the average of their ethnicity and should be discarded in this discussion Income has a high correlation with intelligence brbrSome are arguing that South East Asians have happier lives Okay? I guess sitting in the sun and sipping coconut water for your entire life counts as happiness East Asians are too busy innovating in technology and science to find "happiness" in doing nothing Yes, competing with the thousands of 150IQ+ peers for a few hundred spots to the top universities can be stressful, but if you're an East Asian who is not gunning for the top, you can still attend a decent university studying whatever you'd like and make a decent living in the regional cities For example, the minimum wage in Korea is equal to the average daily or several day wages in SE Asia, so that's the lowest bound for a Korean with absolutely no skills and no college degree: $2000 a month brbrSome are also arguing that oil countries like Brunei have a high standard of living Oil countries, aka press a button and you get free money countries, are typically excluded when comparing the population of a country to their GDP by economists brbrObviously, arguments like climate are irrelevent Maybe South East Asians evolved to have low IQ BECAUSE of the climate, but nothing would change if East Asia and South East magically swapped their locations right now Singapore being majority Chinese and rich while Eastern Europe being cold and poor is enough proof brbrLastly I just have to mention how 90+ of the wealth in South East Asia are owned by the Chinese immigrants lmfaoooooo How dumb do you have to be to let that happen???? Comment from : Noymar |
To people saying what about Mongolia,Mongolia's gdp per capita is higher than Indonesia, Vietnam and Philippine Comment from : Veronique Figliolini-Durante |
在东亚,我们从小被灌输“学习最重要”的理念。尤其在中国和韩国,学习几乎成了唯一的出路。因为社会的竞争压力,人们不得不去玩命学习 Comment from : Hang |
One is a hussle, the other is a sloth That's why Comment from : DanDaFreakinMan |
It's more of a history facts China get the aid from the USA, they become strong and communist America don't want that so they invest more in Japan, Korea and Taiwan to form some kind of cage for China And Japan is the first Asia country to industrialize so nearby country had the chance to adopt its technologybrbrWhile some of the SEA also receive aids from USA not as much as the EA, they suffered from the terrible outcomes of Western Colonial (Far more than EA) Plus the unstable in politics and wars are the main reason holding us back brbrStop saying we have nice land and nice weather so SEA people are lazy and dull Are you serious? That's the least logical thing I've heard of so far It's maybe part of the culture but the "bomb of democracy" and dollars from the US was the main reason for this situation Comment from : Minh Dũng Nguyễn |
At least east Asia have Korea and Japan, north Korea and China unite each other while south east scolding look down and discriminate each other af Most of them are developing countries but they laughing to other that weaker Comment from : Best Wish |
IQ depend Comment from : juaner bao |
Hey i'm Indonesian and i'm so glad not born in those "developed" East Asian countries Comment from : Hanrian Angga |
I don’t know why some would take it for granted that East Asia is developed so will SE Asia “Asia” is just a term European used to describe all these regions, but traditionally EA and SEA have been huge different, both culturally, genetically and so on Comment from : Charlos Rosward |
Please Do "Why East Asia do More suicide murder than South East Asia" why every country compete with each other? Even This life isn't race Comment from : Harry Kumoro |
Real answerbecuz sea asia is hot climate and east have cold Comment from : Vàn lin林 |
this is why I love confucian-capitalism Comment from : 최로봇 |
It's because instead of working hard, they blame government or ther countries Comment from : John Park |
Taiwan is a China island,Baby!😊 Comment from : harry liu |
I'm an East Asian The argument (many people posed in the comment section) that East Asian are genetically better than Southeast Asian is simply stupid The US has lower average IQ than Asian countries but it is the biggest economy in the world There are many factors one should consider regarding a country's economic success Comment from : D D |
It's just about race IQ Even in south east asia, east Asians who settled hundreds of years ago are the ruling class, and dark-skinned Asians are still the lower classesThe dictator of Singapore, the only developed country in Southeast Asia, is also Chinese, and 70 of Singapore's population is Chinese Comment from : g넘어진 페페 |
The globalists need some of Asia to remain poor The can't afford the world's workers become first world citizens Comment from : seiji-kun |
Only Japan, South Korea and Taiwan are developed countries Most of China is still a dirty shi*hole Don't be fooled by what China want you to see Most of the country is still no better than the third world countries Comment from : Zach Miller |
Weather wise i guess most people in warm country usually like to layback and chill but country that have winter need to prepare alot of things so maybe thats the reason Comment from : 신영호 |
Maybe bcz it's too hot in SEA Saw many european friends turnt really lazy when they were in my country Comment from : Feooooo |
Racism Comment from : Shamar OConnor |
Corruption seems to be the biggest reason Southeast Asian countries are poor Comment from : _산들바람 |
I think it’s most because of the weather , south east Asia is too hot , the weather turn you to be lazy , Comment from : Yang Yang |
South east Asia is too hot , I was studying in Malaysia, people are nice Comment from : Yang Yang |
Corrupt dictator Comment from : togu hotlan |
tight government control is probably not the correct answer, south korea made the transition because of the society's commitment ot education Japan made the transition in part, by colonizing and taking industrial inputs from countries around it China is far from developed, and shows when less 5 percent of the population can enjoy the wealth of fifty yearrs of hard labor by 95 of the society, you need a war with taiwan to avoid civil unrest China went from really poor, to just poor on average, with the most number of billionairs in the world Comment from : murdercrows21 |
Japan,South Korea,Taiwan : Why are we in same group with CHINA? XD Comment from : White Amanda |
I don't agree with your video War between Russia vs Ukraine prove how European countries depends on Russia Gas Here in my country we don't have a big issue European lack of natural resources Comment from : Tatha Hareva |
6:21 wrong image used for ‘Honda’ ‘Hyundai’ is a Korean company, ‘Honda’ is a Japanese company, great video otherwise Comment from : Yeehawman |
It's about IQ and genetics East Asians are inventors (you can see their high civilization) and easily adapt to modernization Rapid growth in Singapore (majority ethnic Chinese), Japan, South Korea and China is proof of this Even North Koreans and Mongolians have high IQ Comment from : Razzle Dazzle |
East Asia include Northeast Asia(Korea and Japan) and Southeast Asia They are not separate Much of China land and Chinese population are southeast Asians Northern China, they are of Korean and Mongol bloodline Korea and Japanese are of Northeast Asia Most of China are of Southeast Asian Comment from : KevinKevin Kevin |
Geographical location forces people to choose Comment from : DstRBT |
The biggest problem for South East Asians bris brThey have S L A V E M E N T A L I T Y !!! so They can't do anything Comment from : Amore Gang |
Find out “the average iq in each asian country”brbreast asia country lead the board Comment from : 裁阜恣尤 |
If I were the leader of Southeast Asia country, I would do this below to develop the country and the peoplebrbr1 Establishing innovative measures for national developmentbr2 Establish unity and cooperation through consultation in each fieldbr3 In order to secure objectivity, underdevelopment like external Korea --> The experience of high-development countries is consulting to develop the country and requesting services for development plansbr- eg Korea Economic Research Institute, several state-run institutions, etcbr- Cost: 10 million dollars br- Diagnosis of current fields considering climate, race, economy, culture, termination, royal politics, and establishment of development directions in each fieldbr- Detailed planningbr5 Establishing long-term plans for economic development in each field, regardless of religion and ethnicitybr6 Preparing the opinions of the people, the king, the rich, and the common people on cooperationbr7 Long-term implementationbr - Many complaints in each field are silently implemented br7 The most important thing is that everyone should follow Comment from : Cameron |
Skill issue lol Comment from : Zhao1998 |
Well, corruption endemic is a common factor on why South East Asia country cannot beat East Asia Comment from : Yey yey yey |
Why do people want to avoid the truth? gene You know it! Comment from : YesRight |
SE Asian cultures are a lot more laid back than East Asia They're happier, but also far less productive Comment from : Walter Black |
Because of corruption in souteast asean are massive our leaders have no shame😝 Comment from : just silent |
Is this guy drunk Comment from : Jeff Goldbloom |
Gpd he said Comment from : Jeff Goldbloom |
Asian friends, East Asia and Southeast Asia are not important The most important thing is that we are all ugly Asians Let's be born in Europe in the next life Comment from : 간판 |
It seems like the only successful economy in Southeast Asia is Singapore with is surprisingly smaller than all of the Asian countries and has a faster growing GDP than all of the other Asian countries Comment from : Adrian Siu |
Colonial crab mentality Comment from : Ana M Caballero Wilson |
Corruption is the reason in South East Asia Comment from : RJ Guzman |
How is China considered sucessful when it is much poorer than Brunei and Malaysia? the GDP PPP per capita of China is much much lower than Brunei and Malaysia China is not successful, just an average county Comment from : hoho4919 |
Genetic Comment from : Marc |
this comment section is just bullshit people really think they are better just because they are east asia what a stupid mindset South East Asia is not poor We are not develop yet just becuase our country are very young For example, Indonesia is only 77 yo on the other hand, vietnam being bombed by the american until 1980s thats when they start to build their country Even one of the youngest nation in the world located in south east asia which is timor leste So, it needs time to be as developed as east asian countries Comment from : Andreano |
I think the biggest reason should be the colonial influence, followed by the difference from the East Asian cultural circle Comment from : EIEI K |
Because west countries colonized SE Asia so today they are still poor Comment from : Law4455 |
Fyi, Southeast Asia is one of the youngest civilization in the world while East Asia already got a thousand years of opportunity to develop but only these last decade they finally successed Comment from : Shukri Ramlee |
동아시아 국가들은 기본적으로 다 기술이 진보돼있네(가난한 북한도 미사일 기술력만 보면 세계적인 수준) Comment from : 산속생활 50년 |
The 5 biggest economies in SEA excluding Singapore collectively earn more than a trillion dollars in foreign exchange every year Yet the entire area is still not developed Comment from : Mi Aya |
I am Japanese When it comes to Japan's economic growth, I think Yukichi Fukuzawa played a big role He brought the British method to Japan He is currently on the 10,000 yen note (the highest banknote) in Japan Comment from : Raizin |
Southeast Asia isn't exactly struggling Bangkok, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Saigon and Manila are massive centers of commerce with tons of skyscrapers and businesses from all over the world based there They are built up and generate more GDP than most Western, Latin American, African and Australian cities Comment from : Funky Child |
The average intelligence of southeast Asians is 20 points lower than east Asia 105 vs 85brI'm just saying Comment from : Jamie Rose |
Good video Comment from : Sameer Vp |
the main factor why southeast asia not developed is their mentality, they're in fertile region where they can grow as much food as they want, because this characteristic, they rarely plan far ahead, and too relied on their natural resources look what happen with Singapore, they're mainly Han Chinese that already know how hard life can be and because they don't have any natural resource they focusing their effort and become the first developed country in south east asiabrbrand now Vietnam try to catch up with other developed countries, they start to realize that they must focus on their economy and development first Meanwhile the rest of south east Asia still fighting about ideologies, they still doing military coup, fighting about religions, and always blaming their former colonizer that make them poor, they still struggle with corruption that eroded their effort to become developed country if they keep struggling with non essential things and not start focus on things that they need to become developed nation, they won't be able to become onebrbrespecially with Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, and Phillipines the biggest countries in south east Asia in terms of population, economy potential, natural resources, and their ability to connect with international trade Those countries are the most privileged in that area yet they are not the one that leading the economic development, but singapore Comment from : Chv Hndrtntlr |
Northeast Asia consist of China, South Korea, Taiwan and Japan have a higher IQ than those of Southeast Asia descendants Comment from : Black Panther |
Southeast Asia struggled because of colonization and exploitation by Europe Comment from : K P |
Are you sure East asia develop? brOr are you referring Japan & SOUTH KOREA only?brYet saying south east asia poor despite having Singapore Brunei Malaysia Philippines and Vietnam developing economy still pooror are you just referring to Myanmar Laos Cambodia & Timor lestebrDon’t put it so baldlybrSame like saying America is poor yet having USA and Canada the advance and top economy in the worldor just referring to Latin America?brPut it clearly pal Comment from : Ben Faiz (BF) |
It is not the IQ determine the success of the countrybrNorth korea has one of the high iq ppl on planet but still poor same goes to mongoliabrSEAs are intelligent it just they are lazy as hell As long as there is food on the table they are happy with life and no further effort is made to learn new things and advanced their careerbrIt is really a sad for those countries; crazg corruption, bad Education system and low Educated population, and most importantly the culture of lazynessbrOne cant help but become like one of them, you will know only once you have worked and lived there Comment from : Sat chua |
Unfortunately, there was no country in Southeast Asia that could have achieved an early industrial revolution and led the modernisation of its neighbouring countries like Japan, for a variety of reasons, including harsh colonial rule by Western countries and policies of stupidity Comment from : 乾燥途中の干し柿 |
You locate Taiwan wrongly Comment from : Thales Waters |
LOL! Because of western intervention Ferdinand Marcos was doing great until he proposed the Asian Dollar Naturally, CIA had to dispose of him by establishing armed rebel groups to destabilize the country to a point where he needed to declare martial law Of course, casualties in countries Uncle Sam wants to destabilize gets overblown, you know the drill Comment from : Zamary |
Anyone who believes the "facts" in this video is either ignorant or too stupid to do a simple Google search You present a combined average GDP per capita of Thailand, PH, and Malaysia but for Japan and Korea you show individual stats Also, don't forget that Korea and Japan have a way higher cost of living than most SEA countries No doubt SEA has issues but if you're sincerely trying to unpack these issues, misrepresentation of facts isn't the way to do it brbrWhat an unreliable and irresponsible channel Comment from : Liyen Tan |
Honor is what I am doing for me and integrity is what am I doing for us Comment from : ali Hussein |
Because the land (West Java) of the Sunda kingdom as the busiest trading center in the world fell into the hands of Islam So that the trading center of Southeast Asia moved to a smaller area, namely Singapore Comment from : NoLimitCity-ID |
Your entire thesis will about be inverted in a decade to come! And you will realized that Southeast Asia although late in their industrialization? Will be the only one that economically matters in Asia! So you better reassess your thesis because every advance economy in the world is looking at Southeast Asia like canary in a coal mine Comment from : Erik Stronghold |
Mongolia ? Comment from : Davy Zyvy |
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