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Ireland: What I Wish I Knew Before Renting a Car in Ireland


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Название :  Ireland: What I Wish I Knew Before Renting a Car in Ireland
Продолжительность :   11.45
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Коментарии Ireland: What I Wish I Knew Before Renting a Car in Ireland

Smells like teen Hitler
Haha so much emphasis on driving on the left For those of us coming from Australia to America , nobody had to say anything about driving on the right We were treated like adults, to which I thank my American brothers and sisters for trusting I was quite capable of handling it
Comment from : Smells like teen Hitler

Louis Giannobile
Baloney i from USA and it’s scary as shit I did it 4 trips and I was nervous ever time especially if you get a manual The roads are very narrow
Comment from : Louis Giannobile

Carlos Saraiva
Something tells me the drive fromDubl8n to Galway must be amazing
Comment from : Carlos Saraiva

Carlos Saraiva
I drove on the left in Scotland last year It is true that after one hour of driving you het used to it I was also helped by the rental car i was issued, a fantastic KIA X-Ceed, the electronic assist mode helped a lot in preventing mistakes, especially the road lane assist While i only drove for 4 days in my return i frlt weird to now be driving on the right because i had gotten used so fast to drive on the left
Comment from : Carlos Saraiva

Captain Lou
As an American that booked my car through Hertz, be aware you are REQUIRED to purchase insurance in Ireland I booked the car for $700 and when I arrived at Hertz I had to pay another $500 for insurance! (They will not recognize our insurance from the States)
Comment from : Captain Lou

Marisa Quinto
Thanks ❤
Comment from : Marisa Quinto

Bertrand Chaillou
After an hour you get used to it don't think so
Comment from : Bertrand Chaillou

Rory Bluez
i spoke to somebody the boss and tellling him about "deffensive driving thats what i did in the past" he doesnt know about deffensive driving
Comment from : Rory Bluez

3 times now ive encountered tourists on the wrong side of the road in the same place by the rock of cashel
Comment from : rover100bunson

Warner Strauss
Well done Thank you!
Comment from : Warner Strauss

You Tube
I now feel well informed and just a little more intimidated 😅
Comment from : You Tube

Dr Abdulrahman Al Abri
Can I bring my own car ( which is designed left side driver ) like USA? and what is the best shipment agency ( from Oman to Ireland)? what about the insurance ?
Comment from : Dr Abdulrahman Al Abri

Michael John Dennis
When I used to live with my family in Rural Ireland, I used to drive motorcycles between 1993 - 1998 and driving into Dublin City Centre was scary especially with roundabouts on the motorways - you must keep clear and well back of especially large vehicles like trucks and buses, especially if turning left and at roundabouts and you must never attempt to pass/overtake on the left, especially at roundabouts - now when I come home to family in Ireland on visits from Manchester UK, I’m totally reliant on public transport and seeing the driving antics from the bus or coach it’s almost comical to watch once off the ferry from Holyhead and once onto the Navan Rd, around Blanchardstown past the M50 heading for Clonee and Dunshaughlin where my family lives in Co Meath
Comment from : Michael John Dennis

Brian Livingston Jr
Very helpful, thanks! I'd been a bit nervous about driving while in Ireland but video has helped ease my doubts Well done
Comment from : Brian Livingston Jr

Luke Spector
The DeLorean
Comment from : Luke Spector

Ajay Ramirez
My wife and I are in Ireland for our honeymoon, we're from IN so it's definitely a huge culture shock After being here for a few days (we spent time in Dublin but renting a car today to explore the countryside for a few days) I'm less worried about "driving on the left" and more worried about how the actual roads are designed, walking through Dublin people drive so fast and carelessly that I'm scared I won't have time to think about my next move before I get hit, and definitely a little worried about the highways and junctions lol wish me luck everyone
Comment from : Ajay Ramirez

Raja Aziz RM
Thank you Sir,brVery informative and useful
Comment from : Raja Aziz RM

Amanda Irvin
Bailey better take me everywhere and make up for all this
Comment from : Amanda Irvin

Iryna Krasiuk
Thank you ☺️
Comment from : Iryna Krasiuk

Ireland is a complete joke as a country for car rentals Phoned 4 car rental companies to rent a car for a client from Saturday morning to Sunday evening Was told by all 4 that they close early on Sunday afternoon or are closed all day! Lol And this was in the height of the summer season!!! There isn't an iota of enterprise in this country with lazy, unimaginative workers If it wasn't for the foreign investment from US etc, this country would be truly up shit creak
Comment from : Setanta

Dra Verónica
Thanks a lot, ❤
Comment from : Dra Verónica

Ron Worley
All great advice! Was just there a couple of weeks ago and everything you said is relevant and accurate Cheers!
Comment from : Ron Worley

Michael M
please help - we are traveling to ireland in a week and we have mixed info on one thing - getting a taxi what is the best way to get a taxi and or airport shuttle - is there a good app? we found FREENOW app but it has some sketchy reviews appreciate any help! thx
Comment from : Michael M

Driving on the left side of the road with the wheel on the right side of the car would definitely take some getting used to, especially using my left hand to shift as I'm a righty Probaly wouldn't be as difficult if the wheel were on the left side of the car like I'm used to Eh, that's why I'm taking the train/bus everywhere my first Ireland trip the end of May
Comment from : Brandon

"Dont expect a 60 mile drive to take 60 minutes" sure it does! for us locals who will bomb around any bend at 80
Comment from : Trumped

Brunson Powner
Nice video with good tips for first timers
Comment from : Brunson Powner

Houdini Brains
Big fan of this channel!
Comment from : Houdini Brains

I’ll never drive in Dublin again!brRound-a-bouts I quickly found out that if you’re in the outside lane you’re expected to exit to the nearest road!
Comment from : ltcajh

Tom Smith
Love the part about the reverse gear I discovered that on an Opel in RSA once I drove fine from the airport to the hotel Next morning I had to reverse out of parking and what the heck??? Actually had to check the owner's manual 😕😆
Comment from : Tom Smith

Driving on the left is not just in Ireland its all of the British Isles
Comment from : everyone06

Audrey Meyer
Hey this was very helpful! Thank you
Comment from : Audrey Meyer

People over the age of 72 or 75 Need to have a doctors note signed by doctor stating they’re OK to drive to rent a car in Ireland Well, we were picking up our car The couple next to us ran into this issue and I felt so sorry for them
Comment from : connie

Rod Johnon
I'm going to be in Ireland in 2 weeks This really helps Thank you
Comment from : Rod Johnon

Wander Luster
You’ve convinced me…I’m taking public transportation!
Comment from : Wander Luster

Thank you Sir :)
Comment from : Tom

CrazyBearded BeerReviews
I just want to point out that Americans know how to use a car that has a manual transmission It’s just the little kids that you teach that don’t know how to drive manual transmission vehicles mainly because they are not shown how to drive one By there parents
Comment from : CrazyBearded BeerReviews

Rhianna Mays, Energy Transformer & Intuitive
Is driving in Ireland the same as Scotland? I’m doing both in may I’d love to see a video from the drivers perspective Take us through a roundabout please
Comment from : Rhianna Mays, Energy Transformer & Intuitive

K Lowe
How much the GPS system? I was also told by Avis that insurance comes with the rental by default because I'm international Should I do more research on this? Going in March of this year and so excited the video was helpful
Comment from : K Lowe

Steven Richmond
You are awesome I've been prepping for a trip to Birr and your videos are great Love that you're out here filling us in on euro travel tips Thank you 🙏
Comment from : Steven Richmond

Josh Steffens
I plan on bringing my 1999 suburban with me, will that be hard to drive there
Comment from : Josh Steffens

I am paying the extra $17 a day to get an automatic Just one less thing to worry about as I drive
Comment from : Magnificus

Gerard Stevenson
@woltersworld - is it possible to rent a car in Dublin and drop the car off in Belfast?
Comment from : Gerard Stevenson

David Clemens
Can you hire a driver / tour guide to take the driving stress away❓
Comment from : David Clemens

Gerard Flynn
Literally every country outside of the USbrBlinkers are called Indicators
Comment from : Gerard Flynn

What is the cost to rent a small car for a week? Anyone give me an estimate?
Comment from : Katrina

Silvia A
I want to go but my husband doesn't, he refuses to travel anywhere with me I drive automatic, difficult to learn stick for me because I tend to use both feet for gas and brake pedals But I will try again to learn stick I also have an anxiety disorder, which makes it hard to retain info, I've tried learning a couple times already, but I must try again!!!💪br Working on the courage to book my solo ticket!!! I've wanted to see Ireland since I saw a picture of it in a magazine when I was about 6 yrs old🤗🥹I was Amazed😳😳 by it's beauty and said to my mom, "where is that?! Can we go there right now?!" She explained it was not a location we could drive to from our home And I vowed to visit the place one daybrWish someone would join me💗 Especially because I plan to drive most of the time to explore as much as possible, and would like to include Scotland in my vacation! brI'm going to pray that someone joins me💓💓💗 or that I go by myself and can do it all and have fun!!!💕
Comment from : Silvia A

Ab Abner
I would say make sure you get an automatic car even if you drive a manual in the US I made this mistake make sure you get a manual because you need to switch gears with the left hand instead of the right Also, as Wolters World says pay the extra for the GPS The GPS on your phone may not work as well in Ireland Consider bringing a magnet for the back of your car reading: "STUDENT DRIVER PLEASE BE KIND"
Comment from : Ab Abner

Wings Of Angels
How to drive the left and distance in kilometers, exactly the same as us indonesia country 🇮🇩 thank you for this information big brother👍🏼
Comment from : Wings Of Angels

How about the tolls? Is it best to pre-pay them from the Rental Car Company or just pay as you go? I know the M50 can't be paid in cash
Comment from : Jrprez22

Tommy Shlug
Im irish and everything you said is spot on Great video
Comment from : Tommy Shlug

jaqi k
It would be great if you did a driving video in America for non American folks, thanks
Comment from : jaqi k

Greg Cole
Great video and thanks for the tipsbrWe are planing a trip to Ireland early next yearbrCan we use our standard (US) credit cards in Ireland (swipe and signature) or do we have to have credit cards with PIN numbers? Not many US cards have PIN numbers except for cash advances…
Comment from : Greg Cole

Paul Flood
Bro I’m Irish and doing Conor pass in dingle in a rental, Dylan terrifying, get the insurance
Comment from : Paul Flood

When driving out on the country roads, raise one finger from the steering wheel and 'salute' oncoming drivers They will often do the same automatically but look a bit confused as they wonder who you are Try it! ☺️
Comment from : Snowcelt

Book your rental car as far in advance as possible! Post COVID, car rental fees in Ireland have become ridiculously high
Comment from : Snowcelt

Don't forget to pay the e-toll if you use the M50 coming from or going to Dublin Airport Pay it online within 24 hours of travelling
Comment from : Snowcelt

Great information Going over next summer to play golf in the south east This was just what I needed as I don’t drink and will be the dd 😂
Comment from : Shawn

Driving on the left can be intimidating at first, but you're right after doing it for a short while you get used to it Just take your time and be patient with yourself I drove on the left for the first time in St Thomas in the Virgin Islands If I can do you can too! 👍😊
Comment from : Debra

James Binns
Reverse! I once spent most of a French lunch hour in the rental car parking lot due to not knowing how to get the car into reversebrBack in the US , my work truck was a Ford F250 5- speed---- I knew how to drive a manual, just did not know the trick of getting a Fiat into reverse
Comment from : James Binns

Greg Matty
Do not rent your car from Avis, they scam you into buying their car insurance coverage which almost doubles the price of the rental We have used Hertz in several EU countries and they let you use your existing car insurance on your car rental, no extra chargers like Avis
Comment from : Greg Matty

Rory OFee
Super helpful Thank you so much for making this!
Comment from : Rory OFee

Hi Mark! My name is Mark too, but I just wanted to thank you for all your videos We've used your videos a lot for tips to travel, and you've come out with yet another useful video We 've watched so many videos, we feel like we know your family Anyway, keep posting all that you post, and all the relevant info you provide Thanks!
Comment from : djhams

When i lived up north we used to thumb it / hitch hike,along the coast rdYour vlogs kool mo cara,nice oneCead Mile Failte and Haste Ye Back
Comment from : onethreetv

Jacob Blick
Do Americans need any special license or permit? If I possess a US driver license am I able to rent a car in Ireland?
Comment from : Jacob Blick

A Heat
Where is it better to rent a car, the UK or the Republic of Ireland?
Comment from : A Heat

wont find me
Local drivers in Northern Ireland who have passed their driving test must not drive over 45mph in their first year and they have to drive at 45 mph on the motorway which the speed limit is 70mph Yes it's a stupid law and is dangerous on the motorway Thats why you need to be alert I have had to slam on the brakes because of this it is annoying
Comment from : wont find me

christina bales
Does Ireland have a Uber or Lyft service ? So we don’t need to rent or is there a different service
Comment from : christina bales

Ulrich Gayer
You should be aware that crossing the border between the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland might be easy technically BUT crossing into another jurisdiction usually is not allowed by your car rental company And they have their cars equipped with GPS trackers, so they will know!
Comment from : Ulrich Gayer

Windy roads at 10m18 ? Poor choice of video
Comment from : peetieyou

John Highstreet
Comment from : John Highstreet

Tony O Donnell
A tip for any Americans anxious of driving in Ireland, just follow the traffic in front of your car, the rest will sort itself out, drive as slow as you want except on the Motorway/Freeway, we are used to beginner drivers and inexperienced drivers on the roads and in the cities so take your time and enjoy your trip
Comment from : Tony O Donnell

Prabaths Diary (4S6RSP)
Thanks for the video
Comment from : Prabaths Diary (4S6RSP)

Virtual Feats
thank you for another great video about my country thank you for promoting us ❤️ sending love from your fans in Ireland 🇮🇪
Comment from : Virtual Feats

Noel Kelly
#1 one for anyone travelling from the USif your phone is unlocked, buy a Vodafone (or other) Sim card for 30 euro Unlimited data and calling in EU with over 100 minutes to USis good throughout EU You can buy the card at a kiosk or any phone storethere are lots of them
Comment from : Noel Kelly

Jim Della Vecchia
Don't let your wife/gf drive-EVER!!
Comment from : Jim Della Vecchia

David Shields
Blinkers, we call them winking Willie'sbr( Just to avoid confusion)
Comment from : David Shields

Polly Duron
I drove for the first time on the other side from Edinburgh to Kilkady I counted 32 roundabouts After those, Ireland was a breeze and I actually enjoyed them It is so smooth and quick The one lane roads were tricky but mostly people cooperated and it was fine I actually loved driving after a bit I did have to put Adblue in my Diesel because it was lownot fun
Comment from : Polly Duron

Thanks for sharing; take care 🔥
Comment from : ShiningNoctowls

Darren Aitcheson
Nice to see the sign for Cloughmills (my home village) making an appearance 🤣
Comment from : Darren Aitcheson

Gerard Flynn
The best way to explore Ireland or any country for that matterbrIs to intentionally get completely lost, you Will see amazing sights by using this methodbrDon't worry about getting back, the locals Will point you in the right direction
Comment from : Gerard Flynn

subpar nature documentary unexpert commentary
i still drive and have been most of my adult life driving manual transmission cars mostly volkswagen golfs and gtis and am really looking forward to driving a manual european hatchback when i eventually make my way over to the land of most of my ancestors
Comment from : subpar nature documentary unexpert commentary

Paul OBrien
Some of that footage is on the N52 Dundalk to Ardee road, not far from where I live!
Comment from : Paul OBrien

Ninty Family TV NFTV
Remember "Ireland" is the whole island and using the term "Northern" and indeed not using it can be deemed controversial in the north, depending on what side or "tribe" in the north, hence fighting since partition Most of Ireland it's classed as just "Ireland", no "Northern"
Comment from : Ninty Family TV NFTV

Comment from : Heyvideos

Joseph Kiernan
If you are going to drive the same "loop" thru the country like all the tour busses do, go in the same direction as the busses do The roads are narrow, and you don't really want to share corners with the oncoming busses (or semi trucks)brbrJoke from the bus drivers: Ireland is known for its musicians and poets, not for its engineers
Comment from : Joseph Kiernan

Christine Polacek
Is driving on the left , only Northern Ireland right ?
Comment from : Christine Polacek

The garda here will go out of their way for tourists DO NOT DRINK AND DRIVE THOU An on country roads expect to meet a trackor The bends are letal Meet a tractor will ur going too fast an yeah
Comment from : Pope

I'm curious where you in a town called Balbriggan East Coast Great videos If you where cause you look very familiar I gave an American family directions of the beach A short cut back to the town by a monastery I wonder now was it you Hmmmm
Comment from : Pope

Do the little finger wave
Comment from : Pope

Are their clutch and gas pedals reversed??
Comment from : LIONSTAR

Vanessas podcast and travel
Hello there
Comment from : Vanessas podcast and travel

Theo Schütz
Easy we also drive left sidebrCheers from South Africa
Comment from : Theo Schütz

We honeymooned in Ireland in 1998 and on my first day driving I came around the corner and sure enough clipped my mirror on a fruit stand on the edge of the road 🤣 My husband brings it up almost monthly!
Comment from : kelly1827

Brian Schneider
My mother in law had to ask a gas attendant how to shift into R It's tricky for some people
Comment from : Brian Schneider

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