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Before and after: What do tourists really think of Israel?


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Faisal said
Free Palestine
Comment from : Faisal said

Suldaan Norway
Comment from : Suldaan Norway

I love to visit Israel and watch the way they persecute the Palestinians, its so reminiscent of the Nazis treatment of the Jews in Europe in the 1930s !
Comment from : Dan80

Trust me: after 2 hours of interrogation at the airport when LEAVING the country and someone stuck a microphone in my face asking me what I thought about the place I'm suggesting it would not make it past the editing room of this video!
Comment from : revol148

Free Palestine, Israel is not a country
Comment from : doctormagik

I feel and sence the ashkenazis being behind This Work brbrVery bad - They don’t know our land brbrStop with This shit ! It is a response to our enemies - and they feed on it brbrWe Will cut of the heads of the responsebel of those behind This mess of yours

The propaganda of being apartheid State is from our enemies Don’t put 1 of a second into that

Gail lens
Very true, see for yourself,visit Israel
Comment from : Gail lens

chana bayla1
You can tell which one is whichthe arab will eventually blow something up From an American Israeli
Comment from : chana bayla1

nat adodo
I wan’t to visit Israel but because of PCR test you required upon arrival turns me off Can you open your border without swabbing now?
Comment from : nat adodo

Prashant Singh
Go to Jerusalem
Comment from : Prashant Singh

Hamza Mr
Palestine for ever <3
Comment from : Hamza Mr

juda sephardi
“Zionism is the transformation of Judaism, from religion, from subservience to God, into a material concept of nationalism This is unacceptable to the ones who want to serve God In order to create this nationalism, they are removing God from the equationbrbr“We were warned by the prophets that we would be expelled from the land and that happened with the destruction of the temple [in Jerusalem] 2,000 years ago We were not to return in mass – it’s a godly decreed exile – and we’re also not to rebel against any nation we reside in We are to be loyal citizens and pray for the well-being of the land that is our hosts We also should never make any attempt to end exile”brbr“[Zionists’] goal was to have their material state, and whatever stood in their way didn’t bother them The Torah says thou shall not steal’ so every concept of Zionism is breaching the Torah They knew our religion does not call for us to take up arms and take over the land On the contrary, we are forbidden”
Comment from : juda sephardi

Dharia Lurie
אדם יקר, אנא קרא את המסר החשוב הזה:brbrפָאלוּן דָאפָא", הנקראת גם "פָאלוּן גוֹנְג", היא שיטה רוחנית שהפכה לחלק אינטגרלי מחייהם של מיליוני אנשים ברחבי העולם שורשיה במסורת של אסכולת הבודהא, והיא כוללת שני מרכיבים עיקריים: 1 שיפור עצמי באמצעות לימוד הספרים; 2 תרגילים עדינים ומדיטציהbrהיא דרך שבה "היטמעות לתכונות הגבוהות ביותר של היקום – ג'ן, שן, רן (אמת, חמלה, סובלנות) היא הבסיסbrהפאלון דאפא נרדפת בסין משנת 1999 על ידי המשטר הקומוניסטי הסיניbr hefalundafaorg/br heminghuiorg/
Comment from : Dharia Lurie

Muzzammil Deen
Israel’s policy of constructing and expanding illegal settlements on occupied Palestinian land isone of the main driving forcesbehind the mass human rights violations resulting from the occupation Over the past 50 years, Israel has demolished tens of thousands of Palestinian properties and displaced large swathes of the population to build homes and infrastructure to illegally settle its own population in the occupied territories It has also diverted Palestinian natural resources such as water and agricultural land for settlement usebrbrThe very existence of settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territories violates international humanitarian law and is a war crime Despite multiple UN resolutions, Israel has continued to appropriate Palestinian land and support at least 600,000 settlers living in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem Until 2005, more than 9,000 Israeli settlers were illegally residing in Gaza
Comment from : Muzzammil Deen

Eva Owen
Yoseph Haddad is one of the best ambassadors for Israel!
Comment from : Eva Owen

Israel uncovered
Check out Israel uncovered for the best spots in Israel !! 🇮🇱✌️☮️
Comment from : Israel uncovered

Alex Smith
Israel is an Apartheid state Anybody saying differently is flat out lying or doesn't understand what is really going on West Bank people cannot travel all throughout israel, even though Israelis can go freely to their side That's classic Apartheid
Comment from : Alex Smith

I'm iranian and unlike our murderous regime i send love to Israel 🇮🇱❤️
Comment from : Amir

The real children of Israel will conquer what is rightfully there’s
Comment from : Joe

Santo Diablo
Israel is a super expensive country
Comment from : Santo Diablo

Amir Tehrani
Lmao 🤣 ok
Comment from : Amir Tehrani

Patriots For Israel 𓂆
Israel 🇮🇱brbrIs a democracy brbrProtects free speech brbrHolds all citizens equalbrbrHas a critical and free press brbrHas a world class judiciary brbrPractices freedom of religion brbrIs LGBT friendly brbrIf you are 'anti-Israel' or 'anti-Zionist' it says more about YOU than Israel 😊
Comment from : Patriots For Israel 𓂆

Tamar has field is nearest to lebanon Just you changed points and lyedit is your habits
Comment from : J J

Israel dangerous country 🚀🚀💣
Comment from : binu

Liran Barsisa
Subtitles have some mistakes:br1:06 Should be "that there is a partnership"br2:46 Should be "Once you are here"
Comment from : Liran Barsisa

That it is an apartheid state
Comment from : Betweenlamp&post2

Nathaniel Floress
Godbless Israel 🇮🇱 Peace ☮️
Comment from : Nathaniel Floress

David Green
Tel-Aviv isn't Israel -the interviewer should travel to Haifa , Be'er Sheva , Jerusalem , Eilat etc , and ask tourists in THOSE locations
Comment from : David Green

Sol Schwarz
I was in Israel last month for a most amazing visit! Once on the light rail in Jerusalem I struck up a (very broken) conversation with an Arab who told me he is from Gaza on a work permit He loves it in Israel and wishes he could stay In a Jewish-owned book store chain, Steimatzky, I was served by an Arab woman Ahead of me in the long queue at the airport there was an Arab family - all with Israeli passports Everyone was warm and friendly and not the slightest hint of "apartheid" or discrimination or anything the Israel-haters like to blame Israel with
Comment from : Sol Schwarz

There are so so many dopes that don't even know what apartheid means, and know nothing of what goes on here
Comment from : M A

Try walking through an arab city wearing something Jewish like a Jewish star etc You won't walk out alive
Comment from : M A

L Cohen
Dear tourist, Please visit occupied West Bank and Gaza (worlds largest open air prison) to witness firsthand Apartheid system established by Israel You do not get Apartheid Label by HRW, Amnesty and Israel’s B’Tselem so easily
Comment from : L Cohen

Malcolm Black
Well done, you've successfully defeated the strawman of Tel Aviv being apartheid that you created
Comment from : Malcolm Black

N Sturgeon
One of the biggest culprits is the BBC
Comment from : N Sturgeon

t l duncan
And your guys are great looking too!
Comment from : t l duncan

Henry Kluzy
I'm from South East Nigeria (Biafran) we are not different from Israel and by God grace next year 2023 Biafra will be the greatest alliance Israel will have in Africa because we are Israelites
Comment from : Henry Kluzy

Tommy Hawk
Personally i am crazy about Israel It is really the country for God’s chosen people I love praying at the western wall in Jerusalem I love the fellowship with other Christians from all over the world Two things I am not too crazy about is the, somewhat arrogance from some Israelis like “we are top dollar because we are the best and the coolest in the world” maybe you are, but be humble about it The first person you meet at the airport is a sour woman who says very angry: Passport, what is your business in Israel? Could she be just a little friendly, I just paid half years salary, and spend many hours in a narrow plane seat, next to a big sweaty dude, so please be a bit welcoming I simply wish to visit you wonderful country, not run away with your daughter… (definitely not after meeting the mother)
Comment from : Tommy Hawk

Pedro The wise
Wht would anybody go ob holiday in a bunker?
Comment from : Pedro The wise

ابو علي
Long live Palestine 🇵🇸
Comment from : ابو علي

Dan Reznik
now that the evil envious ones cannot defeat israel w weapons, they try to defame israel's prosperity and society w vile and mendacious words let these visitors from europe tell the world about the overt antisemitism they hear in their media
Comment from : Dan Reznik

Cholpon Kudus
Palestinians should do DNA test, I think they come from everywhere It's better to know your roots, make money and travel all over the world
Comment from : Cholpon Kudus

Hamza Ouamrouche
Is Real people here
Comment from : Hamza Ouamrouche

ماجد عبدالله محمد جاسم الزلام
Despise torture Stress
Comment from : ماجد عبدالله محمد جاسم الزلام

Birgitta Nachmann
Comment from : Birgitta Nachmann

Arjan Hassing
Israel is a beautiful countrybrMust be the most beautiful country on earthbrThe government is probably the most worst in decades maybe even longerbrBut the country and the righteous believers and the righteous followers of the Bible are good/specialbrLong live The Promised Land and the real believers and the real followers of the Bible!!!br🌿🕊🙏🏼⛪❤⛪🙏🏼🕊🌿
Comment from : Arjan Hassing

eh 🤩🤩🤩
Comment from : useroniku

Volganti Friebus
Hey hey stop speaking muh "special" language dudes
Comment from : Volganti Friebus

will salazar ramirez
JERICÓ ISRAEL 🇮🇱 🇮🇱 🇮🇱 🇮🇱 🇮🇱 🇮🇱 🤝 CHICLAYO PERU 🇵🇪
Comment from : will salazar ramirez

will salazar ramirez
Comment from : will salazar ramirez

walker T and T
Israel is a lovely country Long-live Israel
Comment from : walker T and T

Solving Politics
UN officials & Palestinian dictators have made a fortune for themselves from the Israeli/Palestinian conflict
Comment from : Solving Politics

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